/* * High Speed modem to transfer data in a 2,7kHz SSB channel * ========================================================= * Author: DJ0ABR * * (c) DJ0ABR * www.dj0abr.de * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * File restauration process * ========================= * 1) file header is received, get filename and file ID (which is the CRC16 over the complete file contents) * 2) is this file already existing ? yes-> 3) * 3) this file does not exist -> 4) * * 3) file with this name and ID exists is already, cancel reception, show file * * 4) file dows not exist, receive the blocks * 5) a block is missing -> find a previous block-file with this name+ID. If exists, take the block from this file * 6) reception complete, the files is OK -> save the file, delete a block file * 7) reception complete, the files is incomplete -> save the block file for late use * * Filenames: * ---------- * transmitter: * the sender takes any filename, but the ID is the C&C16 over the file contents (to identify different files with the same name) * * receiver: * use the filename as transmitted for the good original file * the blockfile's filename is the ID in Ascii-Hex representation, i.e.: ID= 0x45 0xfe ... filename is: 45FE.blk */ using System; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; namespace oscardata { class receivefile { int rxtype; int rxfrmnum; int minfo; int rxstat; int speed; int maxlevel; int dummy4; int dummy5; Byte[] rxdata = new byte[statics.PayloadLen]; // file buffer, we have max 2^10=1024 blocks with 219 bytes each = 224.256kB Byte[,] blockbuf = new byte[1024, statics.PayloadLen]; bool[] blockvalid = new bool[1024]; int blockidx; Byte[] firstblock; bool[] lastblockvalid = new bool[1024]; int lastblockidx; bool receiving = false; public String filename = null; public String StatusText = ""; public long filesize = 0; public Bitmap pbmp = null; DateTime starttime; public TimeSpan runtime; public int rxbytes = 0; bool autoRXnum = false; String blockFilename = ""; public bool receive(Byte []rxdp) { // read frame header if(!getFrameHeader(rxdp)) { // invalid situation blockidx = 0; receiving = false; return false; } // receive first frame of a transmission if (minfo == statics.FirstFrame || minfo == statics.SingleFrame) { starttime = DateTime.UtcNow; rxbytes = 0; filesize = 0; filename = ""; if (!StartFileRX()) return false; // invalid file } if (receiving && minfo != statics.FirstFrame) runtime = DateTime.UtcNow - starttime; // receive continous frames of a transmission if (minfo == statics.NextFrame) { // there are more frames for this file if(!FileRX()) { // invalid situation blockidx = 0; receiving = false; return false; } } rxbytes += statics.PayloadLen; // receive last file of a transmission if (minfo == statics.LastFrame || minfo == statics.SingleFrame) { if (!FileRX()) { // invalid situation blockidx = 0; receiving = false; return false; } // the last block was received ok // save file if all blocks valid SaveFile(); blockidx = 0; receiving = false; if (rxtype == statics.AsciiFile || rxtype == statics.HTMLFile || rxtype == statics.BinaryFile) { // these file type must be unzipped handleZIPfiles(); receiving = false; return true; } } if (rxtype == statics.Image) { // build bitmap from received data pbmp = buildBitmap(); return true; } return false; } bool getFrameHeader(Byte[] rxd) { rxtype = rxd[0]; rxfrmnum = rxd[1]; rxfrmnum <<= 8; rxfrmnum += rxd[2]; minfo = rxd[3]; rxstat = rxd[4]; speed = rxd[5]; speed <<= 8; speed += rxd[6]; maxlevel = rxd[7]; dummy4 = rxd[8]; dummy5 = rxd[9]; if (rxfrmnum >= 1024) return false; if (!autoRXnum) blockidx = rxfrmnum; Array.Copy(rxd, 10, rxdata, 0, rxd.Length - 10); return true; } bool StartFileRX() { if (receiving) return true; // already open //Console.WriteLine("first block"); // store first block filename = null; if (rxfrmnum != 0) { Console.WriteLine("blockidx auto increment"); autoRXnum = true; // for old compatibility, increment blockidx by ourself } blockidx = 0; if (rxdata.Length > statics.PayloadLen) { Console.WriteLine("wrong payload size: " + rxdata.Length + " expected:" + statics.PayloadLen); return false; // wrong size } // read file header ArraySend.rxFilename = ""; firstblock = ArraySend.GetAndRemoveHeader(rxdata); if (firstblock == null) { Console.WriteLine("invalid File header"); return false; // cannot read header, file is corrupted, ignore } // get block filename for this file blockFilename = idToFilename(ArraySend.FileID); // init valid blocks table for(int i=0; i= 0 && h <= 9) return (char)(0x30 + h); return (char)(0x41 + h - 10); } Byte b0 = (Byte)((id >> 12) & 0x0f); Byte b1 = (Byte)((id >> 8) & 0x0f); Byte b2 = (Byte)((id >> 4) & 0x0f); Byte b3 = (Byte)(id & 0x0f); String s = ""; s += hexToChar(b0); s += hexToChar(b1); s += hexToChar(b2); s += hexToChar(b3); s += ".blk"; return statics.getHomePath("blocks", s); } public bool blockstat(int[] result) { if (blockidx == 0) return false; int ok = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= blockidx; i++) { if (blockvalid[i]) ok++; } result[0] = blockidx+1; // +1 because we start with block 0 result[1] = ok; Array.Copy(blockvalid, lastblockvalid, blockvalid.Length); lastblockidx = blockidx; return true; } public void oldblockinfo(int[] result) { int ok = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= lastblockidx; i++) if (lastblockvalid[i]) ok++; result[0] = lastblockidx + 1; // +1 because we start with block 0 result[1] = ok; } void saveBlocks() { try { using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(blockFilename, FileMode.Create))) { for (int i = 0; i <= blockidx; i++) { // first byte of a block: valid/invalid block Byte[] blk = new byte[statics.PayloadLen + 1]; for (int j = 0; j < statics.PayloadLen; j++) blk[j + 1] = blockbuf[i, j]; blk[0] = blockvalid[i] ? (Byte)1 : (Byte)0; writer.Write(blk); } writer.Close(); } } catch { } } void readBlocks() { Byte[] blk = new byte[statics.PayloadLen + 1]; int idx = 0; try { using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(File.Open(blockFilename, FileMode.Open))) { while (true) { int ret = reader.Read(blk, 0, statics.PayloadLen + 1); if (ret != statics.PayloadLen + 1) break; for (int j = 0; j < statics.PayloadLen; j++) { if (blk[0] == 1) { blockbuf[idx, j] = blk[j + 1]; blockvalid[idx] = true; } } idx++; } reader.Close(); } } catch { } } bool FileRX() { if (!receiving) { Console.WriteLine("next/last block: not receiving, first block missing?"); return false; } //Console.WriteLine("next/last block"); // store next block if (rxdata.Length != statics.PayloadLen) { Console.WriteLine("wrong payload size: " + rxdata.Length + " expected:" + statics.PayloadLen); return false; // wrong size } if (autoRXnum) { blockidx++; Console.WriteLine("blockidx: do auto increment " + blockidx); } for (int i = 0; i < rxdata.Length; i++) blockbuf[blockidx, i] = rxdata[i]; blockvalid[blockidx] = true; return true; } // build full path+filename from received filename String makeRXfilename() { String fn = ""; // remove possible path from filename String fname = ArraySend.rxFilename; int idx = fname.IndexOfAny(new char[] { '\\', '/' }); if (idx != -1) { try { fname = fname.Substring(idx + 1); } catch { } } if (rxtype == statics.Image) fn = statics.getHomePath(statics.RXimageStorage, fname); else fn = statics.getHomePath("", fname); return fn; } bool SaveFile() { Console.WriteLine("save file"); // check if all blocks ok for (int i = 0; i <= blockidx; i++) { if (blockvalid[i] == false) { Console.WriteLine("save file: not all blocks ok"); // save block file saveBlocks(); return false; } } // reception was ok, blockfile no more needed, delete it // file is OK, blockfile no more needed, delete it try { statics.FileDelete(blockFilename); } catch { } // make filename filename = makeRXfilename(); Console.WriteLine("save at " + filename); try { using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(filename, FileMode.Create))) { for (int i = 0; i <= blockidx; i++) { if (i == 0) writer.Write(firstblock); else { Byte[] blk = new byte[statics.PayloadLen]; for (int j = 0; j < statics.PayloadLen; j++) blk[j] = blockbuf[i, j]; writer.Write(blk); } } writer.Close(); } } catch { } return true; } Bitmap buildBitmap() { Bitmap bmp = null; using (MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream()) { for (int i = 0; i <= blockidx; i++) { if (i == 0) memStream.Write(firstblock, 0, firstblock.Length); else { Byte[] blk = new byte[statics.PayloadLen]; for (int j = 0; j < statics.PayloadLen; j++) blk[j] = blockbuf[i, j]; memStream.Write(blk, 0, blk.Length); } } try { // first assign it to an "Image", this checks if the image is valid Image img = Image.FromStream(memStream); bmp = new Bitmap(img); } catch { return null; } } return bmp; } void handleZIPfiles() { if (filename == null) { Console.WriteLine("handleZIPfile: no filename"); return; } try { // filename has the received data, but maybe too long (multiple of payload length) // reduce for the real file length Byte[] fc = File.ReadAllBytes(filename); Byte[] fdst = new byte[ArraySend.FileSize]; if (fc.Length < ArraySend.FileSize) { Console.WriteLine("file not complete: got len=" + fc.Length + " expected len=" + ArraySend.FileSize); return; } Array.Copy(fc, 0, fdst, 0, ArraySend.FileSize); File.WriteAllBytes(statics.zip_RXtempfilename, fdst); // the received file (still zipped) is here // unzip received data and store result in file: unzipped_RXtempfilename ZipStorer zs = new ZipStorer(); String fl = zs.unzipFile(statics.zip_RXtempfilename); if (fl != null) { // save file // fl is the filename of the file inside the zip file, so the originally zipped file // remove path to get just the filename int idx = fl.LastIndexOf('/'); if (idx == -1) idx = fl.LastIndexOf('\\'); String fdest = fl.Substring(idx + 1); fdest = statics.getHomePath("", fdest); // fdest is the file in the oscardata's user home directoty // remove old file with same name try { statics.FileDelete(fdest); } catch { } // move the unzipped file to the final location File.Move(fl, fdest); filesize = statics.GetFileSize(fdest); StatusText = "unzip OK"; } else StatusText = "unzip failed"; statics.FileDelete(statics.zip_RXtempfilename); } catch { StatusText = "unzip failed"; } } } }