/* * 9/2020 (c) DJ0ABR, Kurt Moraw * License: GPL 3.0 * * udp.cs * ------ * * Creates a new thread which handles all incoming and outgoing UDP traffic. * Communication to other threads is done via a thread-safe pipe. * The UDP transmitter handles the correct datarate according to the modem speed. */ using System; using System.Collections; using System.Drawing; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Threading; namespace oscardata { public static class Udp { // this thread handles udp RX static Thread udprx_thread; static Thread udptx_thread; // Pipes for data transferred via UDP ports static UdpQueue uq_rx = new UdpQueue(); static UdpQueue uq_tx = new UdpQueue(); static UdpQueue uq_ctrl = new UdpQueue(); static UdpQueue uq_fft = new UdpQueue(); static UdpQueue uq_iq = new UdpQueue(); static UdpQueue uq_rtty_rx = new UdpQueue(); public static int searchtimeout = 0; static String last_audiodevstring = ""; // Constructor // called when Udp is created by the main program public static void InitUdp() { // create thread for UDP RX udprx_thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Udprxloop)); udprx_thread.Name = "Thread: oscardata UDP-RX"; udprx_thread.Start(); // create thread for UDP TX udptx_thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Udptxloop)); udptx_thread.Name = "Thread: oscardata UDP-TX"; udptx_thread.Start(); } public static void Close() { try { udprx_thread.Abort(); udptx_thread.Abort(); } catch { } } // Udp RX Loop runs in its own thread static void Udprxloop() { int extIPcnt = 0; // define UDP port UdpClient udpc = new UdpClient(statics.UdpRXport); udpc.Client.ReceiveTimeout = 100; while (statics.running) { try { // receive data from UDP port IPEndPoint RemoteEndpoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); Byte[] rxarr = udpc.Receive(ref RemoteEndpoint); if (rxarr != null) { // Data received: // RemoteEndpoint.Address ... IP address of the sender // RemoteEndpoint.Port ... port // b[0] ... Type of data // b+1 ... Byte array containing the data int rxtype = rxarr[0]; Byte[] b = new byte[rxarr.Length - 1]; Array.Copy(rxarr, 1, b, 0, b.Length); // payload if (rxtype == statics.udp_payload) { //Console.WriteLine("payload"); uq_rx.Add(b); } // Broadcast response if (rxtype == statics.udp_bc) { String ModIP = RemoteEndpoint.Address.ToString(); if (ModIP != statics.MyIP) { // this is not the local IP // wait for 3 Receptions before accepting it if (extIPcnt < 3) { //Console.WriteLine("myIP:"+statics.MyIP+" modem is ext IP:"+ModIP+", waiting:" + extIPcnt); if (extIPcnt < 4) extIPcnt++; if (extIPcnt < 3) continue; } //Console.WriteLine("modem is ext IP, accepted"); } else { //Console.WriteLine("modem is local IP"); extIPcnt = 0; } statics.ModemIP = ModIP; searchtimeout = 0; // message b contains audio devices and init status statics.initAudioStatus = (b[0] == '1') ? 2 : 0; statics.initAudioStatus |= (b[1] == '1') ? 1 : 0; statics.initVoiceStatus = (b[2] == '1') ? 2 : 0; statics.initVoiceStatus |= (b[3] == '1') ? 1 : 0; //String s = statics.ByteArrayToString(b,4); String s = statics.ByteArrayToStringUtf8(b, 4); String[] sa1 = s.Split(new char[] { '^' }); statics.AudioPBdevs = sa1[0].Split(new char[] { '~' }); statics.AudioCAPdevs = sa1[1].Split(new char[] { '~' }); // has the device list changed ? if(s != last_audiodevstring) { statics.GotAudioDevices = 1; last_audiodevstring = s; } if(statics.GotAudioDevices == 0) statics.GotAudioDevices = 1; } // FFT data if (rxtype == statics.udp_fft) { int idx = 0; statics.PBfifousage = b[idx++]; statics.CAPfifousage = b[idx++]; statics.RXlevelDetected = b[idx++]; statics.RXinSync = b[idx++]; statics.maxRXlevel = b[idx++]; statics.maxTXlevel = b[idx++]; statics.tune_frequency = b[idx++]; statics.tune_frequency <<= 8; statics.tune_frequency += b[idx++]; statics.rtty_txon = b[idx++]; //Console.WriteLine("f:" + statics.tune_frequency); Byte[] b1 = new byte[b.Length - idx]; Array.Copy(b, idx, b1, 0, b1.Length); drawFftBitmap(b1); } // IQ data if (rxtype == statics.udp_iq) { Int16[] re = new Int16[b.Length / 2]; Int16[] im = new Int16[b.Length / 2]; int idx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < b.Length; i+=4) { re[idx] = b[i+0]; re[idx] <<= 8; re[idx] += b[i+1]; im[idx] = b[i+2]; im[idx] <<= 8; im[idx] += b[i+3]; idx++; } drawBitmap(re, im); } if (rxtype == statics.udp_rtty_rx) { uq_rtty_rx.Add(b); } } } catch { } } } static int panelw = 75, panelh = 75; static Bitmap bm; const int maxsum = 5000; static Int16[] resum = new Int16[maxsum]; static Int16[] imsum = new Int16[maxsum]; static int sumidx = 0; static SolidBrush bgcol = new SolidBrush(Color.Silver);//FromArgb(255, (byte) 0x40, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00)); static double scaleiq(int v) { double f = v; f /= 15000.0; // f goes from -1 to +1 // scale it to the graphics const int sz = 45; f += 1; f /= 2; f *= sz; f += (panelw-sz)/2; return f; } static void drawBitmap(Int16[] re, Int16[] im) { // collect IQ data for (int i = 0; i < re.Length; i++) { if (sumidx < maxsum) { resum[sumidx] = re[i]; imsum[sumidx] = im[i]; sumidx++; } } // check if there is space in bitmap fifo // if the GUI does not process the bitmaps fast enough, just cancel it if (uq_iq.Count() > 2) return; // bitmap for drawing the complete picture bm = new Bitmap(panelw, panelh); using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(bm)) { // background gr.FillRectangle(bgcol, 0,0, panelw, panelh); // oscilloscope screen gr.DrawImage(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.screen), 2, 1); /* // screws at the 4 corners Bitmap screw = new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.schraube); gr.DrawImage(screw, 2, 2); gr.DrawImage(screw, panelw - 2-screw.Width, 2); gr.DrawImage(screw, 2, panelh - 2 - screw.Height); gr.DrawImage(screw, panelw - 2 - screw.Width, panelh - 2 - screw.Height); */ // draw constellation points for (int i = 0; i < sumidx; i++) { if (resum[i] == 0 || imsum[i] == 0) continue; double dist = Math.Sqrt((resum[i] * resum[i]) + (imsum[i] * imsum[i])); if (dist > 22000) continue; // do not draw outside scope double x = scaleiq(resum[i]); double y = scaleiq(imsum[i]); double et = 1.6; x -= et; y -= et; double w = et * 2; double h = et * 2; gr.FillEllipse(Brushes.Yellow, (int)x, (int)y, (int)w, (int)h); } } uq_iq.Add(bm); sumidx = 0; } static int fftw = 410, ffth = 72; static Bitmap bmskala = new Bitmap(fftw,ffth); static bool bmf = false; static Font fnt = new Font("Verdana", 10.0f); static Font smallfnt = new Font("Verdana", 8.0f); static Pen penyl = new Pen(Brushes.Yellow, 1); static Pen pengn = new Pen(Brushes.LightGreen, 3); static void drawFftBitmap(Byte[] b1) { int yl = ffth - 20; int yh = 20; if (!bmf) { // pre-draw background bmf = true; Pen pen = new Pen(Brushes.Navy, 1); Pen pensolid = new Pen(Brushes.Navy, 1); Pen pensolidwhite = new Pen(Brushes.White, 1); pen.DashPattern = new float[] { 1.0F, 2.0F, 1.0F, 2.0F }; Pen penred = new Pen(Brushes.Red, 1); Pen penred2 = new Pen(Brushes.Red, 2); using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(bmskala)) { gr.FillRectangle(bgcol, 0, 0, fftw, ffth); gr.DrawImage(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.osci), 0, 0); for (int x = 10; x <= 390; x += 10) gr.DrawLine(pen, x, yl, x, yh); gr.DrawLine(penred2, 11, yl, 11, yh); gr.DrawLine(penred, 150, yl, 150, yh); gr.DrawLine(pensolid, 20, yl, 20, yh); gr.DrawLine(pensolid, 280, yl, 280, yh); gr.DrawLine(pensolid, 360, yl, 360, yh); gr.DrawLine(pensolidwhite, 11, 12, 11,20); gr.DrawLine(pensolidwhite, 150, yl + 2, 150, yl + 7); gr.DrawLine(pensolidwhite, 20, yl + 2, 20, yl + 7); gr.DrawLine(pensolidwhite, 280, yl + 2, 280, yl + 7); gr.DrawLine(pensolidwhite, 360, yl+2, 360, yl+7); gr.DrawRectangle(penred, 15, yh, 270, yl-yh); gr.DrawString("200", smallfnt, Brushes.DarkBlue, 8, yl+7); gr.DrawString("1500", smallfnt, Brushes.DarkBlue, 135, yl + 7); gr.DrawString("2800", smallfnt, Brushes.DarkBlue, 267, yl + 7); gr.DrawString("3600", smallfnt, Brushes.DarkBlue, 345, yl + 7); gr.DrawString(statics.langstr[8], fnt, Brushes.White, 100, 0); gr.DrawString("Ref", smallfnt, Brushes.LightCoral, 1, 0); } bmskala.MakeTransparent(Color.White); } // check if there is space in bitmap fifo // if the GUI does not process the bitmaps fast enough, just cancel it if (uq_fft.Count() > 2) return; // bitmap for drawing the complete picture bm = new Bitmap(442, 76); int rshift = 14; using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(bm)) { // background gr.FillRectangle(bgcol, 0, 0, bm.Width, bm.Height); // scala gr.DrawImage(bmskala,16,2); if(statics.real_datarate == 45) { // RTTY Markers int low = (statics.tune_frequency - 170 / 2)/10; int high = (statics.tune_frequency + 170 / 2)/10; gr.DrawLine(pengn, low + rshift, yl, low + rshift, yh + 3); gr.DrawLine(pengn, high + rshift, yl, high + rshift, yh + 3); } /* // screws at the 4 corners Bitmap screw = new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.schraube); gr.DrawImage(screw, 2, 2); gr.DrawImage(screw, 442 - 2 - screw.Width, 2); gr.DrawImage(screw, 2, 76 - 2 - screw.Height); gr.DrawImage(screw, 442 - 2 - screw.Width, 76 - 2 - screw.Height); */ // spectrum int lastus = -1; // values for (int i = 0; i < b1.Length-1; i+=2) { int us = b1[i]; us <<= 8; us += b1[i + 1]; double fus = 0; if (us > 0) fus = 35 * Math.Log10((double)us / 10); us = (int)(fus - 5.0); if(lastus != -1 && i>0) gr.DrawLine(penyl, i/2+ rshift, 76-lastus, i/2+1+ rshift, 76-us); // 15 istead of 16 to get it in exact position lastus = us; } } uq_fft.Add(bm); } // Udp TX Loop runs in its own thread static void Udptxloop() { DateTime dt = DateTime.UtcNow; UdpClient udpc = new UdpClient(); while (statics.running) { bool wait = true; if(uq_ctrl.Count() > 0) { // Control Message: send immediately Byte[] b = uq_ctrl.Getarr(); udpc.Send(b, b.Length, statics.ModemIP, statics.UdpTXport); wait = false; } if(statics.PBfifousage < 3) { // we need to send more payload data // but never send faster than 1000 Byte/s // because statics.PBfifousage may be updated too slow //DateTime dtact = DateTime.UtcNow; //TimeSpan ts = dtact - dt; //if (ts.TotalMilliseconds > statics.UdpBlocklen) { if (uq_tx.Count() > 0) { Byte[] b = uq_tx.Getarr(); udpc.Send(b, b.Length, statics.ModemIP, statics.UdpTXport); wait = false; //dt = dtact; } } } if (wait) Thread.Sleep(1); } } public static void UdpBCsend(Byte[] b, String ip, int port) { UdpClient udpc = new UdpClient(); udpc.EnableBroadcast = true; udpc.Send(b, b.Length, ip, port); } // send a Byte array via UDP // this function can be called from anywhere in the program // it transfers the data to the udp-tx thread via a thread-safe pipe public static void UdpSendData(Byte[] b) { uq_tx.Add(b); } public static void UdpSendCtrl(Byte[] b) { uq_ctrl.Add(b); } public static int GetBufferCount() { return uq_tx.Count(); } public static int GetBufferCountCtrl() { return uq_ctrl.Count(); } public static Byte[] UdpReceive() { if (uq_rx.Count() == 0) return null; return uq_rx.Getarr(); } public static qpskitem UdpGetIQ() { if (uq_iq.Count() == 0) return null; return uq_iq.GetQPSKitem(); } public static Bitmap UdpBitmap() { if (uq_iq.Count() == 0) return null; return uq_iq.GetBitmap(); } public static Bitmap UdpFftBitmap() { if (uq_fft.Count() == 0) return null; return uq_fft.GetBitmap(); } public static bool IQavail() { if (uq_iq.Count() == 0) return false; return true; } public static Byte[] getRTTYrx() { if (uq_rtty_rx.Count() == 0) return null; return uq_rtty_rx.Getarr(); } } // this class is a thread safe queue wich is used // to exchange data with the UDP RX/TX threads public class UdpQueue { Queue myQ = new Queue(); public void Add(Byte [] b) { lock (myQ.SyncRoot) { myQ.Enqueue(b); } } public void Add(qpskitem b) { lock (myQ.SyncRoot) { myQ.Enqueue(b); } } public void Add(Bitmap bm) { lock (myQ.SyncRoot) { myQ.Enqueue(bm); } } public Bitmap GetBitmap() { Bitmap b; lock (myQ.SyncRoot) { b = (Bitmap)myQ.Dequeue(); } return b; } public Byte[] Getarr() { Byte[] b; lock (myQ.SyncRoot) { b = (Byte[])myQ.Dequeue(); } return b; } public qpskitem GetQPSKitem() { qpskitem b; lock (myQ.SyncRoot) { b = (qpskitem)myQ.Dequeue(); } return b; } public qpskitem GetItem() { qpskitem b; lock (myQ.SyncRoot) { b = (qpskitem)myQ.Dequeue(); } return b; } public int Count() { int result; lock (myQ.SyncRoot) { result = myQ.Count; } return result; } public void Clear() { lock (myQ.SyncRoot) { myQ.Clear(); } } } public class qpskitem { public int re; public int im; } }