Destroyed Build Win64 TDMGCC (markdown)

Charles J. Cliffe 2015-11-09 20:14:32 -05:00
parent 376b66524d
commit b5cfbbe38a

@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
Windows 8.1, 64-bit: *1st draft* -- comments and improvements welcome.
# Install MSYS:
Not sure if this is required, but would be needed if you want to build your own copy of some of the included DLLs and is how I set up my build environment.
Download MSYS from:
For this guide I've used:
- Run mingw-get-setup.
- Change the install path to "C:\MinGW\32" (this sets us up for optional 32-bit install later)
- Uncheck "Also install support for the GUI..." and click "Continue" and and finish the install.
- Edit "c:\mingw\32\var\lib\mingw-get\data\profile.xml" and replace contents with the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<profile project="MinGW" application="mingw-get">
<repository uri=""/>
<system-map id="default">
<sysroot subsystem="mingw32" path="%R" />
<sysroot subsystem="MSYS" path="%R/../msys" />
- Open a command prompt and run:
c:\mingw\32\bin\mingw-get install msys-core msys-base msys-vim msys-wget msys-patch msys-flex msys-bison
- Create the file "c:\mingw\msys\etc\fstab" and put the following:
c:/mingw/32 /mingw
- MSYS Batch file "msys.bat" will be in "C:\MinGW\msys", it's useful to make a shortcut somewhere accessible.
# Install TDM-GCC64:
Download TDM-GCC64 from:
For this guide I've used:
- Run the installer and install to "c:\mingw\64"
- Choose the "32 and 64-bit" install and continue to package selection and finish the installation
# Install wxWidgets:
Download wxWidgets from:
For this guide I've used:
- Extract .ZIP to a folder, i.e. "C:\Dev\wxWidgets-3.0.2".
- Open a command prompt and navigate to "C:\Dev\wxWidgets-3.0.2\build\msw".
- Run:
mingw32-make -f makefile.gcc BUILD=release UNICODE=1 USE_OPENGL=1 SHARED=0 CXXFLAGS="-fno-keep-inline-dllexport -std=gnu++11"
- Wait for the build to finish then continue to the next step.
# Install CMake:
Download CMake from:
For this guide I've used:
Just install CMake with default or preferred options.
# Build CubicSDR:
- Clone or download zip from to a folder of your choice. I'll use C:\Dev\CubicSDR
- Run CMake GUI
- Choose C:\Dev\CubicSDR for source.
- Choose C:\Dev\CubicSDR\cmake_build for binaries.
- Click Configure.
- I usually choose Eclipse but for tutorial simplicity choose "MinGW Makefiles"
- Set CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to "Release"
- Set wxWidgets_ROOT_DIR to "C:\Dev\wxWidgets-3.0.2"
- Configure again, all should be good, then Generate
- Open a command prompt and navigate to CubicSDR/cmake_build folder i.e. "cd C:\Dev\CubicSDR\cmake_build"
- Run "mingw32-make"
- CubicSDR.exe should be ready to run (assuming Zadig is already setup)