#include #include #include #include "CubicSDR.h" #include #include #include #if USE_HAMLIB #include "RigThread.h" #endif bool demodFreqCompare (DemodulatorInstance *i, DemodulatorInstance *j) { return (i->getFrequency()getFrequency()); } bool inactiveCompare (DemodulatorInstance *i, DemodulatorInstance *j) { return (i->isActive()isActive()); } DemodulatorMgr::DemodulatorMgr() { activeDemodulator = NULL; lastActiveDemodulator = NULL; activeVisualDemodulator = NULL; lastBandwidth = DEFAULT_DEMOD_BW; lastDemodType = DEFAULT_DEMOD_TYPE; lastSquelchEnabled = false; lastSquelch = -100; lastGain = 1.0; lastMuted = false; lastDeltaLock = false; } DemodulatorMgr::~DemodulatorMgr() { terminateAll(); } DemodulatorInstance *DemodulatorMgr::newThread() { std::lock_guard < std::recursive_mutex > lock(demods_busy); DemodulatorInstance *newDemod = new DemodulatorInstance; std::stringstream label; label << demods.size(); newDemod->setLabel(label.str()); demods.push_back(newDemod); return newDemod; } void DemodulatorMgr::terminateAll() { std::lock_guard < std::recursive_mutex > lock(demods_busy); while (demods.size()) { DemodulatorInstance *d = demods.back(); demods.pop_back(); wxGetApp().removeDemodulator(d); deleteThread(d); } } std::vector &DemodulatorMgr::getDemodulators() { std::lock_guard < std::recursive_mutex > lock(demods_busy); return demods; } std::vector DemodulatorMgr::getOrderedDemodulators(bool actives) { std::lock_guard < std::recursive_mutex > lock(demods_busy); std::vector demods_ordered = demods; if (actives) { std::sort(demods_ordered.begin(), demods_ordered.end(), inactiveCompare); std::vector::iterator i; for (i = demods_ordered.begin(); i != demods_ordered.end(); i++) { if ((*i)->isActive()) { break; } } if (i == demods_ordered.end()) { demods_ordered.erase(demods_ordered.begin(), demods_ordered.end()); } else if ((*i) != demods_ordered.front()) { demods_ordered.erase(demods_ordered.begin(), i); } } //if by chance they have the same frequency, keep their relative order std::stable_sort(demods_ordered.begin(), demods_ordered.end(), demodFreqCompare); return demods_ordered; } DemodulatorInstance *DemodulatorMgr::getPreviousDemodulator(DemodulatorInstance *demod, bool actives) { std::lock_guard < std::recursive_mutex > lock(demods_busy); if (!getLastActiveDemodulator()) { return nullptr; } std::vector demods_ordered = getOrderedDemodulators(actives); std::vector::iterator p = std::find(demods_ordered.begin(), demods_ordered.end(), demod); if (p == demods_ordered.end()) { return nullptr; } if (*p == demods_ordered.front()) { return demods_ordered.back(); } return *(--p); } DemodulatorInstance *DemodulatorMgr::getNextDemodulator(DemodulatorInstance *demod, bool actives) { std::lock_guard < std::recursive_mutex > lock(demods_busy); if (!getLastActiveDemodulator()) { return nullptr; } std::vector demods_ordered = getOrderedDemodulators(actives); std::vector::iterator p = std::find(demods_ordered.begin(), demods_ordered.end(), demod); if (actives) { } if (p == demods_ordered.end()) { return nullptr; } if (*p == demods_ordered.back()) { return demods_ordered.front(); } return *(++p); } DemodulatorInstance *DemodulatorMgr::getLastDemodulator() { std::lock_guard < std::recursive_mutex > lock(demods_busy); std::vector demods_ordered = getOrderedDemodulators(); return *(demods_ordered.end()); } DemodulatorInstance *DemodulatorMgr::getFirstDemodulator() { std::lock_guard < std::recursive_mutex > lock(demods_busy); std::vector demods_ordered = getOrderedDemodulators(); return *(demods_ordered.begin()); } void DemodulatorMgr::deleteThread(DemodulatorInstance *demod) { std::lock_guard < std::recursive_mutex > lock(demods_busy); std::vector::iterator i; i = std::find(demods.begin(), demods.end(), demod); if (activeDemodulator == demod) { activeDemodulator = NULL; } if (lastActiveDemodulator == demod) { lastActiveDemodulator = NULL; } if (activeVisualDemodulator == demod) { activeVisualDemodulator = NULL; } if (i != demods.end()) { demods.erase(i); } demod->terminate(); demods_deleted.push_back(demod); } std::vector *DemodulatorMgr::getDemodulatorsAt(long long freq, int bandwidth) { std::lock_guard < std::recursive_mutex > lock(demods_busy); std::vector *foundDemods = new std::vector(); for (int i = 0, iMax = demods.size(); i < iMax; i++) { DemodulatorInstance *testDemod = demods[i]; long long freqTest = testDemod->getFrequency(); long long bandwidthTest = testDemod->getBandwidth(); long long halfBandwidthTest = bandwidthTest / 2; long long halfBuffer = bandwidth / 2; if ((freq <= (freqTest + ((testDemod->getDemodulatorType() != "LSB")?halfBandwidthTest:0) + halfBuffer)) && (freq >= (freqTest - ((testDemod->getDemodulatorType() != "USB")?halfBandwidthTest:0) - halfBuffer))) { foundDemods->push_back(testDemod); } } return foundDemods; } bool DemodulatorMgr::anyDemodulatorsAt(long long freq, int bandwidth) { std::lock_guard < std::recursive_mutex > lock(demods_busy); for (int i = 0, iMax = demods.size(); i < iMax; i++) { DemodulatorInstance *testDemod = demods[i]; long long freqTest = testDemod->getFrequency(); long long bandwidthTest = testDemod->getBandwidth(); long long halfBandwidthTest = bandwidthTest / 2; long long halfBuffer = bandwidth / 2; if ((freq <= (freqTest + ((testDemod->getDemodulatorType() != "LSB")?halfBandwidthTest:0) + halfBuffer)) && (freq >= (freqTest - ((testDemod->getDemodulatorType() != "USB")?halfBandwidthTest:0) - halfBuffer))) { return true; } } return false; } void DemodulatorMgr::setActiveDemodulator(DemodulatorInstance *demod, bool temporary) { std::lock_guard < std::recursive_mutex > lock(demods_busy); if (!temporary) { if (activeDemodulator != NULL) { lastActiveDemodulator = activeDemodulator; updateLastState(); } else { lastActiveDemodulator = demod; } updateLastState(); #if USE_HAMLIB if (wxGetApp().rigIsActive() && wxGetApp().getRigThread()->getFollowModem() && lastActiveDemodulator) { wxGetApp().getRigThread()->setFrequency(lastActiveDemodulator->getFrequency(),true); } #endif } else { garbageCollect(); } if (activeVisualDemodulator) { activeVisualDemodulator->setVisualOutputQueue(NULL); } if (demod) { demod->setVisualOutputQueue(wxGetApp().getAudioVisualQueue()); activeVisualDemodulator = demod; } else { DemodulatorInstance *last = getLastActiveDemodulator(); if (last) { last->setVisualOutputQueue(wxGetApp().getAudioVisualQueue()); } activeVisualDemodulator = last; } activeDemodulator = demod; } DemodulatorInstance *DemodulatorMgr::getActiveDemodulator() { if (activeDemodulator && !activeDemodulator->isActive()) { activeDemodulator = getLastActiveDemodulator(); } return activeDemodulator; } DemodulatorInstance *DemodulatorMgr::getLastActiveDemodulator() { return lastActiveDemodulator; } //Private internal method, no need to protect it with demods_busy void DemodulatorMgr::garbageCollect() { if (demods_deleted.size()) { std::vector::iterator i; for (i = demods_deleted.begin(); i != demods_deleted.end(); i++) { if ((*i)->isTerminated()) { DemodulatorInstance *deleted = (*i); demods_deleted.erase(i); std::cout << "Garbage collected demodulator instance " << deleted->getLabel() << std::endl; delete deleted; return; } } } } void DemodulatorMgr::updateLastState() { std::lock_guard < std::recursive_mutex > lock(demods_busy); if (std::find(demods.begin(), demods.end(), lastActiveDemodulator) == demods.end()) { if (activeDemodulator && activeDemodulator->isActive()) { lastActiveDemodulator = activeDemodulator; } else if (activeDemodulator && !activeDemodulator->isActive()){ activeDemodulator = NULL; lastActiveDemodulator = NULL; } } if (lastActiveDemodulator && !lastActiveDemodulator->isActive()) { lastActiveDemodulator = NULL; } if (lastActiveDemodulator) { lastBandwidth = lastActiveDemodulator->getBandwidth(); lastDemodType = lastActiveDemodulator->getDemodulatorType(); lastDemodLock = lastActiveDemodulator->getDemodulatorLock()?true:false; lastSquelchEnabled = lastActiveDemodulator->isSquelchEnabled(); lastSquelch = lastActiveDemodulator->getSquelchLevel(); lastGain = lastActiveDemodulator->getGain(); lastModemSettings[lastDemodType] = lastActiveDemodulator->readModemSettings(); } } int DemodulatorMgr::getLastBandwidth() const { return lastBandwidth; } void DemodulatorMgr::setLastBandwidth(int lastBandwidth) { if (lastBandwidth < MIN_BANDWIDTH) { lastBandwidth = MIN_BANDWIDTH; } else if (lastBandwidth > wxGetApp().getSampleRate()) { lastBandwidth = wxGetApp().getSampleRate(); } this->lastBandwidth = lastBandwidth; } std::string DemodulatorMgr::getLastDemodulatorType() const { return lastDemodType; } void DemodulatorMgr::setLastDemodulatorType(std::string lastDemodType) { this->lastDemodType = lastDemodType; } float DemodulatorMgr::getLastGain() const { return lastGain; } void DemodulatorMgr::setLastGain(float lastGain) { this->lastGain = lastGain; } bool DemodulatorMgr::getLastDeltaLock() const { return lastDeltaLock; } void DemodulatorMgr::setLastDeltaLock(bool lock) { lastDeltaLock = lock; } float DemodulatorMgr::getLastSquelchLevel() const { return lastSquelch; } void DemodulatorMgr::setLastSquelchLevel(float lastSquelch) { this->lastSquelch = lastSquelch; } bool DemodulatorMgr::isLastSquelchEnabled() const { return lastSquelchEnabled; } void DemodulatorMgr::setLastSquelchEnabled(bool lastSquelchEnabled) { this->lastSquelchEnabled = lastSquelchEnabled; } bool DemodulatorMgr::isLastMuted() const { return lastMuted; } void DemodulatorMgr::setLastMuted(bool lastMuted) { this->lastMuted = lastMuted; } ModemSettings DemodulatorMgr::getLastModemSettings(std::string modemType) { return lastModemSettings[modemType]; } void DemodulatorMgr::setLastModemSettings(std::string modemType, ModemSettings settings) { lastModemSettings[modemType] = settings; }