// Copyright (c) Charles J. Cliffe // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ #include "AudioThread.h" #include #include #include "CubicSDR.h" #include "DemodulatorInstance.h" #include //50 ms #define HEARTBEAT_CHECK_PERIOD_MICROS (50 * 1000) std::map AudioThread::deviceController; std::map AudioThread::deviceSampleRate; std::recursive_mutex AudioThread::m_device_mutex; AudioThread::AudioThread() : IOThread(), nBufferFrames(1024), sampleRate(0), controllerThread(nullptr) { audioQueuePtr = 0; underflowCount = 0; active.store(false); outputDevice.store(-1); gain = 1.0; } AudioThread::~AudioThread() { if (controllerThread != nullptr) { // //NOT PROTECTED by m_mutex on purpose, to prevent deadlocks with controllerThread // it doesn't matter, it is only called when all "normal" audio threads are detached from the controller. // terminate(); controllerThread->join(); delete controllerThread; controllerThread = nullptr; } } std::recursive_mutex & AudioThread::getMutex() { return m_mutex; } void AudioThread::attachControllerThread(std::thread* controllerThread_in) { controllerThread = controllerThread_in; } void AudioThread::bindThread(AudioThread *other) { std::lock_guard lock(m_mutex); if (std::find(boundThreads.begin(), boundThreads.end(), other) == boundThreads.end()) { boundThreads.push_back(other); } } void AudioThread::removeThread(AudioThread *other) { std::lock_guard lock(m_mutex); auto i = std::find(boundThreads.begin(), boundThreads.end(), other); if (i != boundThreads.end()) { boundThreads.erase(i); } } void AudioThread::deviceCleanup() { // //NOT PROTECTED by m_device_mutex on purpose, to prevent deadlocks with i->second->controllerThread // it doesn't matter, it is only called when all "normal" audio threads are detached from the controller. // for (auto & i : deviceController) { delete i.second; } deviceController.clear(); } static int audioCallback(void *outputBuffer, void * /* inputBuffer */, unsigned int nBufferFrames, double /* streamTime */, RtAudioStreamStatus status, void *userData) { float *out = (float*)outputBuffer; //Zero output buffer in all cases: this allow to mute audio if no AudioThread data is //actually active. ::memset(out, 0, nBufferFrames * 2 * sizeof(float)); //src in the controller thread: auto *src = (AudioThread *)userData; //by construction, src is a controller thread, from deviceController: std::lock_guard lock(src->getMutex()); if (src->isTerminated()) { return 1; } if (status) { std::cout << "Audio buffer underflow.." << (src->underflowCount++) << std::endl << std::flush; } double peak = 0.0; //Process the bound threads audio: for (size_t j = 0; j < src->boundThreads.size(); j++) { AudioThread *srcmix = src->boundThreads[j]; //lock every single boundThread srcmix in succession the time we process //its audio samples. std::lock_guard lock(srcmix->getMutex()); if (srcmix->isTerminated() || !srcmix->inputQueue || srcmix->inputQueue->empty() || !srcmix->isActive()) { continue; } if (!srcmix->currentInput) { srcmix->audioQueuePtr = 0; if (!srcmix->inputQueue->try_pop(srcmix->currentInput)) { continue; } continue; } if (srcmix->currentInput->sampleRate != src->getSampleRate()) { while (srcmix->inputQueue->try_pop(srcmix->currentInput)) { if (srcmix->currentInput) { if (srcmix->currentInput->sampleRate == src->getSampleRate()) { break; } } srcmix->currentInput = nullptr; } //end while srcmix->audioQueuePtr = 0; if (!srcmix->currentInput) { continue; } } if (srcmix->currentInput->channels == 0 || srcmix->currentInput->data.empty()) { if (!srcmix->inputQueue->empty()) { srcmix->audioQueuePtr = 0; if (srcmix->currentInput) { srcmix->currentInput = nullptr; } if (!srcmix->inputQueue->try_pop(srcmix->currentInput)) { continue; } } continue; } double mixPeak = srcmix->currentInput->peak * srcmix->gain; if (srcmix->currentInput->channels == 1) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nBufferFrames; i++) { if (srcmix->audioQueuePtr >= srcmix->currentInput->data.size()) { srcmix->audioQueuePtr = 0; if (srcmix->currentInput) { srcmix->currentInput = nullptr; } if (!srcmix->inputQueue->try_pop(srcmix->currentInput)) { break; } double srcPeak = srcmix->currentInput->peak * srcmix->gain; if (mixPeak < srcPeak) { mixPeak = srcPeak; } } if (srcmix->currentInput && !srcmix->currentInput->data.empty()) { float v = srcmix->currentInput->data[srcmix->audioQueuePtr] * srcmix->gain; out[i * 2] += v; out[i * 2 + 1] += v; } srcmix->audioQueuePtr++; } } else { for (unsigned int i = 0, iMax = srcmix->currentInput->channels * nBufferFrames; i < iMax; i++) { if (srcmix->audioQueuePtr >= srcmix->currentInput->data.size()) { srcmix->audioQueuePtr = 0; if (srcmix->currentInput) { srcmix->currentInput = nullptr; } if (!srcmix->inputQueue->try_pop(srcmix->currentInput)) { break; } double srcPeak = srcmix->currentInput->peak * srcmix->gain; if (mixPeak < srcPeak) { mixPeak = srcPeak; } } if (srcmix->currentInput && !srcmix->currentInput->data.empty()) { out[i] = out[i] + srcmix->currentInput->data[srcmix->audioQueuePtr] * srcmix->gain; } srcmix->audioQueuePtr++; } } peak += mixPeak; } //normalize volume if (peak > 1.0) { float invPeak = (float)(1.0 / peak); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nBufferFrames * 2; i++) { out[i] *= invPeak; } } return 0; } void AudioThread::enumerateDevices(std::vector &devs) { RtAudio endac; unsigned int numDevices = endac.getDeviceCount(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numDevices; i++) { RtAudio::DeviceInfo info = endac.getDeviceInfo(i); devs.push_back(info); std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "Audio Device #" << i << " " << info.name << std::endl; std::cout << "\tDefault Output? " << (info.isDefaultOutput ? "Yes" : "No") << std::endl; std::cout << "\tDefault Input? " << (info.isDefaultInput ? "Yes" : "No") << std::endl; std::cout << "\tInput channels: " << info.inputChannels << std::endl; std::cout << "\tOutput channels: " << info.outputChannels << std::endl; std::cout << "\tDuplex channels: " << info.duplexChannels << std::endl; std::cout << "\t" << "Native formats:" << std::endl; RtAudioFormat nFormats = info.nativeFormats; if (nFormats & RTAUDIO_SINT8) { std::cout << "\t\t8-bit signed integer." << std::endl; } if (nFormats & RTAUDIO_SINT16) { std::cout << "\t\t16-bit signed integer." << std::endl; } if (nFormats & RTAUDIO_SINT24) { std::cout << "\t\t24-bit signed integer." << std::endl; } if (nFormats & RTAUDIO_SINT32) { std::cout << "\t\t32-bit signed integer." << std::endl; } if (nFormats & RTAUDIO_FLOAT32) { std::cout << "\t\t32-bit float normalized between plus/minus 1.0." << std::endl; } if (nFormats & RTAUDIO_FLOAT64) { std::cout << "\t\t64-bit float normalized between plus/minus 1.0." << std::endl; } std::vector::iterator srate; std::cout << "\t" << "Supported sample rates:" << std::endl; for (srate = info.sampleRates.begin(); srate != info.sampleRates.end(); srate++) { std::cout << "\t\t" << (*srate) << "hz" << std::endl; } std::cout << std::endl; } } void AudioThread::setDeviceSampleRate(int deviceId, int sampleRate) { AudioThread* matchingControllerThread = nullptr; //scope lock here to minimize the common unique static lock contention { std::lock_guard lock(m_device_mutex); if (deviceController.find(deviceId) != deviceController.end()) { matchingControllerThread = deviceController[deviceId]; } } //out-of-lock test if (matchingControllerThread != nullptr) { AudioThreadCommand refreshDevice; refreshDevice.cmd = AudioThreadCommand::AUDIO_THREAD_CMD_SET_SAMPLE_RATE; refreshDevice.int_value = sampleRate; //VSO : blocking push ! matchingControllerThread->getCommandQueue()->push(refreshDevice); } } void AudioThread::setSampleRate(int sampleRate_in) { bool thisIsAController = false; //scope lock here to minimize the common unique static lock contention { std::lock_guard lock(m_device_mutex); if (deviceController[outputDevice.load()] == this) { thisIsAController = true; deviceSampleRate[outputDevice.load()] = sampleRate_in; } } std::lock_guard lock(m_mutex); if (thisIsAController) { dac.stopStream(); dac.closeStream(); //Set bounded sample rate: for (auto srcmix : boundThreads) { srcmix->setSampleRate(sampleRate_in); } //make a local copy, snapshot of the list of demodulators std::vector demodulators = wxGetApp().getDemodMgr().getDemodulators(); for (const auto& demod : demodulators) { if (demod->getOutputDevice() == outputDevice.load()) { demod->setAudioSampleRate(sampleRate_in); } } dac.openStream(¶meters, nullptr, RTAUDIO_FLOAT32, sampleRate_in, &nBufferFrames, &audioCallback, (void *)this, &opts); dac.startStream(); } sampleRate = sampleRate_in; } int AudioThread::getSampleRate() { std::lock_guard lock(m_mutex); return sampleRate; } void AudioThread::setupDevice(int deviceId) { //global lock to setup the device... std::lock_guard lock(m_device_mutex); parameters.deviceId = deviceId; parameters.nChannels = 2; parameters.firstChannel = 0; opts.streamName = "CubicSDR Audio Output"; try { if (deviceController.find(outputDevice.load()) != deviceController.end()) { //'this' is not the controller, so remove it from the bounded list: //beware, we must take the controller mutex, because the audio callback may use the list of bounded //threads at that moment: std::lock_guard lock(deviceController[outputDevice.load()]->getMutex()); deviceController[outputDevice.load()]->removeThread(this); } #ifndef _MSC_VER opts.priority = sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO); #endif // opts.flags = RTAUDIO_MINIMIZE_LATENCY; opts.flags = RTAUDIO_SCHEDULE_REALTIME; if (deviceSampleRate.find(parameters.deviceId) != deviceSampleRate.end()) { sampleRate = deviceSampleRate[parameters.deviceId]; } else { std::cout << "Error, device sample rate wasn't initialized?" << std::endl; return; // sampleRate = AudioThread::getDefaultAudioSampleRate(); // deviceSampleRate[parameters.deviceId] = sampleRate; } //Create a new controller: if (deviceController.find(parameters.deviceId) == deviceController.end()) { //Create a new controller thread for parameters.deviceId: auto* newController = new AudioThread(); newController->setInitOutputDevice(parameters.deviceId, sampleRate); newController->bindThread(this); newController->attachControllerThread(new std::thread(&AudioThread::threadMain, newController)); deviceController[parameters.deviceId] = newController; } else if (deviceController[parameters.deviceId] == this) { //Attach callback dac.openStream(¶meters, nullptr, RTAUDIO_FLOAT32, sampleRate, &nBufferFrames, &audioCallback, (void *)this, &opts); dac.startStream(); } else { //we are a bound thread, add ourselves to the controller deviceController[parameters.deviceId]. //beware, we must take the controller mutex, because the audio callback may use the list of bounded //threads at that moment: std::lock_guard lock(deviceController[parameters.deviceId]->getMutex()); deviceController[parameters.deviceId]->bindThread(this); } active = true; } catch (RtAudioError& e) { e.printMessage(); return; } if (deviceId != -1) { outputDevice = deviceId; } } int AudioThread::getOutputDevice() { std::lock_guard lock(m_mutex); if (outputDevice == -1) { return dac.getDefaultOutputDevice(); } return outputDevice; } void AudioThread::setInitOutputDevice(int deviceId, int sampleRate_in) { //global lock std::lock_guard lock(m_device_mutex); outputDevice = deviceId; if (sampleRate_in == -1) { if (deviceSampleRate.find(parameters.deviceId) != deviceSampleRate.end()) { sampleRate_in = deviceSampleRate[deviceId]; } } else { deviceSampleRate[deviceId] = sampleRate_in; } sampleRate = sampleRate_in; } void AudioThread::run() { #ifdef __APPLE__ pthread_t tID = pthread_self(); // ID of this thread int priority = sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_RR) - 1; sched_param prio = { priority }; // scheduling priority of thread pthread_setschedparam(tID, SCHED_RR, &prio); #endif // std::cout << "Audio thread initializing.." << std::endl; if (dac.getDeviceCount() < 1) { std::cout << "No audio devices found!" << std::endl; return; } setupDevice((outputDevice.load() == -1) ? (dac.getDefaultOutputDevice()) : outputDevice.load()); // std::cout << "Audio thread started." << std::endl; inputQueue = std::static_pointer_cast(getInputQueue("AudioDataInput")); //Infinite loop, witing for commands or for termination while (!stopping) { AudioThreadCommand command; if (!cmdQueue.pop(command, HEARTBEAT_CHECK_PERIOD_MICROS)) { continue; } if (command.cmd == AudioThreadCommand::AUDIO_THREAD_CMD_SET_DEVICE) { setupDevice(command.int_value); } if (command.cmd == AudioThreadCommand::AUDIO_THREAD_CMD_SET_SAMPLE_RATE) { setSampleRate(command.int_value); } } //end while // Drain any remaining inputs, with a non-blocking pop if (inputQueue != nullptr) { inputQueue->flush(); } //Nullify currentInput... currentInput = nullptr; //Stop : Retrieve the matching controlling thread in a scope lock: AudioThread* controllerMatchingThread; { std::lock_guard global_lock(m_device_mutex); controllerMatchingThread = deviceController[parameters.deviceId]; } if (controllerMatchingThread != this) { //'this' is not the controller, so remove it from the bounded list: //beware, we must take the controller mutex, because the audio callback may use the list of bounded //threads at that moment: std::lock_guard lock(controllerMatchingThread->getMutex()); controllerMatchingThread->removeThread(this); } else { // 'this' is a controller thread: try { if (dac.isStreamOpen()) { dac.stopStream(); } dac.closeStream(); } catch (RtAudioError& e) { e.printMessage(); } } // std::cout << "Audio thread done." << std::endl; } void AudioThread::terminate() { IOThread::terminate(); } bool AudioThread::isActive() { std::lock_guard lock(m_mutex); return active; } void AudioThread::setActive(bool state) { AudioThread* matchingControllerThread = nullptr; std::lock_guard lock(m_mutex); //scope lock here to minimize the common unique static lock contention { std::lock_guard lock(m_device_mutex); if (deviceController.find(parameters.deviceId) != deviceController.end()) { matchingControllerThread = deviceController[parameters.deviceId]; } } if (matchingControllerThread == nullptr) { return; } if (state && !active && inputQueue) { matchingControllerThread->bindThread(this); } else if (!state && active) { matchingControllerThread->removeThread(this); } // Activity state changing, clear any inputs if (inputQueue) { inputQueue->flush(); } active = state; } AudioThreadCommandQueue *AudioThread::getCommandQueue() { return &cmdQueue; } void AudioThread::setGain(float gain_in) { if (gain_in < 0.0) { gain_in = 0.0; } if (gain_in > 2.0) { gain_in = 2.0; } gain = gain_in; }