/* * High Speed modem to transfer data in a 2,7kHz SSB channel * ========================================================= * Author: DJ0ABR * * (c) DJ0ABR * www.dj0abr.de * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * extdata.c ... handle external data coming via udp 40135 * * Data format (Packet Length: 219 Byte, fits into one HSmodem payload) * ==================================================================== * Byte 0 ... Data Type * Byte 1 ... Length * Byte 2-218 .. data (217 Bytes) * * Data Type: * types 0-31 ... reserved for HSmodem's internal use * type 32-255 .. available for public use. Registration recommended to avoid identical use by different apps * already defined by HSmodem: * type 0 ... payload contains DX-cluster messages as ASCII text * type 1 ... NB spectrum data * * Length: * length of the data field, maximum: 217 * */ #include "hsmodem.h" void makeSpecData(uint8_t* pdata, int len); void handleNBSpecData(uint8_t *pdata, int len); void makeWBSpecData(uint8_t* pdata, int len); void handleWBSpecData(uint8_t* pdata, int len); uint32_t extDataID = 0x7743fa9f; // message received on UDP port 40135 void ext_rxdata(uint8_t* pdata, int len, struct sockaddr_in* rxsock) { if (extData_active == 0) return; uint32_t id = pdata[0]; id <<= 8; id += pdata[1]; id <<= 8; id += pdata[2]; id <<= 8; id += pdata[3]; if (id != extDataID) { printf("incoming data on 40135, wrong ID: %d\n", id); return; } if (pdata[4] == 0) { // DX cluster message printf("DX cluster message received: <%s>\n", pdata + 5); // pdata MUST have size: PAYLOADLEN if (len != PAYLOADLEN) { printf("ext_rxdata wrong size:%d, need:%d, ignoring\n", len, PAYLOADLEN); return; } // 8 ... ExternalData // 3 ... SingleFrame // 1 ... repeat frame if TX currently down modem_sendPSKData(pdata + 4, 8, 3, 1, EXT_TX); } else if (pdata[4] == 1) { // NB spectrum data makeSpecData(pdata + 4 + 1, len - 1 - 4); } else if (pdata[4] == 2) { // CW Skimmer data // generate a full payload, padded with zeros uint8_t payload[PAYLOADLEN]; memset(payload, 0, PAYLOADLEN); if (len > PAYLOADLEN) len = PAYLOADLEN; // just for security, will usually never happen memcpy(payload, pdata + 4, len-4); printf("external CW Skimmer message ID: %d msglen:%d message<%s>\n", pdata[4], len, payload); // 8 ... ExternalData // 3 ... SingleFrame // 1 ... repeat frame if TX currently down modem_sendPSKData(payload, 8, 3, 1, EXT_TX); } else if (pdata[4] == 3) { // WB spectrum data makeWBSpecData(pdata + 4 + 1, len - 1 - 4); } else { printf("external message: %d msglen: %d unknown\n", pdata[0], len); } } // message received by modem // length of pdata is PAYLOADLEN+10 (see frame_packer.c: getPayload()) void ext_modemRX(uint8_t* pdata) { static uint8_t lastpl[PAYLOADLEN]; static uint8_t lastcwpl[PAYLOADLEN]; uint8_t* payload = pdata + 10; // the first byte is the external-type specifier if (payload[0] == 0) { if (memcmp(payload, lastpl, PAYLOADLEN)) { // new frame received memcpy(lastpl, payload, PAYLOADLEN); // DX-cluster message // send to websocket ws_send(payload, PAYLOADLEN); } } if (payload[0] == 1) { handleNBSpecData(payload, PAYLOADLEN); } if (payload[0] == 2) { if (memcmp(payload, lastcwpl, PAYLOADLEN)) { // new frame received memcpy(lastcwpl, payload, PAYLOADLEN); // CW skimmer message // send to websocket ws_send(payload, PAYLOADLEN); } } if (payload[0] == 3) { handleWBSpecData(payload, PAYLOADLEN); } // type=16 is also in use, see hsmodem (Bulletin) } /* * pdata: array of 550 16-bit values * starting at 10489.475 with a resolution of 1 kHz * up to 10490.025 which is a range of 550kHz (550 16bit values) * left beacon 10489.500 is at index 25 (24..26) */ void makeSpecData(uint8_t *pdata, int len) { // check if TX fifo has data already int us = fifo_usedspace(EXT_SPECNB); if (us > 1) return; // ignore data const int mlen = 550; if (len > mlen) len = mlen; // convert into 16 bit values uint16_t sval[mlen]; for (int i = 0; i < mlen; i++) { sval[i] = pdata[2 * i]; sval[i] <<= 8; sval[i] += pdata[2 * i + 1]; } // measure value of left beacon int vmax = 0; for (int i = 24; i <= 26; i++) if (sval[i] > vmax) vmax = sval[i]; if (vmax < 1) vmax = 1; // avoid divide by zero error //printf("Beaconlevel: %d\n",vmax); // normalize to beaconlevel, which is 100% // and 100% is 6 bit maximum, which is 63 // also reduce length by 2, resulting in 275 values const int vlen = mlen / 2; uint8_t snormval[vlen]; int idx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mlen; i+=2) { if (idx >= vlen) { printf("vlen too small\n"); break; // just for security, will never happen } snormval[idx] = (uint8_t)((63 * sval[i]) / vmax); uint8_t v = (uint8_t)((63 * sval[i+1]) / vmax); if (v > snormval[idx]) snormval[idx] = v; idx++; } // here we have 275 values with a resolution of 2kHz // each value is 6 bit long // so we have 275 * 6 = 1650 bit, which is 207 byte, // and fits into the extData payload of 217 byte //showbytestring("TX:",snormval,30,30); // store in average buffer static uint16_t avgbuf[vlen]; static int avganz = 0; for (int i = 0; i < idx; i++) //avgbuf[i] += snormval[i]; if(avgbuf[i] < snormval[i]) avgbuf[i] = snormval[i]; avganz++; /* // check if TX fifo has data already int us = fifo_usedspace(EXT_SPECNB); if (us > 1) return; // check if audio playback fifo is filled already us = io_fifo_usedspace(io_pbidx); if (us > 48000) return; // max 1s latency */ // build average //for (int i = 0; i < idx; i++) // avgbuf[i] /= avganz; avganz = 0; // snormval has 6-bit values, each in one byte // convert it to a bitstream uint8_t bitstream[PAYLOADLEN]; // the result will be shorter int sbyte = 0, sbit = 0; int dbyte = 1, dbit = 0; // dbyte=1 because bitstream[0] is the message ID memset(bitstream, 0, sizeof(bitstream)); while (1) { // read actual bit uint8_t bit = avgbuf[sbyte] & (1 << sbit); if (bit) bit = 1; // write into bitstream bitstream[dbyte] |= (bit << dbit); // move source to next position if (++sbit >= 6) { sbit = 0; sbyte++; if (sbyte == idx) break; // finished } // move destination to next position if (++dbit >= 8) { dbit = 0; dbyte++; } if (dbyte >= PAYLOADLEN) { printf("dbyte wrong:%d max is %d\n", dbyte, PAYLOADLEN); break; } } memset(avgbuf, 0, vlen * sizeof(uint16_t)); // data in: bitstream, length of data: dbyte // send to modem // 8 ... ExternalData // 3 ... SingleFrame // 1 ... repeat frame if TX currently down bitstream[0] = 1; // message ID for spectrum data modem_sendPSKData(bitstream, 8, 3, 1, EXT_SPECNB); } void handleNBSpecData(uint8_t *pdata, int len) { // extract into original data uint8_t odata[1000]; int sby = 1, sbi = 0; int dby = 1, dbi = 0; memset(odata, 0, sizeof(odata)); while (1) { // read actual bit uint8_t bit = pdata[sby] & (1 << sbi); if (bit) bit = 1; // write into orig data odata[dby] |= (bit << dbi); // move source to next position if (++sbi >= 8) { sbi = 0; sby++; if (sby >= len) break; // finished } // move destination to next position if (++dbi >= 6) { dbi = 0; dby++; } } //showbytestring("RX:", odata, 30, 30); // send to websocket odata[0] = 1; ws_send(odata, dby); } /* * Spectrum data format as received by the browser: * ------------------------------------------------ * Byte 0 ... fixed to 0 * Byte 1 ... length MSB * Byte 2 ... length LSB * Byte 3 ... =1 identifies the message as NB spectrum * Byte 4-278 ... spectrum data (275 values) * * spectrum data: * -------------- * 10489.525 - 10490.025 = 550kHz Resolution 2 kHz: 275 values * each value has 6 bit. 0x3f is the maximum */ // WB Transponder /* * pdata: array of 266 16-bit values * starting at 10491.500 with a resolution of 30 kHz * up to 10499.500 which is a range of 8000kHz (266 16bit values) * left beacon 10491.500 is at index 0 (0..16) */ void makeWBSpecData(uint8_t* pdata, int len) { // check if TX fifo has data already int us = fifo_usedspace(EXT_SPECWB); if (us > 1) return; // ignore data const int mlen = 266; if (len > mlen) len = mlen; // convert into 16 bit values uint16_t sval[mlen]; for (int i = 0; i < mlen; i++) { sval[i] = pdata[2 * i]; sval[i] <<= 8; sval[i] += pdata[2 * i + 1]; } // measure value of left beacon int vmax = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= 16; i++) if (sval[i] > vmax) vmax = sval[i]; if (vmax < 1) vmax = 1; // avoid divide by zero error //printf("Beaconlevel: %d\n",vmax); //showbytestring16("gultiti:", sval, 40); // substract 0-level then // normalize to beaconlevel, which is 100% // and 100% is 6 bit maximum, which is 63 uint16_t WBnullLevel = 350; uint8_t snormval[mlen]; int idx = 0; vmax -= WBnullLevel; if (vmax < 0) vmax = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mlen; i++) { int nv = sval[i] - WBnullLevel; if (nv < 0) nv = 0; uint8_t va = (uint8_t)((63 * nv) / vmax); if (va > 63) va = 63; snormval[idx] = va; idx++; } // here we have 266 values with a resolution of 30kHz // each value is 6 bit long // so we have 266 * 6 = 1596 bit, which is 199 byte, // and fits into the extData payload of 217 byte //showbytestring("TX:",snormval,30,30); // store in average buffer static uint16_t avgbuf[mlen]; static int avganz = 0; for (int i = 0; i < idx; i++) //avgbuf[i] += snormval[i]; if (avgbuf[i] < snormval[i]) avgbuf[i] = snormval[i]; avganz++; /* // check if TX fifo has data already int us = fifo_usedspace(EXT_SPECWB); if (us > 1) return; // check if audio playback fifo is filled already us = io_fifo_usedspace(io_pbidx); if (us > 48000) return; // max 1s latency */ // build average //for (int i = 0; i < idx; i++) // avgbuf[i] /= avganz; avganz = 0; // snormval has 6-bit values, each in one byte // convert it to a bitstream uint8_t bitstream[PAYLOADLEN]; // the result will be shorter int sbyte = 0, sbit = 0; int dbyte = 1, dbit = 0; // dbyte=1 because bitstream[0] is the message ID memset(bitstream, 0, sizeof(bitstream)); while (1) { // read actual bit uint8_t bit = avgbuf[sbyte] & (1 << sbit); if (bit) bit = 1; // write into bitstream bitstream[dbyte] |= (bit << dbit); // move source to next position if (++sbit >= 6) { sbit = 0; sbyte++; if (sbyte == idx) break; // finished } // move destination to next position if (++dbit >= 8) { dbit = 0; dbyte++; } if (dbyte >= PAYLOADLEN) { printf("dbyte wrong:%d max is %d\n", dbyte, PAYLOADLEN); break; } } memset(avgbuf, 0, mlen * sizeof(uint16_t)); // data in: bitstream, length of data: dbyte // send to modem // 8 ... ExternalData // 3 ... SingleFrame // 1 ... repeat frame if TX currently down bitstream[0] = 3; // message ID for WB spectrum data modem_sendPSKData(bitstream, 8, 3, 1, EXT_SPECWB); } // WB data received via HF void handleWBSpecData(uint8_t* pdata, int len) { // extract into original data uint8_t odata[1000]; int sby = 1, sbi = 0; int dby = 1, dbi = 0; memset(odata, 0, sizeof(odata)); while (1) { // read actual bit uint8_t bit = pdata[sby] & (1 << sbi); if (bit) bit = 1; // write into orig data odata[dby] |= (bit << dbi); // move source to next position if (++sbi >= 8) { sbi = 0; sby++; if (sby >= len) break; // finished } // move destination to next position if (++dbi >= 6) { dbi = 0; dby++; } } //showbytestring("RX:", odata, 30, 30); // send to websocket odata[0] = 3; ws_send(odata, dby); }