WIP updated Windows build instructions : done for now

Vincent Sonnier 2018-05-18 11:42:51 +02:00
parent bb5779b97f
commit 2bc163e48a
1 changed files with 26 additions and 54 deletions

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Visual Studio 2017 also has a better optimizing compiler which may result a fast
Interesting point, VS2017 produces binaries compatible with VS2015 ones, so there is no point of not using VS2017.
Alternatively if you don't want to compile anything and install pre-built binaries instead of an almost up to date CubicSDR (typically a month-old), you can install the amazing [PothosSDR distribution](https://github.com/pothosware/PothosSDR/wiki/Tutorial) (Rsources / Download installer)
Alternatively if you don't want to compile anything and install pre-built binaries instead of an almost up to date CubicSDR (typically a month-old), you can install the amazing [PothosSDR distribution](https://github.com/pothosware/PothosSDR/wiki/Tutorial) (Resources / Download installer)
# Install Visual Studio Community 2017
@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ Configure variables to indicate CubicSDR that modules files will be searched in
Easiest way: use a pre-compiled `librtlsdr` binary which also package `libusb` from the [librtlsdr Releases](https://github.com/librtlsdr/librtlsdr/releases) page and choose the "x64" version.
Or re-compile both libraries : (not complete)
* Clone or download https://github.com/libusb/libusb to C:\MSVCDev\libusb and build it using `C:\MSVCDev\libusb\msvc\libusb_2017.sln` choosing the `Release` and `x64` configuration.
* Clone or download https://github.com/librtlsdr/librtlsdr to C:\MSVCDev\librtlsdr
* Launch CMake, set source path to C:/MSVCDev/librtlsdr/
@ -101,8 +102,8 @@ Or re-compile both libraries : (not complete)
* Click "Configure" and choose "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" and Finish
* Set LIBUSB_INCLUDE_DIR to C:/MSVCDev/libusb/
* Set LIBUSB_LIBRARIES to C:/MSVCDev/libusb/x64/Release/dll/libusb-1.0.lib
* Set THREADS_PTHREADS_INCLUDE_DIR to (TODO, decribe pthreads-win32 installation)
* Set THREADS_PTHREADS_WIN32_LIBRARY to (TODO, decribe pthreads-win32 installation)
* Click "Configure" again and then click "Generate"
Open "Developer Command Prompt for VS2017" by right-clicking and "Run as Administrator".
@ -125,7 +126,7 @@ Either way, copy the files `rtlsdr.dll` and `libusb-1.0.dll` in the `C:\MSVCDev\
* Set destination to C:/MSVCDev/SoapyRTLSDR_win64/
* Click "Configure" and choose "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" and Finish
* Set RTLSDR_INCLUDE_DIR to C:/MSVCDev/librtlsdr/include
* Set RTLSDR_LIBRARY to C:/MSVCDev/librtlsdr_win64/x64/rtlsdr.lib
* Set RTLSDR_LIBRARY to C:/MSVCDev/librtlsdr_win64/src/Release/rtlsdr.lib
* Click "Configure" again and then click "Generate"
Open "Developer Command Prompt for VS2017" by right-clicking and "Run as Administrator".
@ -143,57 +144,17 @@ Copy the generated module file `rtlsdrSupport.dll` in the C:\MSVCDev\CubicSDR_wi
## SoapySDRPlay
* Clone or download ZIP from https://github.com/pothosware/SoapySDRPlay to C:\MSVCDev\SoapySDRPlay
* Download "Windows API & Hardware Driver Installer" from http://sdrplay.com/windows.html and install it with defaults.
* Copy C:\Program Files\MiricsSDR\API\x64\mir_sdr_api.dll to C:\Program Files\SoapySDR\bin
Open "Developer Command Prompt for VS2015" by right-clicking and "Run as Administrator".
From the prompt:
C:\> cd "C:\Program Files\MiricsSDR\API\x64"
C:\Program Files\MiricsSDR\API\x64>dumpbin /exports mir_sdr_api.dll > mir_sdr_api.def
Leave prompt open and edit the .def file down so it looks like this; remove some lines and prefixes and add "EXPORTS" at the top.
(reference only, these are the functions at the time of this instruction)
From the prompt:
C:\Program Files\MiricsSDR\API\x64>lib /MACHINE:x64 /def:mir_sdr_api.def /OUT:mir_sdr_api.lib
Microsoft (R) Library Manager Version 14.00.23026.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Creating library mir_sdr_api.lib and object mir_sdr_api.exp
C:\Program Files\MiricsSDR\API\x64>
* Launch CMake, set source path to C:/MSVCDev/SoapySDRPlay/
* Download "API/HW Driver" from https://www.sdrplay.com/downloads/ and install it with defaults.
* Launch CMake, set source path to C:/MSVCDev/SoapySDRPlay /
* Set destination to C:/MSVCDev/SoapySDRPlay_win64/
* Click "Configure" and choose "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" and Finish
* Click "Generate"
* Click "Configure" and choose "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" and Finish
* Set LIBSDRPLAY_INCLUDE_DIRS to C:/Program Files/SDRplay/API/inc
* Set LIBSDRPLAY_LIBRARIES to C:/Program Files/SDRplay/API/x64/mir_sdr_api.lib
* Set SOAPY_SDR_INCLUDE_DIR to C:/MSVCDev/SoapySDR/include
* Set SOAPY_SDR_LIBRARY to C:/MSVCDev/SoapySDR_win64/lib/Release/SoapySDR.lib
* Click "Configure" again and then click "Generate"
Open "Developer Command Prompt for VS2017" by right-clicking and "Run as Administrator".
From the prompt:
@ -203,4 +164,15 @@ C:\MSVCDEV> cmake --build SoapySDRPlay_win64 --config Release --target install
... Bunch of building ...
0 Error(s)
Copy the generated module file `sdrPlaySupport.dll` in the C:\MSVCDev\CubicSDR_win64\x64\modules directory where CubicSDR can find it.
# Debugging CubicSDR
Although all binaries are compiled in `Release`, it doesn't prevent debugging with it.
In Visual Studio, select the `RelWithDebInfo` configuration. Then go to CubicSDR subproject Configuration Properties => C++ => Optimization and modify the following options:
* Optimization: Disabled (/Od)
* Inline Function Expansion: Disabled (/Ob0)
This particular binary is generated in C:\MSVCDev\CubicSDR_win64\x64\RelWithDbInfo\, so take care of copying all the Cubic resources (`modules`, `fonts` and additional libraries) in this directory so it can execute properly.