/* * High Speed modem to transfer data in a 2,7kHz SSB channel * ========================================================= * Author: DJ0ABR * * (c) DJ0ABR * www.dj0abr.de * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * audio.c ... functions to handle audio in/out via a soundcard * uses the "BASS" library * * captures samples from the sound card. * Samples are 32-bit floats in a range of -1 to +1 * get these samples from the thread safe fifo: cap_read_fifo(&floatvariable) * * plays samples to the sound card * Samples are 32-bit floats in a range of -1 to +1 * play the samples by calling the thread save function: pb_write_fifo(floatsample) * */ #include "hsmodem.h" BOOL CALLBACK RecordingCallback(HRECORD handle, const void *buffer, DWORD length, void *user); DWORD CALLBACK WriteStream(HSTREAM handle, float *buffer, DWORD length, void *user); int pb_read_fifo(float *data, int elements); void close_audio(); void cap_write_fifo(float sample); int pb_fifo_freespace(int nolock); void init_pipes(); #define CHANNELS 1 // no of channels used HRECORD rchan = 0; // recording channel BASS_INFO info; HSTREAM stream = 0; /*void showDeviceInfo(BASS_DEVICEINFO info) { if (info.flags & BASS_DEVICE_ENABLED) printf("%s\n","BASS_DEVICE_ENABLED "); if (info.flags & BASS_DEVICE_DEFAULT) printf("%s\n","BASS_DEVICE_DEFAULT "); if (info.flags & BASS_DEVICE_INIT) printf("%s\n","BASS_DEVICE_INIT "); if (info.flags & BASS_DEVICE_LOOPBACK) printf("%s\n","BASS_DEVICE_LOOPBACK "); if (info.flags & BASS_DEVICE_TYPE_DIGITAL) printf("%s\n","BASS_DEVICE_TYPE_DIGITAL "); if (info.flags & BASS_DEVICE_TYPE_DISPLAYPORT) printf("%s\n","BASS_DEVICE_TYPE_DISPLAYPORT "); if (info.flags & BASS_DEVICE_TYPE_HANDSET) printf("%s\n","BASS_DEVICE_TYPE_HANDSET "); if (info.flags & BASS_DEVICE_TYPE_HDMI) printf("%s\n","BASS_DEVICE_TYPE_HDMI "); if (info.flags & BASS_DEVICE_TYPE_HEADPHONES) printf("%s\n","BASS_DEVICE_TYPE_HEADPHONES "); if (info.flags & BASS_DEVICE_TYPE_HEADSET) printf("%s\n","BASS_DEVICE_TYPE_HEADSET "); if (info.flags & BASS_DEVICE_TYPE_LINE) printf("%s\n","BASS_DEVICE_TYPE_LINE "); if (info.flags & BASS_DEVICE_TYPE_MICROPHONE) printf("%s\n","BASS_DEVICE_TYPE_MICROPHONE "); if (info.flags & BASS_DEVICE_TYPE_NETWORK) printf("%s\n","BASS_DEVICE_TYPE_NETWORK "); if (info.flags & BASS_DEVICE_TYPE_SPDIF) printf("%s\n","BASS_DEVICE_TYPE_SPDIF "); if (info.flags & BASS_DEVICE_TYPE_SPEAKERS) printf("%s\n","BASS_DEVICE_TYPE_SPEAKERS "); }*/ #define MAXDEVSTRLEN 2000 uint8_t devstring[MAXDEVSTRLEN +100]; char PBdevs[100][256]; // stores the device names, just for diagnosis, has no real fuction char CAPdevs[100][256]; // build string of audio devices, to be sent to application as response to Broadcast search void enumerateAudioDevices() { memset(devstring, 0, sizeof(devstring)); devstring[0] = 3; // ID for this UDP message // playback devices int a; int idx = 0; BASS_DEVICEINFO info; strcat((char*)(devstring + 1), "System Default"); strcat((char*)(devstring + 1), "~"); strcpy(PBdevs[idx++], "System Default"); for (a = 1; BASS_GetDeviceInfo(a, &info); a++) { printf("PB device:%d = %s\n", a, info.name); if (strlen((char*)(devstring+1)) > MAXDEVSTRLEN) break; if (info.flags & BASS_DEVICE_ENABLED) { strncpy(PBdevs[idx], info.name, 255); PBdevs[idx][255] = 0; idx++; strcat((char*)(devstring + 1), info.name); strcat((char*)(devstring + 1), "~"); // audio device separator } } strcat((char*)(devstring + 1), "^"); // PB, CAP separator // capture devices BASS_DEVICEINFO recinfo; idx = 0; strcat((char*)(devstring + 1), "System Default"); strcat((char*)(devstring + 1), "~"); strcpy(CAPdevs[idx++], "System Default"); for (a = 0; BASS_RecordGetDeviceInfo(a, &recinfo); a++) { printf("CAP device:%d = %s\n", a, recinfo.name); if (strlen((char*)(devstring + 1)) > MAXDEVSTRLEN) break; if (recinfo.flags & BASS_DEVICE_ENABLED) { strncpy(CAPdevs[idx], recinfo.name, 255); CAPdevs[idx][255] = 0; idx++; strcat((char*)(devstring + 1), recinfo.name); strcat((char*)(devstring + 1), "~"); } } } /* * Audio Device numbering: * * Playback: * 0 ... no audio, we use 0 for default, which is -1 * 1 ... audio devices * * Record: * 0 ... audio devices * we insert "Default" at position 0, and let the audio devices start with 1, so we are compatible with playback * but in init_audio() we have to substract 1 */ uint8_t* getAudioDevicelist(int *len) { *len = strlen((char*)(devstring+1))+1; return devstring; } // pbdev, capdev: -1=default device int init_audio(int pbdev, int capdev) { static int f = 1; int ocd = capdev; // PB devices start with 1 (0 not used, but here used for Default which is -1) if (pbdev == 255 || pbdev == 0) pbdev = -1; // CAP devices start with 0, but we use 0 for Default (-1) // so we have to substract 1 from the real devices if (capdev == 255 || capdev == 0 || capdev == -1) capdev = -1; else capdev--; if (f == 1) { f = 0; enumerateAudioDevices(); init_pipes(); } close_audio(); printf("init audio, caprate:%d\n",caprate); if (pbdev != -1) printf("playback device %d: %s\n", pbdev, PBdevs[pbdev]); else printf("playback device %d: %s\n", pbdev, "Default"); if (capdev != -1) printf("capture device %d: %s\n", capdev, CAPdevs[ocd]); else printf("capture device %d: %s\n", capdev, "Default"); // check the correct BASS was loaded if (HIWORD(BASS_GetVersion()) != BASSVERSION) { printf("An incorrect version of BASS was loaded\n"); return -1; } // initalize default recording device if (!BASS_RecordInit(capdev)) { printf("Can't initialize recording device: %d\n", BASS_ErrorGetCode()); return -1; } // initialize default output device if (!BASS_Init(pbdev, caprate, 0, NULL, NULL)) { printf("Can't initialize output device\n"); return -1; } // set capture callback rchan = BASS_RecordStart(caprate, CHANNELS, BASS_SAMPLE_FLOAT, RecordingCallback, 0); if (!rchan) { printf("Can't start capturing: %d\n", BASS_ErrorGetCode()); return -1; } // set play callback BASS_GetInfo(&info); stream = BASS_StreamCreate(info.freq, CHANNELS, BASS_SAMPLE_FLOAT, (STREAMPROC*)WriteStream, 0); // sample: 32 bit float BASS_ChannelSetAttribute(stream, BASS_ATTRIB_BUFFER, 0); // no buffering for minimum latency BASS_ChannelPlay(stream, FALSE); // start it printf("audio initialized\n"); return 0; } void close_audio() { if(stream != 0) { printf("!close Audio Devices\n"); BASS_ChannelStop(rchan); int rr = BASS_RecordFree(); if (!rr) printf("Bass_RecordFree error: %d\n", BASS_ErrorGetCode()); BASS_StreamFree(stream); int r = BASS_Free(); if(!r) printf("Bass_Free error: %d\n", BASS_ErrorGetCode()); stream = 0; } } // capture callback // length: bytes. short=2byte, 2channels, so it requests samples*4 BOOL CALLBACK RecordingCallback(HRECORD handle, const void *buffer, DWORD length, void *user) { //printf("captured %ld samples\n",length/sizeof(float)); //measure_speed(length/sizeof(float)); float *fbuffer = (float *)buffer; //showbytestringf((char*)"cap:", fbuffer, 10); //printf("w:%ld ",length/sizeof(float)); for(unsigned int i=0; i<(length/sizeof(float)); i+=CHANNELS) { //printf("%f\n",fbuffer[i]); cap_write_fifo(fbuffer[i]); } return TRUE; // continue recording } // play callback // length: bytes. float=4byte, 2channels, so it requests samples*8 DWORD CALLBACK WriteStream(HSTREAM handle, float *buffer, DWORD length, void *user) { //printf("requested %ld samples\n", length / sizeof(float)); int ret = pb_read_fifo(buffer, length / sizeof(float)); if(ret == 0) { // fifo empty, send 00 memset(buffer,0,length); } return length; } // ================ thread safe fifo for audio callback routines =============== #ifdef _WIN32_ CRITICAL_SECTION cap_crit_sec; CRITICAL_SECTION pb_crit_sec; #define CAP_LOCK EnterCriticalSection(&cap_crit_sec) #define PB_LOCK EnterCriticalSection(&pb_crit_sec) void CAP_UNLOCK() { if (&cap_crit_sec != NULL) LeaveCriticalSection(&cap_crit_sec); } void PB_UNLOCK() { if (&pb_crit_sec != NULL) LeaveCriticalSection(&pb_crit_sec); } #endif #ifdef _LINUX_ pthread_mutex_t cap_crit_sec; pthread_mutex_t pb_crit_sec; #define CAP_LOCK pthread_mutex_lock(&cap_crit_sec) void CAP_UNLOCK() { pthread_mutex_unlock(&cap_crit_sec); } #define PB_LOCK pthread_mutex_lock(&pb_crit_sec) void PB_UNLOCK() { pthread_mutex_unlock(&pb_crit_sec); } #endif #define AUDIO_BUFFERMAXTIME 2 // fifo can buffer this time in [s] #define AUDIO_PLAYBACK_BUFLEN (48000 * 10) // space for 10 seconds of samples #define AUDIO_CAPTURE_BUFLEN (48000 * 10) int cap_wridx=0; int cap_rdidx=0; float cap_buffer[AUDIO_CAPTURE_BUFLEN]; int pb_wridx=0; int pb_rdidx=0; float pb_buffer[AUDIO_PLAYBACK_BUFLEN]; void init_pipes() { #ifdef _WIN32_ if (&cap_crit_sec != NULL) DeleteCriticalSection(&cap_crit_sec); InitializeCriticalSection(&cap_crit_sec); if (&pb_crit_sec != NULL) DeleteCriticalSection(&pb_crit_sec); InitializeCriticalSection(&pb_crit_sec); #endif } // write one sample into the fifo // overwrite old data if the fifo is full void cap_write_fifo(float sample) { CAP_LOCK; cap_buffer[cap_wridx] = sample; if(++cap_wridx >= AUDIO_CAPTURE_BUFLEN) cap_wridx = 0; CAP_UNLOCK(); } int cap_read_fifo(float *data) { CAP_LOCK; if (cap_rdidx == cap_wridx) { // Fifo empty, no data available CAP_UNLOCK(); return 0; } *data = cap_buffer[cap_rdidx]; if(++cap_rdidx >= AUDIO_CAPTURE_BUFLEN) cap_rdidx = 0; CAP_UNLOCK(); return 1; } void pb_write_fifo(float sample) { PB_LOCK; // check if there is free space in fifo if(pb_fifo_freespace(1) == 0) { PB_UNLOCK(); printf("************* pb fifo full\n"); return; } pb_buffer[pb_wridx] = sample; if(++pb_wridx >= AUDIO_PLAYBACK_BUFLEN) pb_wridx = 0; PB_UNLOCK(); //printf("write: pbw:%d pbr:%d\n",pb_wridx,pb_rdidx); } void pb_write_fifo_clear() { pb_wridx = pb_rdidx = 0; } int pb_fifo_freespace(int nolock) { int freebuf = 0; if(nolock == 0) PB_LOCK; int elemInFifo = (pb_wridx + AUDIO_PLAYBACK_BUFLEN - pb_rdidx) % AUDIO_PLAYBACK_BUFLEN; freebuf = AUDIO_PLAYBACK_BUFLEN - elemInFifo; if(nolock == 0) PB_UNLOCK(); //printf("fifolen:%d check: pbw:%d pbr:%d freebuf:%d\n",AUDIO_PLAYBACK_BUFLEN,pb_wridx,pb_rdidx,freebuf); return freebuf; } // read elements floats from fifo or return 0 if not enough floats are available int pb_read_fifo(float *data, int elements) { //printf("pb read fifo: %d\n",elements); PB_LOCK; int e = AUDIO_PLAYBACK_BUFLEN - pb_fifo_freespace(1); if(e < elements) { // Fifo empty, no data available PB_UNLOCK(); //printf("pb fifo empty, need:%d have:%d size:%d\n",elements,e,AUDIO_PLAYBACK_BUFLEN); return 0; } for(int i=0; i= AUDIO_PLAYBACK_BUFLEN) pb_rdidx = 0; } //printf("read %d floats\n",elements); PB_UNLOCK(); return 1; }