#include "DemodulatorThread.h" #include "CubicSDRDefs.h" #include #ifdef __APPLE__ #include #endif DemodulatorThread::DemodulatorThread(DemodulatorThreadPostInputQueue* pQueue, DemodulatorThreadCommandQueue* threadQueueNotify) : postInputQueue(pQueue), visOutQueue(NULL), terminated(false), audioInputQueue(NULL), threadQueueNotify(threadQueueNotify) { float kf = 0.5; // modulation factor fdem = freqdem_create(kf); // freqdem_print(fdem); } DemodulatorThread::~DemodulatorThread() { } #ifdef __APPLE__ void *DemodulatorThread::threadMain() { #else void DemodulatorThread::threadMain() { #endif #ifdef __APPLE__ pthread_t tID = pthread_self(); // ID of this thread int priority = sched_get_priority_max( SCHED_FIFO )-1; sched_param prio = {priority}; // scheduling priority of thread pthread_setschedparam(tID, SCHED_FIFO, &prio); #endif msresamp_crcf audio_resampler = NULL; msresamp_crcf resampler = NULL; std::cout << "Demodulator thread started.." << std::endl; while (!terminated) { DemodulatorThreadPostIQData inp; postInputQueue->pop(inp); int bufSize = inp.data.size(); if (!bufSize) { continue; } if (resampler == NULL) { resampler = inp.resampler; audio_resampler = inp.audio_resampler; } else if (resampler != inp.resampler) { msresamp_crcf_destroy(resampler); msresamp_crcf_destroy(audio_resampler); resampler = inp.resampler; audio_resampler = inp.audio_resampler; } int out_size = ceil((float) (bufSize) * inp.resample_ratio); liquid_float_complex resampled_data[out_size]; unsigned int num_written; msresamp_crcf_execute(resampler, &inp.data[0], bufSize, resampled_data, &num_written); float audio_resample_ratio = inp.audio_resample_ratio; float demod_output[num_written]; freqdem_demodulate_block(fdem, resampled_data, num_written, demod_output); liquid_float_complex demod_audio_data[num_written]; for (int i = 0; i < num_written; i++) { demod_audio_data[i].real = demod_output[i]; demod_audio_data[i].imag = 0; } int audio_out_size = ceil((float) (num_written) * audio_resample_ratio); liquid_float_complex resampled_audio_output[audio_out_size]; unsigned int num_audio_written; msresamp_crcf_execute(audio_resampler, demod_audio_data, num_written, resampled_audio_output, &num_audio_written); std::vector newBuffer; newBuffer.resize(num_audio_written * 2); for (int i = 0; i < num_audio_written; i++) { liquid_float_complex y = resampled_audio_output[i]; newBuffer[i * 2] = y.real; newBuffer[i * 2 + 1] = y.real; } AudioThreadInput ati; ati.data = newBuffer; if (audioInputQueue != NULL) { audioInputQueue->push(ati); } if (visOutQueue != NULL && visOutQueue->empty()) { if (num_audio_written > num_written) { visOutQueue->push(ati); } else { AudioThreadInput ati_vis; ati_vis.data.assign(demod_output, demod_output + num_written); visOutQueue->push(ati_vis); } } } if (resampler != NULL) { msresamp_crcf_destroy(resampler); } if (audio_resampler != NULL) { msresamp_crcf_destroy(audio_resampler); } std::cout << "Demodulator thread done." << std::endl; DemodulatorThreadCommand tCmd(DemodulatorThreadCommand::DEMOD_THREAD_CMD_DEMOD_TERMINATED); tCmd.context = this; threadQueueNotify->push(tCmd); } void DemodulatorThread::terminate() { terminated = true; DemodulatorThreadPostIQData inp; // push dummy to nudge queue postInputQueue->push(inp); }