Kurt Moraw 5e9b8d553b update
2020-11-27 19:31:22 +01:00

431 lines
13 KiB
Executable File

* 9/2020 (c) DJ0ABR, Kurt Moraw
* License: GPL 3.0
* udp.cs
* ------
* Creates a new thread which handles all incoming and outgoing UDP traffic.
* Communication to other threads is done via a thread-safe pipe.
* The UDP transmitter handles the correct datarate according to the modem speed.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Threading;
namespace oscardata
public static class Udp
// this thread handles udp RX
static Thread udprx_thread;
static Thread udptx_thread;
// Pipes for data transferred via UDP ports
static UdpQueue uq_rx = new UdpQueue();
static UdpQueue uq_tx = new UdpQueue();
static UdpQueue uq_ctrl = new UdpQueue();
static UdpQueue uq_fft = new UdpQueue();
static UdpQueue uq_iq = new UdpQueue();
public static int searchtimeout = 0;
static String last_audiodevstring = "";
// Constructor
// called when Udp is created by the main program
public static void InitUdp()
// create thread for UDP RX
udprx_thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Udprxloop));
udprx_thread.Name = "Thread: oscardata UDP-RX";
// create thread for UDP TX
udptx_thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Udptxloop));
udptx_thread.Name = "Thread: oscardata UDP-TX";
public static void Close()
catch { }
// Udp RX Loop runs in its own thread
static void Udprxloop()
// define UDP port
UdpClient udpc = new UdpClient(statics.UdpRXport);
udpc.Client.ReceiveTimeout = 100;
while (statics.running)
// receive data from UDP port
IPEndPoint RemoteEndpoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);
Byte[] rxarr = udpc.Receive(ref RemoteEndpoint);
if (rxarr != null)
// Data received:
// RemoteEndpoint.Address ... IP address of the sender
// RemoteEndpoint.Port ... port
// b[0] ... Type of data
// b+1 ... Byte array containing the data
int rxtype = rxarr[0];
Byte[] b = new byte[rxarr.Length - 1];
Array.Copy(rxarr, 1, b, 0, b.Length);
// payload
if (rxtype == statics.udp_payload)
// Broadcast response
if (rxtype == statics.udp_bc)
statics.ModemIP = RemoteEndpoint.Address.ToString();
searchtimeout = 0;
// message b contains audio devices and init status
statics.initAudioStatus = b[0];
statics.initVoiceStatus = b[1];
String s = statics.ByteArrayToString(b,2);
String[] sa1 = s.Split(new char[] { '^' });
statics.AudioPBdevs = sa1[0].Split(new char[] { '~' });
statics.AudioCAPdevs = sa1[1].Split(new char[] { '~' });
// has the device list changed ?
if(s != last_audiodevstring)
statics.GotAudioDevices = 1;
last_audiodevstring = s;
if(statics.GotAudioDevices == 0)
statics.GotAudioDevices = 1;
// FFT data
if (rxtype == statics.udp_fft)
statics.PBfifousage = b[0];
statics.CAPfifousage = b[1];
statics.RXlevelDetected = b[2];
statics. RXinSync = b[3];
Byte[] b1 = new byte[b.Length - 4];
Array.Copy(b, 4, b1, 0, b1.Length);
// IQ data
if (rxtype == statics.udp_iq)
for (int i = 0; i < b.Length; i++)
// insert new byte in lastb
for (int sh = 12 - 1; sh > 0; sh--)
lastb[sh] = lastb[sh - 1];
lastb[0] = b[i];
// test if aligned
Int32 re = 0, im = 0;
if (lastb[0] == 0xe8 && lastb[1] == 3 && lastb[2] == 0 && lastb[3] == 0)
// we are aligned
re = lastb[7];
re <<= 8;
re += lastb[6];
re <<= 8;
re += lastb[5];
re <<= 8;
re += lastb[4];
im = lastb[11];
im <<= 8;
im += lastb[10];
im <<= 8;
im += lastb[9];
im <<= 8;
im += lastb[8];
drawBitmap(re, im);
catch { }
static int panelw = 75, panelh = 75;
static int maxdrawanz = 160;
static int drawanz = 0;
static Bitmap bm;
static void drawBitmap(Int32 re, Int32 im)
if (re == 0 && im == 0) return;
if (++drawanz >= maxdrawanz && uq_iq.Count() <= 1)
drawanz = 0;
bm = new Bitmap(75, 75);
using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(bm))
// re and im are in the range of +/- 2^24 (16777216)
// scale it to +/- 128
double fre = re;
double fim = im;
fre = fre * panelw / 2 / 16777216.0;
fim = fim * panelh / 2 / 16777216.0;
// scale it to the picture
int x = panelw / 2 + (int)fre;
int y = panelh / 2 + (int)fim;
int et = 2;
gr.FillEllipse(Brushes.Blue, x - et, y - et, et * 2, et * 2);
static AutoResetEvent autoEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
// Udp TX Loop runs in its own thread
static void Udptxloop()
UdpClient udpc = new UdpClient();
// calculate cycle time for the requested data rate
// time in ms for one bit: 1000/statics.datarate
//int actdatarate = statics.getDatarate();
//int wait_datarate = (int)(((double)statics.UdpBlocklen * 8.0 * 1000.0 / (double)(statics.getDatarate())));
//Timer TTimer = new Timer(new TimerCallback(TXTickTimer), autoEvent, 0, wait_datarate);
while (statics.running)
bool wait = true;
if(uq_ctrl.Count() > 0)
// Control Message: send immediately
Byte[] b = uq_ctrl.Getarr();
udpc.Send(b, b.Length, statics.ModemIP, statics.UdpTXport);
wait = false;
if(statics.PBfifousage < 2)
// we need to send more payload data
if (uq_tx.Count() > 0)
Byte[] b = uq_tx.Getarr();
udpc.Send(b, b.Length, statics.ModemIP, statics.UdpTXport);
wait = false;
if (wait) Thread.Sleep(1);
public static void UdpBCsend(Byte[] b, String ip, int port)
UdpClient udpc = new UdpClient();
udpc.EnableBroadcast = true;
udpc.Send(b, b.Length, ip, port);
static void TXTickTimer(object stateInfo)
autoEvent = (AutoResetEvent)stateInfo;
// send a Byte array via UDP
// this function can be called from anywhere in the program
// it transfers the data to the udp-tx thread via a thread-safe pipe
public static void UdpSendData(Byte[] b)
public static void UdpSendCtrl(Byte[] b)
public static int GetBufferCount()
return uq_tx.Count();
public static int GetBufferCountCtrl()
return uq_ctrl.Count();
public static Byte[] UdpReceive()
if (uq_rx.Count() == 0) return null;
return uq_rx.Getarr();
public static UInt16[] UdpGetFFT()
if (uq_fft.Count() == 0) return null;
Byte[] d = uq_fft.Getarr();
UInt16[] varr = new UInt16[d.Length / 2];
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < d.Length; i += 2)
if ((i + 1) >= d.Length) break;
UInt16 us = d[i];
us <<= 8;
us += d[i + 1];
if (j >= (varr.Length)) break;
varr[j++] = us;
return varr;
static Byte[] lastb = new Byte[12];
public static qpskitem UdpGetIQ()
if (uq_iq.Count() == 0) return null;
return uq_iq.GetQPSKitem();
public static Bitmap UdpBitmap()
if (uq_iq.Count() == 0) return null;
return uq_iq.GetBitmap();
public static bool IQavail()
if (uq_iq.Count() == 0) return false;
return true;
// this class is a thread safe queue wich is used
// to exchange data with the UDP RX/TX threads
public class UdpQueue
Queue myQ = new Queue();
public void Add(Byte [] b)
lock (myQ.SyncRoot)
public void Add(qpskitem b)
lock (myQ.SyncRoot)
public void Add(Bitmap bm)
lock (myQ.SyncRoot)
public Bitmap GetBitmap()
Bitmap b;
lock (myQ.SyncRoot)
b = (Bitmap)myQ.Dequeue();
return b;
public Byte[] Getarr()
Byte[] b;
lock (myQ.SyncRoot)
b = (Byte[])myQ.Dequeue();
return b;
public qpskitem GetQPSKitem()
qpskitem b;
lock (myQ.SyncRoot)
b = (qpskitem)myQ.Dequeue();
return b;
public qpskitem GetItem()
qpskitem b;
lock (myQ.SyncRoot)
b = (qpskitem)myQ.Dequeue();
return b;
public int Count()
int result;
lock (myQ.SyncRoot)
result = myQ.Count;
return result;
public void Clear()
lock (myQ.SyncRoot)
public class qpskitem
public int re;
public int im;