/* * High Speed modem to transfer data in a 2,7kHz SSB channel * ========================================================= * Author: DJ0ABR * * (c) DJ0ABR * www.dj0abr.de * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ using System; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Drawing; using System.Text; using System.IO; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Threading; using oscardata.Properties; using System.Reflection; using System.Globalization; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace oscardata { public partial class Form1 : Form { Imagehandler ih = new Imagehandler(); int txcommand = 0; // commands what to send Byte frameinfo = (Byte)statics.FirstFrame; String TXfilename; int rxbytecounter = 0; String old_tsip = ""; bool modemrunning = false; receivefile recfile = new receivefile(); int last_initAudioStatus = -1; int last_initVoiceStatus = -1; int recordStatus = 0; int recPhase = 0; const int Rtty_deftext_anz = 20; String[] Rtty_deftext = new string[Rtty_deftext_anz]; DateTime dtfile = DateTime.UtcNow; public Form1() { // init GUI InitializeComponent(); // needed for ARM mono, which cannot load a picbox directly from file var bmp = new Bitmap(Resources.hintergrundxcf); pictureBox_rximage.BackgroundImage = bmp; bmp = new Bitmap(Resources.hintergrundxcf); pictureBox_tximage.BackgroundImage = bmp; statics.WindowBackColor = Form1.DefaultBackColor; lb_rec.Visible = false; // if this program was started from another loacation // set the working directory to the path of the .exe file // so it can find hsmodem(.exe) try { String s = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location; s = Path.GetDirectoryName(s); Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(s); Console.WriteLine("working path: " + s); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("cannot set working path: " + e.ToString()); } // test OS type OperatingSystem osversion = System.Environment.OSVersion; statics.OSversion = osversion.Platform.ToString(); if (osversion.VersionString.Contains("indow")) statics.ostype = 0; // Win$ else statics.ostype = 1; // Linux statics.CreateAllDirs(); // set temp paths statics.zip_TXtempfilename = statics.addTmpPath(statics.zip_TXtempfilename); statics.zip_RXtempfilename = statics.addTmpPath(statics.zip_RXtempfilename); statics.jpg_tempfilename = statics.addTmpPath(statics.jpg_tempfilename); load_Setup(); cb_language_SelectedIndexChanged(null, null); if (cb_autostart.Checked) { // start hsmodem (.exe) modemrunning = statics.StartHSmodem(); } checkBox_small_CheckedChanged(null, null); // init speed comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(null, null); // create Udp Communication ports and init UDP system Udp.InitUdp(); ArraySend.ArraySendInit(); // enable processing timer_udpTX.Enabled = true; timer_udprx.Enabled = true; timer_searchmodem.Enabled = true; } // TX timer private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { // cancel high speed TX in RTTY mode if(statics.real_datarate == 45) txcommand = statics.noTX; // BER testdata if (txcommand == statics.BERtest) { if (Udp.GetBufferCount() < 2) { Byte[] txdata = new byte[statics.PayloadLen + 2]; txdata[0] = (Byte)statics.BERtest; // BER Test Marker txdata[1] = frameinfo; Byte tb = (Byte)'A'; for (int i = 2; i < txdata.Length; i++) { txdata[i] = tb; tb++; if (tb == 'z') tb = (Byte)'A'; } // and transmit it Udp.UdpSendData(txdata); frameinfo = (Byte)statics.NextFrame; } } if (ArraySend.getSending()) { button_loadimage.Enabled = false; button_sendimage.Enabled = false; } else { button_loadimage.Enabled = true; if (TXimagefilename != "") button_sendimage.Enabled = true; else button_sendimage.Enabled = false; } /*if (TXfoldername == "" || lastFullName == "") cb_loop.Enabled = false; else cb_loop.Enabled = true;*/ ShowTXstatus(); if (txcommand == statics.Image) { // if "loop" is selected send the next image in folder if (cb_loop.Checked) { // check if we are ready with any transmission if (ArraySend.getSending() == false) { // transmission is finished, wait until data in TXfifo have been sent //Console.WriteLine("pbf: " + statics.PBfifousage.ToString()); if (statics.PBfifousage < 1) { // start sending a new picture startNextImage(); } } } } if (txcommand == statics.AsciiFile || txcommand == statics.HTMLFile || txcommand == statics.BinaryFile) { // if "loop" is selected send the next image in folder if (cb_file_loop.Checked) { // check pause time if(retransmitPause() == false) { // check if we are ready with any transmission if (ArraySend.getSending() == false) { // transmission is finished, wait until data in TXfifo have been sent if (statics.PBfifousage < 4) { // start sending a new picture startNextFile(); dtfile = DateTime.UtcNow; } } } } } if (ts_ip.Text.Contains("?") || ts_ip.Text.Contains("") || old_tsip != statics.ModemIP) { if (statics.ModemIP == "") { ts_ip.Text = "Modem-IP: ?"; ts_ip.ForeColor = Color.Red; } else { ts_ip.Text = "Modem-IP: " + statics.ModemIP; ts_ip.ForeColor = Color.Black; old_tsip = statics.ModemIP; comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(null, null); // send speed to modem } } if (statics.GotAudioDevices == 1) { statics.GotAudioDevices = 2; // populate combo boxes cb_audioPB.BeginUpdate(); cb_audioPB.Items.Clear(); cb_loudspeaker.BeginUpdate(); cb_loudspeaker.Items.Clear(); foreach (String s in statics.AudioPBdevs) { if (s.Length > 1) { cb_audioPB.Items.Add(s); cb_loudspeaker.Items.Add(s); } } cb_loudspeaker.EndUpdate(); cb_audioPB.EndUpdate(); // check if displayed text is available in the item list findDevice(cb_loudspeaker); findDevice(cb_audioPB); cb_audioCAP.BeginUpdate(); cb_audioCAP.Items.Clear(); cb_mic.BeginUpdate(); cb_mic.Items.Clear(); foreach (String s in statics.AudioCAPdevs) { if (s.Length > 1) { cb_audioCAP.Items.Add(s); cb_mic.Items.Add(s); } } cb_mic.EndUpdate(); cb_audioCAP.EndUpdate(); findDevice(cb_mic); findDevice(cb_audioCAP); } if (setPBvolume >= 0) { Byte[] txdata = new byte[2]; txdata[0] = statics.SetPBvolume; txdata[1] = (Byte)setPBvolume; Udp.UdpSendCtrl(txdata); setPBvolume = -1; } if (setCAPvolume != -1) { Byte[] txdata = new byte[2]; txdata[0] = statics.SetCAPvolume; txdata[1] = (Byte)setCAPvolume; Udp.UdpSendCtrl(txdata); setCAPvolume = -1; } if (setLSvolume >= 0) { Byte[] txdata = new byte[2]; txdata[0] = statics.SetLSvolume; txdata[1] = (Byte)setLSvolume; Udp.UdpSendCtrl(txdata); setLSvolume = -1; } if (setMICvolume != -1) { Byte[] txdata = new byte[2]; txdata[0] = statics.SetMICvolume; txdata[1] = (Byte)setMICvolume; Udp.UdpSendCtrl(txdata); setMICvolume = -1; } if (last_initAudioStatus != statics.initAudioStatus) { if ((statics.initAudioStatus & 1) == 1) pb_audioPBstatus.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.ok; else pb_audioPBstatus.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.fail; if ((statics.initAudioStatus & 2) == 2) pb_audioCAPstatus.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.ok; else pb_audioCAPstatus.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.fail; last_initAudioStatus = statics.initAudioStatus; } if (last_initVoiceStatus != statics.initVoiceStatus) { if ((statics.initVoiceStatus & 1) == 1) pb_voicePBstatus.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.ok; else pb_voicePBstatus.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.fail; if ((statics.initVoiceStatus & 2) == 2) pb_voiceCAPstatus.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.ok; else pb_voiceCAPstatus.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.fail; last_initVoiceStatus = statics.initVoiceStatus; } } bool sendInProgress = false; bool retransmitPause() { // check if file send is in progress bool fstat = statics.PBfifousage > 1; if (fstat == true) { // file send in progress sendInProgress = true; return true; } if(fstat == false && sendInProgress == true) { // just finished sending sendInProgress = false; dtfile = DateTime.UtcNow; return true; } // not sending, wait until pause time elapsed String s = cb_file_pause.Text; int dur = int.Parse(Regex.Match(s, @"\d+").Value, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); if (s.Contains("min")) dur *= 60; TimeSpan ts = DateTime.UtcNow - dtfile; if (ts.TotalSeconds >= dur) return false; return true; } // correct entries in the Audio Device Comboboxes if devices have changed void findDevice(ComboBox cb) { int pos = -1; if (cb.Text.Length >= 4) { int anz = cb.Items.Count; for (int i = 0; i < anz; i++) { if (cb.Text == cb.Items[i].ToString()) { pos = i; break; } } } if (pos == -1) { // not available, reset to first item which usually is Default if (cb.Items.Count == 0) cb.Text = "no sound devices available"; else cb.Text = cb.Items[0].ToString(); } else cb.Text = cb.Items[pos].ToString(); } private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { save_Setup(); if (cb_autostart.Checked) { killLocalModem(); } // exit the threads statics.running = false; Udp.Close(); } void killLocalModem() { // tell hsmodem to terminate itself Byte[] txdata = new byte[1]; txdata[0] = statics.terminate; Udp.UdpSendCtrl(txdata); Thread.Sleep(250); // if that did not work, kill it directly if (statics.ostype == 0) { int to = 0; while (statics.isProcRunning("hsmodem.exe")) { Thread.Sleep(250); // tell hsmodem to terminate itself Udp.UdpSendCtrl(txdata); if (++to >= 10) break; // give up after 2,5s } if (to >= 10) statics.killall("hsmodem.exe"); } else { Thread.Sleep(250); statics.killall("hsmodem"); } } int lasttype = -1; void showType(int rxtype) { if(rxtype != lasttype) { if (rxtype == statics.Image) toolStrip_Type.Text = "RX: IMAGE"; if (rxtype == statics.AsciiFile) toolStrip_Type.Text = "RX: TEXT"; if (rxtype == statics.HTMLFile) toolStrip_Type.Text = "RX: HTML/Web"; if (rxtype == statics.BinaryFile) toolStrip_Type.Text = "RX: BINARY"; if (rxtype == statics.BERtest) toolStrip_Type.Text = "RX: BER TEST"; if (rxtype == statics.Audio) toolStrip_Type.Text = "RX: DV-Audio"; if (rxtype == -1) toolStrip_Type.Text = "no RX"; lasttype = rxtype; } } // RX timer int rxstat = 0; int speed; private void timer_udprx_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { while (true) { Byte[] rxd = Udp.UdpReceive(); if (rxd == null) break; // these status information are added by the unpack routine int rxtype = rxd[0]; int rxfrmnum = rxd[1]; rxfrmnum <<= 8; rxfrmnum += rxd[2]; int minfo = rxd[3]; rxstat = rxd[4]; speed = rxd[5]; speed <<= 8; speed += rxd[6]; int dummy3 = rxd[7]; int dummy4 = rxd[8]; int dummy5 = rxd[9]; rxbytecounter = statics.UdpBlocklen * rxfrmnum; Byte[] rxdata = new byte[rxd.Length - 10]; Array.Copy(rxd, 10, rxdata, 0, rxd.Length - 10); showType(rxtype); //Console.WriteLine("minfo:" + minfo + " data:" + rxdata[0].ToString("X2") + " " + rxdata[1].ToString("X2")); if (rxtype == statics.Userinfo) { String call = statics.ByteArrayToString(rxdata, 0, 20); String qthloc = statics.ByteArrayToString(rxdata, 20, 10); String name = statics.ByteArrayToString(rxdata, 30, 20); ts_userinfo.Text = call + " " + name + " " + qthloc; } // ========= receive file ========== // handle file receive if (rxtype == statics.Image) { if (recfile.receive(rxd) == 1) { if (recfile.filename != null && recfile.filename.Length > 0 && minfo != statics.FirstFrame) { // reception complete, show stored file Console.WriteLine("load " + recfile.filename); try { pictureBox_rximage.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(recfile.filename); pictureBox_rximage.Invalidate(); } catch { // invalid picture } } if (recfile.pbmp != null) { // in case we can display portions of an image return this portion try { pictureBox_rximage.BackgroundImage = recfile.pbmp; } catch { } } } } if (rxtype == statics.AsciiFile) { int fret = recfile.receive(rxd); if (fret >= 1) { // ASCII file received, show in window String serg = File.ReadAllText(recfile.filename); printText(rtb_RXfile, serg); } if (fret == -5) printBadBlocks(); } if (rxtype == statics.HTMLFile) { int fret = recfile.receive(rxd); if (fret >= 1) { // HTML file received, show in window String serg = File.ReadAllText(recfile.filename); printText(rtb_RXfile, serg); // save filename statics.lastRXedHTMLfile = recfile.filename; // show the HTML-Show Button bt_open_html.Visible = true; } if (fret == -5) printBadBlocks(); } if (rxtype == statics.BinaryFile) { int fret = recfile.receive(rxd); if (fret >= 1) { // Binary file received, show statistics in window try { printText(rtb_RXfile, statics.langstr[2]); printText(rtb_RXfile, "--------------------\r\n\r\n"); printText(rtb_RXfile, statics.langstr[3] + ((int)recfile.runtime.TotalSeconds).ToString() + " seconds" + "\r\n\r\n"); printText(rtb_RXfile, statics.langstr[4] + ((int)(recfile.filesize * 8 / recfile.runtime.TotalSeconds)).ToString() + " bit/s" + "\r\n\r\n"); printText(rtb_RXfile, statics.langstr[5] + recfile.filesize + " byte\r\n\r\n"); printText(rtb_RXfile, statics.langstr[6] + recfile.filename + "\r\n\r\n"); if (recfile.filename.Length <= 1) { printText(rtb_RXfile, statics.langstr[7]); } } catch { printText(rtb_RXfile, "RX error\r\n"); } } if (fret == -5) printBadBlocks(); } // ===== BER Test ================================================ if (rxtype == statics.BERtest) { BERcheck(rxdata, rxfrmnum,minfo); } ShowStatus(rxtype, minfo); } } void printBadBlocks() { rtb_RXfile.Text = ""; printText(rtb_RXfile, statics.langstr[2]); printText(rtb_RXfile, "--------------------\r\n\r\n"); printText(rtb_RXfile, statics.langstr[31] + "\r\n\r\n"); int[] d = new int[2]; recfile.oldblockinfo(d); int failed = d[0] - d[1]; String s = "\n" + statics.langstr[25] + "-------------------\n" + "total : " + (d[0]+1) + "\n" + statics.langstr[26] + (d[1]+1) + "\n" + statics.langstr[27] + failed + "\n"; printText(rtb_RXfile, s + "\r\n\r\n"); printText(rtb_RXfile, statics.langstr[32] + ": " + recfile.missingBlockString()); } private void OpenUrl(string url) { try { Process.Start(url); } catch { // hack because of this: https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/issues/10361 if (statics.ostype == 0) { url = url.Replace("&", "^&"); Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo("cmd", $"/c start {url}") { CreateNoWindow = true }); } else { Process.Start("xdg-open", url); } } } private void timer_qpsk_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(Udp.IQavail()) panel_constel.Invalidate(); panel_txspectrum.Invalidate(); // show RX and TX Buffer Usage if (statics.PBfifousage < progressBar_fifo.Minimum) progressBar_fifo.Value = progressBar_fifo.Minimum; else if (statics.PBfifousage >= progressBar_fifo.Maximum) progressBar_fifo.Value = progressBar_fifo.Maximum-1; else progressBar_fifo.Value = statics.PBfifousage; if (statics.CAPfifousage < progressBar_capfifo.Minimum) progressBar_capfifo.Value = progressBar_capfifo.Minimum; else if (statics.CAPfifousage >= progressBar_capfifo.Maximum) progressBar_capfifo.Value = progressBar_capfifo.Maximum - 1; else progressBar_capfifo.Value = statics.CAPfifousage; if (statics.CAPfifousage > 80) progressBar_capfifo.ForeColor = Color.Red; else progressBar_capfifo.ForeColor = Color.Green; // Show RX Status LEDs if (statics.RXlevelDetected == 1 || statics.RXinSync == 1) { pb_rxsignal.BackgroundImage = Resources.greenmarker; } else { pb_rxsignal.BackgroundImage = Resources.redmarker; showType(-1); } if (statics.real_datarate == 45) if (rtty_sync == 1 && statics.RXlevelDetected == 1) pb_rxsync.BackgroundImage = Resources.greenmarker; else pb_rxsync.BackgroundImage = Resources.redmarker; else if (statics.RXinSync == 1) pb_rxsync.BackgroundImage = Resources.greenmarker; else pb_rxsync.BackgroundImage = Resources.redmarker; // update rx,tx level progress bar int factor = 1; int addf = 80; double vl100 = (100 / addf) + Math.Log10(100 + factor); double vl = ((double)statics.maxRXlevel / addf) + Math.Log10((double)statics.maxRXlevel + factor); vl = vl * 100 / vl100; if (vl > 99) vl = 99; if (vl < 1) vl = 1; vu_cap.Value = (int)vl; if (vl < 20 || vl > 85) vu_cap.ForeColor = Color.Red; else vu_cap.ForeColor = Color.LightGreen; addf = 80; vl = ((double)statics.maxTXlevel / addf) + Math.Log10((double)statics.maxTXlevel + factor); vl100 = (100 / addf) + Math.Log10(100 + factor); vl = vl * 100 / vl100; if (vl > 99) vl = 99; if (vl < 1) vl = 1; vu_pb.Value = (int)vl; if(vl <20 || vl > 85) vu_pb.ForeColor = Color.Red; else vu_pb.ForeColor = Color.LightGreen; if (recordStatus == 1) { lb_rec.Visible = true; recPhase = 1 - recPhase; if (recPhase == 1) lb_rec.Text = "REC"; else lb_rec.Text = ""; } else { lb_rec.Visible = false; } if (statics.tuning_active == 1 && txcommand != statics.noTX) { // stop tuning bt_resetmodem_Click(null, null); statics.tuning_active = 0; } Byte[] ba = Udp.getRTTYrx(); if (ba != null) { int rtty_val = ba[0]; rtty_sync = ba[2]; if (rtty_val != 0) { if (rtty_val == 0x08) { // backspace tb_rtty_RX.Text = tb_rtty_RX.Text.Trim(new char[] { '\r', '\n' }); if (tb_rtty_RX.Text.Length > 0) tb_rtty_RX.Text = tb_rtty_RX.Text.Substring(0, tb_rtty_RX.Text.Length - 1); } else if (rtty_val != '\r') { String s = ""; s += (char)rtty_val; if (rtty_val == '\n') s = "\r" + s; if(statics.RXlevelDetected == 1) // do not print if no signal detected tb_rtty_RX.AppendText(s); } } } if (statics.rtty_txon == 1) { bt_rtty_tx.BackColor = Color.Red; tb_rtty_TX.Enabled = true; } else { bt_rtty_tx.BackColor = Color.LightGreen; tb_rtty_TX.Enabled = false; } } // click into RTTY RX Textbox Point RTTYmousepos = new Point(0, 0); private void tb_rtty_RX_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { RTTYmousepos.X = e.X; RTTYmousepos.Y = e.Y; int cidx = tb_rtty_RX.GetCharIndexFromPosition(RTTYmousepos); Console.WriteLine("cidx: " + cidx.ToString()); // get the word under this position // text after pos String ls = tb_rtty_RX.Text.Substring(cidx); ls = ls.Trim(new char[] { ' ', '\r', '\n' }); int lidx = ls.IndexOfAny(new char[] {' ', '\r', '\n' }); if (lidx != -1) ls = tb_rtty_RX.Text.Substring(0, lidx + cidx); else ls = tb_rtty_RX.Text.Trim(new char[] { ' ', '\r', '\n' }); int fidx = ls.LastIndexOf(' '); if (fidx != -1) ls = ls.Substring(fidx).Trim(); // ls is the word under the caret // check if it is a name or callsign if (ls.IndexOfAny(new char[] { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' }) == -1) tb_urname.Text = ls; else tb_urcall.Text = ls; } private void panel_constel_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { Bitmap bm = Udp.UdpBitmap(); if (bm != null) { e.Graphics.DrawImage(bm, 0, 0); bm.Dispose(); } } static Brush brred = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, (byte)255, (byte)240, (byte)240)); static Brush brgreen = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, (byte)240, (byte)255, (byte)240)); static Brush brgray = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, (byte)220, (byte)220, (byte)220)); static Pen pen = new Pen(Brushes.Black); static Pen penblue = new Pen(Brushes.Blue, 1); static Pen penred = new Pen(Brushes.Red, 1); static Pen pengrey = new Pen(brgray, 1); static Pen pendarkgrey = new Pen(brgray, 1); Font fnt = new Font("Verdana", 8.0f); Font smallfnt = new Font("Verdana", 6.0f); Bitmap lastbm = null; private void panel_txspectrum_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { Bitmap bm = Udp.UdpFftBitmap(); if (bm != null) { try { if (lastbm != null) lastbm.Dispose(); } catch { } e.Graphics.DrawImage(bm, 0, 0); lastbm = bm; } else { if(lastbm != null) e.Graphics.DrawImage(lastbm, 0, 0); } return; } private UInt16[,] dam = new UInt16[meansize, maxxval]; private void Fftmean(UInt16[] v) { for (int sh = meansize - 1; sh > 0; sh--) for (int i = 0; i < maxxval; i++) dam[sh, i] = dam[sh - 1, i]; for (int i = 0; i < maxxval; i++) dam[0, i] = v[i]; } readonly static int meansize = 6;//0; readonly static int maxxval = (statics.real_datarate / 10) * 6 / 10; readonly int maxyval = 3000; private Point GetFFTPos(int x, int y) { int leftMargin = 2; int rightMargin = 2; int topMargin = 2; int bottomMargin =2; int xsize = panel_txspectrum.Size.Width; int newx = (x * (xsize - leftMargin - rightMargin)) / maxxval; newx += leftMargin; int ysize = panel_txspectrum.Size.Height; int newy = (y * (ysize - topMargin - bottomMargin)) / maxyval; newy += bottomMargin; newy = ysize - newy; Point p = new Point(newx, newy); return p; } void printText(RichTextBox rtb, String s) { AppendTextOnce(rtb, new Font("Courier New", (float)8), Color.Blue, Color.White, s); } void printTextnoFont(RichTextBox rtb, String s) { AppendTextOnce(rtb, null, Color.Blue, Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 230), s); } void AppendTextOnce(RichTextBox rtb, Font selfont, Color color, Color bcolor, string text) { try { if (text.Contains("\n")) { char[] ca = new char[] { '\n', '\r' }; text = text.Trim(ca); text += "\n"; } // max. xxx Zeilen, wenn mehr dann lösche älteste if (rtb.Lines.Length > 200) { rtb.SelectionStart = 0; rtb.SelectionLength = rtb.Text.IndexOf("\n", 0) + 1; rtb.SelectedText = ""; } int start = rtb.TextLength; rtb.AppendText(text); int end = rtb.TextLength; // Textbox may transform chars, so (end-start) != text.Length rtb.Select(start, end - start); rtb.SelectionColor = color; if(selfont != null) rtb.SelectionFont = selfont; rtb.SelectionBackColor = bcolor; rtb.Select(end, 0); rtb.ScrollToCaret(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } } String TXimagefilename = ""; String TXRealFilename = ""; long TXRealFileSize = 0; String TXfoldername = ""; String lastFullName = ""; String TXfullfilename = ""; // prepare an image file for transmission void prepareImage(String fullfn) { if (statics.checkImage(fullfn) == false) return; // all images are converted to jpg, make the new filename TXfullfilename = fullfn; TXfoldername = statics.purePath(fullfn); TXRealFilename = statics.pureFilename(fullfn); TXRealFilename = statics.AddReplaceFileExtension(TXRealFilename,"jpg"); // random filename for picturebox control (picturebox cannot reload image from actual filename) try { //statics.FileDelete(TXimagefilename); // delete also older unused files foreach (string f in Directory.EnumerateFiles(statics.addTmpPath(""), "tempTX*.jpg")) statics.FileDelete(f); } catch { } Random randNum = new Random(); TXimagefilename = statics.addTmpPath("tempTX" + randNum.Next(0, 65000).ToString() + ".jpg"); // get the quality selected by the user String qual = comboBox_quality.Text; long max_size = 22500; if (qual.Contains("30s")) max_size = 12000; if (qual.Contains("2min")) max_size = 45000; if (qual.Contains("4min")) max_size = 90000; // resize image and save it according the quality settings Image img = new Bitmap(fullfn); String cs = tb_callsign.Text; if (cb_stampcall.Checked == false) cs = ""; String inf = tb_info.Text; if (cb_stampinfo.Checked == false) inf = ""; Size picsize = getResolution(); if(picsize.Width != 0 && picsize.Height != 0) { int reduc = 640 / picsize.Width; if (reduc < 1) reduc = 1; img = ih.ResizeImage(img, picsize.Width, picsize.Height, cs, inf); ih.SaveJpgAtFileSize(img, TXimagefilename, max_size/ reduc); } else { img = ih.ResizeImage(img, 640, 480, cs, inf); // set quality by reducing the file size and save under default name ih.SaveJpgAtFileSize(img, TXimagefilename, max_size); } //pictureBox_tximage.Load(TXimagefilename); // this does not work under ARM mono pictureBox_tximage.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(TXimagefilename); TXRealFileSize = statics.GetFileSize(TXimagefilename); ShowTXstatus(); txcommand = statics.Image; } Size getResolution() { Size sz = new Size(0,0); String r = cb_picres.Text; String[] ra = r.Split(new char[] { 'x' }); try { int w = Convert.ToInt32(ra[0]); int h = Convert.ToInt32(ra[1]); sz.Width = w; sz.Height = h; } catch { } return sz; } void ShowTXstatus() { if(txcommand == statics.Image) label_tximage.Text = statics.langstr[10] + TXRealFilename + statics.langstr[11] + (ArraySend.txpos / 1000).ToString() + statics.langstr[30] + (TXRealFileSize / 1000).ToString() + " kB"; else label_txfile.Text = statics.langstr[12] + TXRealFilename + statics.langstr[11] + (ArraySend.txpos / 1000).ToString() + statics.langstr[30] + (TXRealFileSize / 1000).ToString() + " kB"; } // in loop mode only: send the next picture in current image folder void startNextImage() { if (TXfoldername == "" || lastFullName == "") return; // read all file from folder String[] files = Directory.GetFiles(TXfoldername); Array.Sort(files); int i; bool found = false; for(i=0; i 1MB found = true; break; } } catch { lastFullName = files[i]; } } } if (!found) return; // files[i] is the filename to be sent bt_prepareAndSendFile(files[i], Path.GetFileName(files[i]), statics.BinaryFile); bt_file_send_Click(null, null); } private void button_loadimage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lastFullName = ""; OpenFileDialog open = new OpenFileDialog(); open.Filter = statics.langstr[13]; if (open.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { prepareImage(open.FileName); } } private void button_sendimage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lastFullName = TXfullfilename; txcommand = statics.Image; rxbytecounter = 0; pictureBox_rximage.Image = null; Byte[] imgarr = File.ReadAllBytes(TXimagefilename); // compressed temp file name ArraySend.Send(imgarr, statics.Image, TXimagefilename, TXRealFilename); // compress temp file name and real file name } private void button_startBERtest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { rtb.Text = ""; missBlocks = 0; frameinfo = (Byte)statics.FirstFrame; txcommand = statics.BERtest; } private void button_stopBERtest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { txcommand = statics.noTX; bt_resetmodem_Click(null, null); } int rxframecounter = 0; int lastfrmnum = 0; int missBlocks = 0; private void BERcheck(Byte[] rxdata, int frmnum, int minfo) { if (minfo == statics.FirstFrame) rxframecounter = 0; if (lastfrmnum == frmnum) return; lastfrmnum = frmnum; rxframecounter++; missBlocks += (frmnum - rxframecounter); if (missBlocks < 0) missBlocks = 0; String line = "RX: " + frmnum.ToString().PadLeft(6, ' ') + " "; // + rxframecounter + " " + missBlocks + " "; rxframecounter = frmnum; // print payload (must be printable chars) line += Encoding.UTF8.GetString(rxdata).Substring(0, 50) + " ..."; // show RX status for this frame if (rxstat == 4) line += statics.langstr[14]; else line += statics.langstr[29]; int bits = rxframecounter * 258 * 8; int bytes = rxframecounter * 258; String sbit = "b"; String sbyt = "B"; if (bits > 1000) { bits /= 1000; sbit = "kbit"; } if (bits > 1000) { bits /= 1000; sbit = "Mbit"; } if (bytes > 1000) { bytes /= 1000; sbyt = "kByte"; } if (bytes > 1000) { bytes /= 1000; sbyt = "MByte"; } line += " " + bits.ToString() + " " + sbit + " " + bytes.ToString() + " " + sbyt; line += "\r\n"; printText(rtb,line); } int[] blockres = new int[2]; private void ShowStatus(int rxtype, int minfo) { if (minfo == statics.FirstFrame) rxbytecounter = 0; // calculate speed int fsz = (int)recfile.filesize; if (fsz == 0) fsz = ArraySend.FileSize; // during reception we do not have the final size, use the transmitted size // fsz = real or zipped file size, whatever available // transmitted size in % of zipped file int txsize = 0; if (ArraySend.FileSize > 0) txsize = (recfile.rxbytes * 100) / ArraySend.FileSize; // transmitted size of real filesize int txreal = (fsz * txsize) / 100; // speed int speed_bps = 0; if(recfile.runtime.TotalSeconds > 0) speed_bps = (int)(((double)txreal * 8.0) / recfile.runtime.TotalSeconds); // show RX status on top of the RX windows String s = "RX: "; recfile.blockstat(blockres); int missingBlocks = blockres[0] - blockres[1]; if (ArraySend.rxFilename != null && ArraySend.rxFilename.Length > 0) { s += ArraySend.rxFilename + " "; s += recfile.rxbytes / 1000 + statics.langstr[30] + ArraySend.FileSize / 1000 + " kB "; s += Math.Truncate(recfile.runtime.TotalSeconds) + " s, "; s += blockres[1] + statics.langstr[30] + blockres[0] + statics.langstr[15]; } else s += statics.langstr[16]; if (rxtype == statics.Image) label_rximage.Text = s; if (rxtype == statics.AsciiFile || rxtype == statics.HTMLFile || rxtype == statics.BinaryFile) label_rxfile.Text = s; // show speed in status line at the left side toolStripStatusLabel.Text = statics.langstr[17] + speed.ToString() + " bps"; if (missBlocks < 0) missBlocks = 0; if (missingBlocks < 0) missingBlocks = 0; // show RX status in the status line if (rxtype == statics.BERtest) RXstatus.Text = "RX: " + rxbytecounter + statics.langstr[18] + missBlocks; else { if(fsz > 0) RXstatus.Text = "RX: " + fsz + statics.langstr[18] + missingBlocks; else RXstatus.Text = "RX: " + rxbytecounter + statics.langstr[18] + missingBlocks; } if(speed_bps > 0) RXstatus.Text += statics.langstr[19] + speed_bps + " bps"; } private void button_cancelimg_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //txcommand = statics.noTX; // finished label_rximage.ForeColor = Color.Black; pictureBox_rximage.Image = null; cb_loop.Checked = false; ArraySend.stopSending(); bt_resetmodem_Click(null, null); } private void checkBox_small_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { // scale all elements // this is required if a scaled screen resolution is used für large 4k monitor, important under mono // since mono fails in automatic scaling if the screen resolution is different from 1:1 label_rximage.Location = new Point(6, 7); label_rximage.Location = new Point(650, 7); pictureBox_tximage.Size = new Size(640,480); pictureBox_rximage.Size = new Size(640,480); int yPicBoxes = label_rximage.Location.Y + label_rximage.Size.Height + 3; pictureBox_tximage.Location = new Point(1, yPicBoxes); pictureBox_rximage.Location = new Point(642, yPicBoxes); int gb_yloc = pictureBox_tximage.Location.Y + pictureBox_tximage.Size.Height + 3; groupBox1.Location = new Point(3, gb_yloc); tabControl1.Size = new Size(pictureBox_tximage.Size.Width + pictureBox_rximage.Size.Width + 10, label_rximage.Size.Height + 3 + pictureBox_rximage.Size.Height + 3 + groupBox1.Size.Height + 3 + 20); int rxpan_yloc = tabControl1.Location.Y + tabControl1.Size.Height + 3; panel_constel.Location = new Point(11, rxpan_yloc); panel_constel.Size = new Size(75,75); panel_txspectrum.Location = new Point(92, rxpan_yloc); panel_txspectrum.Size = new Size(441,75); rtb.Size = new Size(tabControl1.Size.Width - 30, tabControl1.Size.Height - button_startBERtest.Location.Y - button_startBERtest.Size.Height - 44); this.Size = new Size(tabControl1.Size.Width + 23, rxpan_yloc + panel_constel.Size.Height + statusStrip1.Size.Height + 42); int xf = bt_file_ascii.Location.X + bt_file_ascii.Size.Width + 20; int yf = bt_file_ascii.Location.Y; rtb_TXfile.Location = new Point(xf, yf); int mw = tabControl1.Size.Width - bt_file_ascii.Size.Width - 80; mw /= 2; int mh = tabControl1.Size.Height - bt_file_ascii.Size.Height - 50; rtb_TXfile.Size = new Size(mw, mh); xf += mw + 5; rtb_RXfile.Location = new Point(xf, yf); rtb_RXfile.Size = new Size(mw, mh); int ly = rtb_TXfile.Location.Y / 4; label_txfile.Location = new Point(rtb_TXfile.Location.X, ly); label_rxfile.Location = new Point(rtb_RXfile.Location.X, ly); pn1.Location = new Point(panel_txspectrum.Location.X + panel_txspectrum.Size.Width + 10, panel_txspectrum.Location.Y +0); tb_rtty_RX.Location = new Point(9, 35); tb_rtty_RX.Size = new Size(675, 348); tb_rtty_TX.Location = new Point(9, 416); tb_rtty_TX.Size = new Size(675, 103); label4.Location = new Point(13, 393); panel1.Location = new Point(696,8); tb_rtty_deftext.Size = new Size(522, 160); } public String GetMyBroadcastIP() { String ip = ""; /* // selective BCs fail if the computer has multiple IPs // therefore use String[] myips = statics.getOwnIPs(); Console.WriteLine("BClen: " + myips.Length.ToString()); // if PC has multiple IPs then use for (int i = 0; i < myips.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine("ip:" + myips[i]); } if (myips.Length >= 1) { statics.MyIP = myips[0]; // PC has one IP, make it to a broadcast IP by adding 255 int idx = myips[0].LastIndexOf('.'); if (idx >= 0) { ip = myips[0].Substring(0, idx); ip += ".255"; //Console.WriteLine("BCip: " + ip); } }*/ // if hsmodem is local, use local IP instead of broadcast if (cb_autostart.Checked) { String[] myips = statics.getOwnIPs(); if (myips.Length >= 1) { statics.MyIP = myips[0]; } return statics.MyIP; } return ip; } /* * search for the modem IP: * send a search message via UDP to port UdpBCport * if a modem receives this message, it returns with an * UDP message to UdpBCport containing a String with it's IP address * this message also contains the selected Audio Devices * * Format: * Byte: * 0 ... 0x3c * 1 ... PB volume * 2 ... CAP volume * 3 ... announcement on/off, duration * 4 ... DV loudspeaker volume * 5 ... DV mic volume * 6 ... safe mode * 7 ... send introduction voice record * 8 ... rtty autosync on/off * 9 ... hsmodem speed mode * 10 .. external data IF on/off * 11-19 ... unused * 20 .. 119 ... PB device name * 120 .. 219 ... CAP device name * 220 .. 239 ... Callsign * 230 .. 249 ... qthloc * 250 .. 269 ... Name * */ private void search_modem() { Byte[] txb = new byte[270]; int idx = 0; txb[idx++] = 0x3c; // ID of this message txb[idx++] = (Byte)tb_PBvol.Value; txb[idx++] = (Byte)tb_CAPvol.Value; txb[idx++] = (Byte)cb_announcement.Items.IndexOf(cb_announcement.Text); txb[idx++] = (Byte)tb_loadspeaker.Value; txb[idx++] = (Byte)tb_mic.Value; txb[idx++] = 0; // unused txb[idx++] = (Byte)(cb_sendIntro.Checked?1:0); txb[idx++] = (Byte)(cb_rx_autosync.Checked ? 1 : 0); if(cb_speed.DroppedDown == false) txb[idx++] = (Byte)cb_speed.SelectedIndex; else txb[idx++] = (Byte)255; // invalid, hsmodem does not use this value txb[idx++] = (Byte)(cb_extIF.Checked ? 1 : 0); Byte[] bpb = statics.StringToByteArrayUtf8(cb_audioPB.Text); Byte[] bcap = statics.StringToByteArrayUtf8(cb_audioCAP.Text); //Byte[] bpb = statics.StringToByteArray(cb_audioPB.Text); //Byte[] bcap = statics.StringToByteArray(cb_audioCAP.Text); // 200 Bytes (from 20..219) name of selected sound device for (int i=0; i<100; i++) { if (i >= bpb.Length) txb[i + 20] = 0; else txb[i + 20] = bpb[i]; if (i >= bcap.Length) txb[i + 120] = 0; else txb[i + 120] = bcap[i]; } // 220 .. 239 = Callsign Byte[] callarr = statics.StringToByteArray(tb_callsign.Text); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { if (i >= callarr.Length) txb[i + 220] = 0; else txb[i + 220] = callarr[i]; } // 240 .. 249 = qthloc Byte[] qtharr = statics.StringToByteArray(tb_myqthloc.Text); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (i >= qtharr.Length) txb[i + 240] = 0; else txb[i + 240] = qtharr[i]; } // 250 .. 269 = Name Byte[] namearr = statics.StringToByteArray(tb_myname.Text); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { if (i >= namearr.Length) txb[i + 250] = 0; else txb[i + 250] = namearr[i]; } if (statics.ModemIP == "") { // still searching a modem //Console.WriteLine("1: send BCsearch to: " + GetMyBroadcastIP()); Udp.UdpBCsend(txb, GetMyBroadcastIP(), statics.UdpBCport_AppToModem); } else { // modem IP is known, send to it directly, no broadcast //Console.WriteLine("2: send BCsearch to: " + statics.ModemIP); Udp.UdpBCsend(txb, statics.ModemIP, statics.UdpBCport_AppToModem); } Udp.searchtimeout++; if (Udp.searchtimeout >= 3) statics.ModemIP = ""; // which means: no IP known } private void bt_file_send_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { rtb_RXfile.Text = ""; statics.FileDelete(statics.zip_RXtempfilename); Byte[] textarr = File.ReadAllBytes(statics.zip_TXtempfilename); ArraySend.Send(textarr, (Byte)txcommand, TXfilename, TXRealFilename); lastFullName = TXfilename; } private void bt_file_ascii_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bt_sendFile("Text Files(*.txt*; *.*)|*.txt; *.*", statics.AsciiFile); } private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bt_sendFile("HTML Files(*.html; *.htm; *.*)|*.html; *.htm; *.*", statics.HTMLFile); } private void bt_sendBinaryFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bt_sendFile("All Files(*.*)|*.*", statics.BinaryFile); } private void bt_sendFile(String filter, int cmd) { lastFullName = ""; OpenFileDialog open = new OpenFileDialog(); open.Filter = filter; if (open.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { bt_prepareAndSendFile(open.FileName, open.SafeFileName, cmd); } } private void bt_prepareAndSendFile(String FilenameAndPath, String Filename, int txcmd) { txcommand = txcmd; TXfilename = FilenameAndPath; TXRealFilename = Filename; if (txcommand == statics.BinaryFile) rtb_TXfile.Text = statics.langstr[20] + TXfilename + statics.langstr[21]; else rtb_TXfile.Text = File.ReadAllText(TXfilename); // compress file ZipStorer zs = new ZipStorer(); zs.zipFile(statics.zip_TXtempfilename, Filename, FilenameAndPath); TXRealFileSize = statics.GetFileSize(statics.zip_TXtempfilename); ShowTXstatus(); } private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool b = cb_switchtoLS.Checked; allVoiceModesOff(); cb_switchtoLS.Checked = b; if (cb_speed.Text.Contains("45")) { txcommand = statics.noTX; panel_constel.Visible = false; statics.real_datarate = 45; /*removeTab(tabPage_image); removeTab(tabPage_file); removeTab(tabPage_audio); removeTab(tabPage_ber); addTab(0,tabPage_rtty);*/ } else { panel_constel.Visible = true; /*addTab(0,tabPage_image); addTab(1,tabPage_file); addTab(2,tabPage_audio); addTab(3,tabPage_ber); removeTab(tabPage_rtty);*/ } if (cb_speed.Text.Contains("1200")) statics.real_datarate = 1200; if (cb_speed.Text.Contains("2400")) statics.real_datarate = 2400; if (cb_speed.Text.Contains("3000")) statics.real_datarate = 3000; if (cb_speed.Text.Contains("4000")) statics.real_datarate = 4000; if (cb_speed.Text.Contains("4410")) statics.real_datarate = 4410; if (cb_speed.Text.Contains("4800")) statics.real_datarate = 4800; if (cb_speed.Text.Contains("5500")) statics.real_datarate = 5500; if (cb_speed.Text.Contains("6000")) statics.real_datarate = 6000; if (cb_speed.Text.Contains("6600")) statics.real_datarate = 6600; if (cb_speed.Text.Contains("7200")) statics.real_datarate = 7200; /*Byte[] txdata = new byte[statics.PayloadLen + 2]; int idx = cb_speed.SelectedIndex; txdata[0] = (Byte)statics.ResamplingRate; // BER Test Marker txdata[1] = (Byte)idx; // and send info to modem Udp.UdpSendCtrl(txdata);*/ String s = cb_speed.Text; txcommand = statics.noTX; // stop any ongoing transmission button_cancelimg_Click(null, null); } private void timer_searchmodem_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { search_modem(); } private void bt_rximages_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (statics.ostype == 0) { try { String s = "file://" + statics.getHomePath(statics.RXimageStorage, ""); Process.Start(s); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } } else { try { Process.Start("xdg-open", statics.getHomePath(statics.RXimageStorage, "")); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } } } private void bt_openrxfile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (statics.ostype == 0) { try { String s = "file://" + statics.getHomePath("", ""); Process.Start(s); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } } else { try { Process.Start("xdg-open", statics.getHomePath("", "")); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } } } private String ReadString(StreamReader sr) { try { String s = sr.ReadLine(); if (s != null) { return s; } } catch { } return " "; } private int ReadInt(StreamReader sr) { int v; try { String s = sr.ReadLine(); if (s != null) { v = Convert.ToInt32(s); return v; } } catch { } return 0; } void load_Setup() { try { String fn = statics.getHomePath("", "od.cfg"); label_cfgpath.Text = fn; using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fn)) { tb_callsign.Text = ReadString(sr); cb_speed.Text = ReadString(sr); String s = ReadString(sr); cb_stampcall.Checked = (s == "1"); s = ReadString(sr); // free for other usage cb_audioPB.Text = ReadString(sr); cb_audioCAP.Text = ReadString(sr); tb_PBvol.Value = ReadInt(sr); tb_CAPvol.Value = ReadInt(sr); s = ReadString(sr); cb_autostart.Checked = (s == "1"); try { cb_announcement.Text = ReadString(sr); } catch { } s = ReadString(sr); try { cb_stampinfo.Checked = (s == "1"); } catch { } try { tb_info.Text = ReadString(sr); } catch { } try { cb_loudspeaker.Text = ReadString(sr); } catch { } try { cb_mic.Text = ReadString(sr); } catch { } try { tb_loadspeaker.Value = ReadInt(sr); } catch { } try { tb_mic.Value = ReadInt(sr); } catch { } try { s = ReadString(sr); rb_opus.Checked = (s == "1"); rb_codec2.Checked = (s != "1"); } catch { } try { cb_language.Text = ReadString(sr); } catch { } try { s = ReadString(sr); cb_sendIntro.Checked = (s == "1"); } catch { } for (int i = 0; i < Rtty_deftext_anz; i++) { String sx = ""; try { sx = ReadString(sr).Trim(); if(sx.Length == 0) initRttyDefString(i); else Rtty_deftext[i] = ParagrToCRLF(sx); } catch { initRttyDefString(i); break; } } tb_myname.Text = ReadString(sr); tb_myqth.Text = ReadString(sr); tb_myqthloc.Text = ReadString(sr); Font fnt1 = FontDeserialize(ReadString(sr)); if (fnt1 != null) tb_rtty_RX.Font = fnt1; fnt1 = FontDeserialize(ReadString(sr)); if (fnt1 != null) tb_rtty_TX.Font = fnt1; s = ReadString(sr); cb_rx_autosync.Checked = (s == "1"); } } catch { cb_autostart.Checked = true; } if (cb_audioPB.Text.Length <= 1) cb_audioPB.Text = "Default"; if (cb_audioCAP.Text.Length <= 1) cb_audioCAP.Text = "Default"; if (tb_callsign.Text == "DJ0ABR") { bt_resetmodem.Visible = true; bt_tune_minus.Visible = true; bt_tune_plus.Visible = true; } } void save_Setup() { try { using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(statics.getHomePath("", "od.cfg"))) { sw.WriteLine(tb_callsign.Text); sw.WriteLine(cb_speed.Text); sw.WriteLine(cb_stampcall.Checked?"1":"0"); sw.WriteLine("0"); // free for other use sw.WriteLine(cb_audioPB.Text); sw.WriteLine(cb_audioCAP.Text); sw.WriteLine(tb_PBvol.Value.ToString()); sw.WriteLine(tb_CAPvol.Value.ToString()); sw.WriteLine(cb_autostart.Checked ? "1" : "0"); sw.WriteLine(cb_announcement.Text); sw.WriteLine(cb_stampinfo.Checked ? "1" : "0"); sw.WriteLine(tb_info.Text); sw.WriteLine(cb_loudspeaker.Text); sw.WriteLine(cb_mic.Text); sw.WriteLine(tb_loadspeaker.Value.ToString()); sw.WriteLine(tb_mic.Value.ToString()); sw.WriteLine(rb_opus.Checked ? "1" : "0"); sw.WriteLine(cb_language.Text); sw.WriteLine(cb_sendIntro.Checked ? "1" : "0"); for(int i=0; i < Rtty_deftext_anz; i++) { if (Rtty_deftext[i] == null) Rtty_deftext[i] = " "; sw.WriteLine(CRLFtoParagr(Rtty_deftext[i])); } sw.WriteLine(tb_myname.Text.Trim()); sw.WriteLine(tb_myqth.Text.Trim()); sw.WriteLine(tb_myqthloc.Text.Trim()); sw.WriteLine(FontSerialize(tb_rtty_RX.Font)); sw.WriteLine(FontSerialize(tb_rtty_TX.Font)); sw.WriteLine(cb_rx_autosync.Checked ? "1" : "0"); } } catch { } } String FontSerialize(Font value) { String str; str = value.Name + "," + value.Size.ToString() + ","; if (value.Style == FontStyle.Regular) { str += "R"; } else { if (value.Bold) str += "B"; if (value.Italic) str += "I"; if (value.Underline) str += "U"; } return str; } Font FontDeserialize(String s) { String[] sa = s.Split(','); FontStyle fs = FontStyle.Regular; if (sa[2] == "B") fs = FontStyle.Bold; if (sa[2] == "I") fs = FontStyle.Italic; if (sa[2] == "U") fs = FontStyle.Underline; FontFamily ff = new FontFamily(sa[0]); float size = (float)statics.MyToDouble(sa[1]); Font fnt = new Font(ff, size, fs); return fnt; } String CRLFtoParagr(String s) { s = s.Replace('\n', '§'); s = s.Replace("\r", String.Empty); // make String 200 chars long, for exact storage position in cfg file s = s.PadRight(210); s = s.Substring(0, 200); return s; } String ParagrToCRLF(String s) { s = s.Replace("§", "\r\n").TrimEnd(new char[] {' '}); return s; } void initRttyDefString(int i) { switch(i) { case 0: Rtty_deftext[0] = "\r\n\r\nRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY\r\nCQ CQ CQ de %m CQ CQ CQ de %m pse k k k\r\n%r"; // CQ call break; case 1: Rtty_deftext[1] = "\r\n\r\n%c %c de %m %m %m pse k k k\r\n%r"; // answer CQ call break; case 2: Rtty_deftext[2] = "\r\n\r\n%c de %m\r\n"; // start TX break; case 3: Rtty_deftext[3] = "\r\nbtu dr %n %c de %m pse k k k\r\n%r"; // end TX break; case 4: Rtty_deftext[4] = "\r\nmany thanks for the nice QSO dr %n.\r\nHpe to see you agn. gl es mny 73 %c de %m bye bye ar sk\r\n%r"; // end QSO break; case 5: Rtty_deftext[5] = "\r\nName: %i\r\nQTH: %s\r\nQTHLOC: %q\r\n"; break; case 6: Rtty_deftext[6] = "\r\n%m station:\r\n"; // my station break; case 7: Rtty_deftext[7] = "RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY"; break; default: Rtty_deftext[i] = " "; break; } } private void bt_shutdown_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show(statics.langstr[23], statics.langstr[22], MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) { Byte[] txdata = new byte[1]; txdata[0] = statics.Modem_shutdown; Udp.UdpSendCtrl(txdata); MessageBox.Show(statics.langstr[24], statics.langstr[22], MessageBoxButtons.OK); } } /// // TEST ONLY: tell modem to send a file private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Byte[] txdata = new byte[1]; txdata[0] = statics.AutosendFile; // and transmit it Udp.UdpSendCtrl(txdata); } private void bt_resetmodem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Byte[] txdata = new byte[1]; txdata[0] = statics.ResetModem; // and transmit it Udp.UdpSendCtrl(txdata); statics.tuning_active = 0; } int setPBvolume = -1; int setCAPvolume = -1; private void tb_PBvol_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e) { setPBvolume = tb_PBvol.Value; } private void tb_CAPvol_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e) { setCAPvolume = tb_CAPvol.Value; } void setVoiceAudio(Byte opmode = 0) { /* * Format: * 0 ... statics.SetVoiceMode (25) * 1 ... voicemode * 2 ... codec * 3-102 ... LS device name * 103-202 ... MIC device name */ Byte[] txdata = new byte[203]; txdata[0] = (Byte)statics.SetVoiceMode; // values see: hsmodem.h _VOICEMODES_ if (opmode == 0) { // no predefined opmode, set opmode according the check boxes if (cb_switchtoLS.Checked) opmode = 1; if (cb_voiceloop.Checked) opmode = 2; if (cb_codecloop.Checked) opmode = 3; if (cb_digitalVoice.Checked) opmode = 4; if (cb_digitalVoiceRXonly.Checked) opmode = 5; } if(opmode == 0) pb_voice.BackgroundImage = null; txdata[1] = opmode; Byte codec; if (rb_opus.Checked) codec = 0; else codec = 1; txdata[2] = codec; Byte[] bpb = statics.StringToByteArrayUtf8(cb_loudspeaker.Text); Byte[] bcap = statics.StringToByteArrayUtf8(cb_mic.Text); //Byte[] bpb = statics.StringToByteArray(cb_loudspeaker.Text); //Byte[] bcap = statics.StringToByteArray(cb_mic.Text); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (i >= bpb.Length) txdata[i + 3] = 0; else txdata[i + 3] = bpb[i]; if (i >= bcap.Length) txdata[i + 103] = 0; else txdata[i + 103] = bcap[i]; } Udp.UdpSendCtrl(txdata); if(opmode > 0) { rb_opus.Enabled = false; rb_codec2.Enabled = false; } else { rb_opus.Enabled = true; rb_codec2.Enabled = true; } } private void allVoiceModesOff() { cb_switchtoLS.Checked = false; cb_voiceloop.Checked = false; cb_codecloop.Checked = false; cb_digitalVoice.Checked = false; cb_digitalVoiceRXonly.Checked = false; } private void cb_switchtoLS_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(cb_switchtoLS.Checked) { cb_voiceloop.Checked = false; cb_codecloop.Checked = false; cb_digitalVoice.Checked = false; cb_digitalVoiceRXonly.Checked = false; pb_voice.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.cdc_digital; } setVoiceAudio(); } private void cb_voiceloop_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (cb_voiceloop.Checked) { cb_switchtoLS.Checked = false; cb_codecloop.Checked = false; cb_digitalVoice.Checked = false; cb_digitalVoiceRXonly.Checked = false; pb_voice.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.cdc_intloop; } setVoiceAudio(); } private void cb_codecloop_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (cb_codecloop.Checked) { cb_switchtoLS.Checked = false; cb_voiceloop.Checked = false; cb_digitalVoice.Checked = false; cb_digitalVoiceRXonly.Checked = false; pb_voice.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.cdc_codecloop; } setVoiceAudio(); } private void cb_digitalVoice_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (cb_digitalVoice.Checked) { cb_switchtoLS.Checked = false; cb_voiceloop.Checked = false; cb_codecloop.Checked = false; cb_digitalVoiceRXonly.Checked = false; pb_voice.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.cdc_dv; } setVoiceAudio(); } private void cb_digitalVoiceRXonly_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (cb_digitalVoiceRXonly.Checked) { cb_switchtoLS.Checked = false; cb_voiceloop.Checked = false; cb_codecloop.Checked = false; cb_digitalVoice.Checked = false; pb_voice.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.cdc_dvrx; } setVoiceAudio(); } private void bt_arecord_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { cb_switchtoLS.Checked = false; cb_voiceloop.Checked = false; cb_codecloop.Checked = false; cb_digitalVoice.Checked = false; cb_digitalVoiceRXonly.Checked = false; pb_voice.BackgroundImage = null; setVoiceAudio(6); recordStatus = 1; } private void bt_aplay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { cb_switchtoLS.Checked = false; cb_voiceloop.Checked = false; cb_codecloop.Checked = false; cb_digitalVoice.Checked = false; cb_digitalVoiceRXonly.Checked = false; pb_voice.BackgroundImage = null; if (recordStatus == 1) { setVoiceAudio(0); recordStatus = 0; } setVoiceAudio(7); } private void bt_astop_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { cb_switchtoLS.Checked = false; cb_voiceloop.Checked = false; cb_codecloop.Checked = false; cb_digitalVoice.Checked = false; cb_digitalVoiceRXonly.Checked = false; pb_voice.BackgroundImage = null; setVoiceAudio(0); recordStatus = 0; } int setLSvolume = -1; int setMICvolume = -1; private void tb_loadspeaker_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e) { setLSvolume = tb_loadspeaker.Value; } private void tb_mic_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e) { setMICvolume = tb_mic.Value; } int language = 0; void set_language(int lang) { language = lang; if (language == 0) { statics.langstr = langstr_en; tabPage_image.Text = "Image"; cb_loop.Text = "loop (send all images in folder)"; bt_rximages.Text = " RX Images"; button_loadimage.Text = " Load Image"; label2.Text = "Quality:"; button_cancelimg.Text = " Cancel"; button_sendimage.Text = "Send"; label_rximage.Text = "RX image"; label_tximage.Text = "TX image"; tabPage_file.Text = "File"; button2.Text = "Cancel"; bt_openrxfile.Text = "Open RX file folder"; label_rxfile.Text = "RX File"; label_txfile.Text = "TX File"; bt_file_send.Text = "SEND"; bt_sendBinaryFile.Text = "Load Binary File"; bt_file_html.Text = "Load HTML File"; bt_file_ascii.Text = " Load ASCII Text File"; tabPage_audio.Text = "Voice Audio"; groupBox7.Text = "Codec Selection"; rb_codec2.Text = "CODEC-2 parametric audio codec. For BPSK/QPSK. Audio rate: 700/1600/3200 bps"; rb_opus.Text = "OPUS rate adaptive codec. For 8APSK. Audio rate: 84% of data rate"; groupBox6.Text = "Voice Audio Operating Mode"; cb_digitalVoiceRXonly.Text = "Digital Voice RX: Receiver ---> Codec ---> Loudspeaker"; cb_digitalVoice.Text = "Digital Voice RX+TX: Microphone ---> Codec ---> Transmitter | Receiver ---> Codec ---> Loudspeaker"; cb_codecloop.Text = "Codec Loop: Microphone ---> Codec ---> Loudspeaker"; cb_switchtoLS.Text = "Digital Monitor: Receiver ---> Loudspeaker"; groupBox5.Text = "Loadspeaker / Microphone / Headset"; label8.Text = "Volume:"; label10.Text = "Loadspeaker/Headphone:"; label11.Text = "Microphone:"; groupBox4.Text = "Maintenance"; cb_autostart.Text = "AUTO start/stop HSmodem"; bt_shutdown.Text = "Shutdown Modem-SBC"; tb_shutdown.Text = "before switching off the \r\nmodem SBC click here to \r\navoid defective SD-cards.\r\n"; bt_resetmodem.Text = "Reset RX Modem"; textBox3.Text = "only uncheck if modem runs on a separate PC"; groupBox3.Text = "Transceiver Audio"; label6.Text = "Volume:"; label5.Text = "Volume:"; groupBox2.Text = "Personal Settings"; cb_stampinfo.Text = "Insert Info into picture"; textBox4.Text = "transmissions"; textBox1.Text = "send announcement before TX, every"; label1.Text = "Callsign:"; cb_stampcall.Text = "Insert Callsign into picture"; tabPage_about.Text = "About"; label_speed.Text = "Speed [bit/s]:"; label_fifo.Text = "TX Buffer:"; label_capfifo.Text = "RX Buffer:"; lb_rxsignal.Text = "RX Signal:"; lb_rxsync.Text = "RX Sync:"; cb_sendIntro.Text = "send introduction before TX"; tb_recintro.Text = "record introduction"; lb_tuningqrgs.Text = "Send Marker Frequency:"; textBox5.Text = "Click on Callsign or Name in RX window"; textBox2.Text = @"Special Markers: %m... my call %i... my name %s... my city %q... my qthloc %c... ur call %n... ur name %r... switch to RX "; label_cfgpath_tit.Text = "Configuration stored in:"; label_urcall.Text = "Your Callsign:"; label_urname.Text = "Your Name:"; bt_rtty_tx.Text = "TX On/Off"; bt_rtty_default.Text = "set Default Text"; bt_rtty_cq.Text = "Call CQ"; bt_rtty_answerCQ.Text = "Answer CQ Call"; bt_rtty_endqso.Text = "End QSO"; bt_rtty_start.Text = "Start Transmission"; bt_rtty_end.Text = "End Transmission"; bt_rtty_myinfo.Text = "My Info"; bt_rtty_station.Text = "My Station"; textBox6.Text = "or double click in spectrum"; textBox7.Text = "for advanced users only, see developers manual"; bt_open_html.Text = "Open received " + Environment.NewLine + "HTML file"; groupBox8.Text = "Send all files in folder"; cb_file_loop.Text = "ON / off"; label13.Text = "Pause between files"; } if (language == 1) { statics.langstr = langstr_de; tabPage_image.Text = "Bilder"; tabPage_file.Text = "Datei"; tabPage_audio.Text = "Sprache"; tabPage_about.Text = "Info"; label2.Text = "Qualität"; button_loadimage.Text = "Lade Bild"; button_sendimage.Text = "Senden"; button_cancelimg.Text = " Abbruch"; bt_rximages.Text = "RX Bilder"; cb_loop.Text = "Endlosschleife: Alle Bilder im Verzeichnis senden"; label_tximage.Text = "TX Bild"; label_rximage.Text = "RX Bild"; label_speed.Text = "Bitrate [bit/s]"; label_fifo.Text = "TX Puffer"; label_capfifo.Text = "RX Puffer"; bt_file_ascii.Text = " Lade ASCII Textdatei"; bt_file_html.Text = "Lade HTML Datei"; bt_sendBinaryFile.Text = "Lade Binärdatei"; bt_file_send.Text = "SENDEN"; button2.Text = "Abbrechen"; bt_openrxfile.Text = "Öffne RX Dateien"; groupBox5.Text = "Lautsprecher / Mikrofon / Kopfhörer"; label10.Text = "Lautsprecher/Kopfhörer"; label11.Text = "Mikrofon"; label9.Text = "Lautst.:"; label8.Text = "Lautst.:"; groupBox6.Text = "Sprache / Audio Betriebsart"; cb_switchtoLS.Text = "Digital Monitor: Empfänger -> Lautsprecher"; cb_voiceloop.Text = "intere Schleife: Mikrofon -> Lautsprecher"; cb_codecloop.Text = "Codec Schleife: Mikrofon -> Codec -> Lautsprecher"; cb_digitalVoiceRXonly.Text = "DV Empfang: Empfänger -> Codec -> Lautsprecher"; cb_digitalVoice.Text = "DV Transceiver: Mikrofon -> Codec -> Sender | Empfänger -> Codec -> Lautsprecher"; groupBox7.Text = "Codec Auswahl"; rb_opus.Text = "OPUS adaptiver Codec. Für 8APSK. Audio-Datenrate 84% der Bitrate"; rb_codec2.Text = "CODEC-2 parametrischer Audiocodec. Für BPSK/QPSK. Audiorate: 700/1600/3200 bit/s"; groupBox2.Text = "Persönliche Einstellungen"; label1.Text = "Rufzeichen"; cb_stampcall.Text = "Füge Rufzeichen ins Bild ein"; cb_stampinfo.Text = "Füge Infotext ins Bild ein"; textBox1.Text = "sende Ansagetext vor TX, alle"; textBox4.Text = "Aussendungen"; label5.Text = "Lautst.:"; label6.Text = "Lautst.:"; groupBox4.Text = "Wartung"; textBox3.Text = "Ausschalten wenn hsmodem auf separatem PC läuft"; tb_shutdown.Text = "Vor dem Ausschalten eines SBC diesen hier herunterfahren"; cb_sendIntro.Text = "sende Vorstellung vor TX"; tb_recintro.Text = "Vorstellung aufnehmen"; lb_tuningqrgs.Text = "Sende Frequenzmarkierung:"; textBox5.Text = "Klicke auf Rufzeichen und Namen im RX Fenster"; textBox2.Text = @"Spezialzeichen: %m... mein Rufzeichen %i... mein Name %s... mein Ort %q... mein QTHLOC %c... dein Rufzeichen %n... dein Name %r... schalte auf RX "; label_cfgpath_tit.Text = "Konfiguration gespeichert in:"; label_urcall.Text = "Dein Rufzeichen:"; label_urname.Text = "Dein Name:"; bt_rtty_tx.Text = "TX ein/aus"; bt_rtty_default.Text = "setze Standardtexte"; bt_rtty_cq.Text = "Rufe CQ"; bt_rtty_answerCQ.Text = "Beantworte CQ"; bt_rtty_endqso.Text = "Beende QSO"; bt_rtty_start.Text = "Start Durchgang"; bt_rtty_end.Text = "Beende Durchgang"; bt_rtty_myinfo.Text = "Meine Info"; bt_rtty_station.Text = "Meine Station"; textBox6.Text = "oder Doppelklick in Spektrum"; textBox7.Text = "nur für spezielle Nutzer, siehe Entwickler - Dokumentation"; bt_open_html.Text = "Öffne empfangene" + Environment.NewLine + "HTML Datei"; groupBox8.Text = "TX alle Dateien im Verz."; cb_file_loop.Text = "EIN / aus"; label13.Text = "Pause zwischen Dateien"; } } private void cb_language_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(cb_language.Text.Contains("Deutsch")) set_language(1); else set_language(0); } String[] langstr_en = new String[]{ "next image in ", //0 "transmitting", "binary file received\r\n", //2 "transmission time : ", "transmission speed: ", //4 "file size : ", "file name : ", //6 "file status : not complete, retransmit\r\n\r\n", "Tuning Window", //8 "min Level", "TX image: ", // 10 ". Sent: ", "TX file: ", //12 "Image Files(*.jpg; *.jpeg; *.png; *.gif; *.bmp)|*.jpg; *.jpeg; *.png; *.gif; *.bmp", " frame lost", //14 " blocks OK", "wait for RX", //16 "Line Speed: ", " Byte. Missing blocks: ", //18 " Net Speed:", "Binary file ", //20 " loaded", "Shut Down Modem", //22 "Do you want to shut down the Modem-Computer ?", "Please wait abt. 1 minute before powering OFF the modem", //24 "Received Blocks\n", "good : ", //26 "failed: ", "\nfile incomplete, ask for retransmission", //28 " sequence OK", " of ", //30 "Bad blocks, retransmission required", "Bad blocks", //32 "Set RTTY predefinded text messages to default values. Are you sure ?", //33 "Set Default Mesages", //34 }; String[] langstr_de = new String[]{ "nächstes Bild in", //0 "sende", "Binärdatei empfangen\r\n", //2 "Sendezeit : ", "Übertragungsgeschw: ", //4 "Dateigröße : ", "Dateiname : ", //6 "Dateistatus : nicht komplett \r\n\r\n", "Tuning Fenster", //8 "min Pegel", "TX Bild: ", // 10 ".Gesendet: ", "TX Datei: ", //12 "Bilddateien(*.jpg; *.jpeg; *.png; *.gif; *.bmp)|*.jpg; *.jpeg; *.png; *.gif; *.bmp", " Frame verloren", //14 " Blöcken OK", "warte auf RX", //16 "Datenrate: ", " Byte. Fehlende Blöcke: ", //18 " Netto-Rate:", "Binärdatei ", //20 " geladen", "Modem herunterfahren", //22 "Wollen sie den Modem Computer herunterfahren?", "Bitte warten sie 1 Minuten vor dem Ausschalten des Modem Computers", //24 "empfangene Blöcke\n", "gut : ", //26 "defekt: ", "\nDatei nicht komplett, bitte neu Senden ", //28 " Sequenz OK", " von ", //30 "defekte Blöcke, Datei muss nochmal empfangen werden", "defekte Blöcke", //32 "Setze RTTY Nachrichten auf die Standardtexte zurück. Sind sie sicher?", //33 "Setze Standardnachrichten", //34 }; private void cb_autostart_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (cb_autostart.Checked == false) { if (modemrunning) { statics.StartHSmodem(false); Console.WriteLine("Kill Modem"); modemrunning = false; } } else { if (modemrunning == false) { modemrunning = statics.StartHSmodem(true); Console.WriteLine("Start Modem"); } } } int acttuning = 0; private void bt_tuning(int fr) { if (statics.tuning_active == 0 || fr != acttuning) { label_rximage.ForeColor = Color.Black; pictureBox_rximage.Image = null; ArraySend.stopSending(); bt_resetmodem_Click(null, null); txcommand = statics.noTX; Byte[] txdata = new byte[2]; txdata[0] = statics.tuning; txdata[1] = (Byte)fr; Udp.UdpSendCtrl(txdata); statics.tuning_active = 1; } else { txcommand = statics.noTX; bt_resetmodem_Click(null, null); statics.tuning_active = 0; } acttuning = fr; } private void bt_allf_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bt_tuning(7); } private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bt_tuning(1); } private void bt_tune_minus_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Byte[] txdata = new byte[2]; txdata[0] = statics.setfreq; txdata[1] = 10; Udp.UdpSendCtrl(txdata); } private void bt_tune_plus_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Byte[] txdata = new byte[2]; txdata[0] = statics.setfreq; txdata[1] = 255 - 10; Udp.UdpSendCtrl(txdata); } bool backspace = false; private void tb_rtty_TX_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (backspace) { backspace = false; return; } if (tb_rtty_TX.Text.Length > 0) { char c = tb_rtty_TX.Text[tb_rtty_TX.Text.Length - 1]; c = char.ToUpper(c); // filter allowed characters bool ok = false; if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ok = true; if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') ok = true; if (c == '\\') ok = true; if (c == '(') ok = true; if (c == ')') ok = true; if (c == '+') ok = true; if (c == '/') ok = true; if (c == '-') ok = true; if (c == ':') ok = true; if (c == '=') ok = true; if (c == '?') ok = true; if (c == ',') ok = true; if (c == '.') ok = true; if (c == ' ') ok = true; if (c == '\n') ok = true; if (ok) { Byte[] txdata = new byte[2]; txdata[0] = statics.rttykey; txdata[1] = (Byte)c; Udp.UdpSendCtrl(txdata); } } } /* %m ... my call %i ... my name %s ... my city %q ... my qthloc %c ... ur call %n ... ur name %r ... stop TX */ // convert short forms into text String realRTTYtext(String s) { String sdec = s; sdec = sdec.Replace("%m", tb_callsign.Text.Trim().ToUpper()); sdec = sdec.Replace("%i", tb_myname.Text.Trim().ToUpper()); sdec = sdec.Replace("%s", tb_myqth.Text.Trim().ToUpper()); sdec = sdec.Replace("%q", tb_myqthloc.Text.Trim().ToUpper()); sdec = sdec.Replace("%c", tb_urcall.Text.Trim().ToUpper()); sdec = sdec.Replace("%n", tb_urname.Text.Trim().ToUpper()); if(tb_urname.Text.Length == 0) { sdec = sdec.Replace(" dr ", " "); } sdec = sdec.Replace("%r", "[RX]"); return sdec.ToUpper(); } int selected_rtty_deftext = 0; void ShowRTTYtext(int selnum, int nosend = 0) { if (selnum >= Rtty_deftext_anz) return; selected_rtty_deftext = selnum; if (rb_rtty_normal.Checked) { bt_rtty_default.Enabled = textBox2.Enabled = false; tb_rtty_deftext.ReadOnly = true; tb_rtty_deftext.Text = realRTTYtext(Rtty_deftext[selnum]); if (nosend == 0) { String sx = tb_rtty_deftext.Text; sx = sx.Replace("[RX]", "~"); // print also in TX window String sxtx = sx; sxtx = sxtx.Replace('~', ' '); tb_rtty_TX.AppendText(sxtx); Byte[] tarr = statics.StringToByteArray(sx); Byte[] txdata = new byte[4 + tarr.Length]; txdata[0] = statics.rttystring; int len = tarr.Length; txdata[1] = (Byte)(len >> 8); txdata[2] = (Byte)(len & 0xff); txdata[3] = (Byte)'#'; // always switch TX on before transmitting for (int i = 0; i < tarr.Length; i++) txdata[i + 4] = tarr[i]; Udp.UdpSendCtrl(txdata); } } else if (rb_rtty_real.Checked) { bt_rtty_default.Enabled = textBox2.Enabled = false; tb_rtty_deftext.ReadOnly = true; tb_rtty_deftext.Text = realRTTYtext(Rtty_deftext[selnum]); } else { bt_rtty_default.Enabled = textBox2.Enabled = true; tb_rtty_deftext.ReadOnly = false; tb_rtty_deftext.Text = Rtty_deftext[selnum]; } } private void bt_rtty_cq_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ShowRTTYtext(0); } private void bt_rtty_answerCQ_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ShowRTTYtext(1); } private void bt_rtty_endqso_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ShowRTTYtext(4); } private void bt_rtty_start_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ShowRTTYtext(2); } private void bt_rtty_end_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ShowRTTYtext(3); } private void bt_rtty_myinfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ShowRTTYtext(5); } private void bt_rtty_station_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ShowRTTYtext(6); } private void bt_rtty_RY_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ShowRTTYtext(7); } private void tb_rtty_deftext_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (rb_rtty_edit.Checked) { try { Rtty_deftext[selected_rtty_deftext] = tb_rtty_deftext.Text; } catch { Rtty_deftext[selected_rtty_deftext] = ""; } } } private void bt_rtty_default_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (MessageBox.Show(statics.langstr[33], statics.langstr[34], MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { for (int i = 0; i < Rtty_deftext_anz; i++) initRttyDefString(i); ShowRTTYtext(selected_rtty_deftext); } } private void rb_rtty_normal_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (rb_rtty_normal.Checked) ShowRTTYtext(selected_rtty_deftext,1); } private void rb_rtty_edit_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (rb_rtty_edit.Checked) ShowRTTYtext(selected_rtty_deftext, 0); } private void rb_rtty_real_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (rb_rtty_real.Checked) ShowRTTYtext(selected_rtty_deftext, 0); } int rtty_sync = 0; private void bt_rtty_tx_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Byte[] txdata = new byte[2]; txdata[0] = statics.txonoff; txdata[1] = (Byte)((statics.rtty_txon==1)?0:1); Udp.UdpSendCtrl(txdata); } private void tb_rtty_TX_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if(e.KeyValue == 8) { // back space backspace = true; // do not process text change Byte[] txdata = new byte[2]; txdata[0] = statics.rttykey; txdata[1] = 0x08; Udp.UdpSendCtrl(txdata); } } private void button1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { tb_rtty_RX.Text = ""; } private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { tb_rtty_TX.Text = ""; } private void bt_rxfont_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FontDialog fontDialog1 = new FontDialog(); fontDialog1.Font = tb_rtty_RX.Font; if (fontDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { tb_rtty_RX.Font = fontDialog1.Font; } } private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FontDialog fontDialog1 = new FontDialog(); fontDialog1.Font = tb_rtty_TX.Font; if (fontDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { tb_rtty_TX.Font = fontDialog1.Font; } } private void panel_txspectrum_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { MouseEventArgs a = (MouseEventArgs)e; Int16 freq = (Int16)(10 * (a.X - 16)); statics.tune_frequency = freq; Byte[] txdata = new byte[3]; txdata[0] = statics.setfreq; txdata[1] = (Byte)(freq >> 8); txdata[2] = (Byte)(freq & 0xff); Udp.UdpSendCtrl(txdata); } private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Byte[] txdata = new byte[1]; txdata[0] = statics.rtty_stopTX; Udp.UdpSendCtrl(txdata); } private void bt_rtty_text1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ShowRTTYtext(8); } private void bt_rtty_text2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ShowRTTYtext(9); } private void bt_rtty_text3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ShowRTTYtext(10); } private void bt_rtty_text4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ShowRTTYtext(11); } private void bt_rtty_text5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ShowRTTYtext(12); } private void bt_rtty_text6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ShowRTTYtext(13); } private void cb_extIF_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { statics.extData = (Byte)(cb_extIF.Checked?1:0); } private void bt_open_html_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(statics.lastRXedHTMLfile.Length > 4) OpenUrl(statics.lastRXedHTMLfile); } } class DoubleBufferedPanel : Panel { public DoubleBufferedPanel() : base() { DoubleBuffered = true; } } }