Kurt Moraw caff38495d update
2020-11-05 19:11:57 +01:00

440 lines
12 KiB
Executable File

* High Speed modem to transfer data in a 2,7kHz SSB channel
* =========================================================
* Author: DJ0ABR
* made for: AMSAT-DL
* (c) DJ0ABR
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
* this is a console program
* it can be compiled under Linux: make
* and under Windows: Visual-Studio
* 3rd party libraries:
* 1) BASS Audio from
copy bass.h and bass.lib into source directory
Windows: copy bass.dll into executable directory
Linux: copy into shared-lib folder, usually /usr/local/lib
! NOTE: for PC-Linux and ARM-Linux you need different libraries !
2) liquid-DSP
Linux Install Script:
this installs it from source
sudo apt install git autoconf libsndfile-dev libasound-dev
git clone git://
cd liquid-dsp
make -j 8
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
a working copy of the source code is in ../3rdParty/liquid-dsp
to use this source simply remove the "git clone" line from above script
it installs into /usr/local/lib (Ubuntu) and
liquid.h into /usr/local/include/liquid/
ready libraries are in ../3rdParty/liquid-dsp-windows
copy liquid.h and liquid.lib into source directory
copy liquid.dll into executable directory
#include "hsmodem.h"
void toGR_sendData(uint8_t* data, int type, int status);
void bc_rxdata(uint8_t* pdata, int len, struct sockaddr_in* rxsock);
void appdata_rxdata(uint8_t* pdata, int len, struct sockaddr_in* rxsock);
void startModem();
// threads will exit if set to 0
int keeprunning = 1;
// UDP I/O
int BC_sock_AppToModem = -1;
int DATA_sock_AppToModem = -1;
int DATA_sock_from_GR = -1;
int DATA_sock_FFT_from_GR = -1;
int DATA_sock_I_Q_from_GR = -1;
int UdpBCport_AppToModem = 40131;
int UdpDataPort_AppToModem = 40132;
int UdpDataPort_ModemToApp = 40133;
int UdpDataPort_toGR = 40134;
int UdpDataPort_fromGR = 40135;
int UdpDataPort_fromGR_FFT = 40136;
int UdpDataPort_fromGR_I_Q = 40137;
// op mode depending values
// default mode if not set by the app
int speedmode = 7;
int bitsPerSymbol = 2; // QPSK=2, 8PSK=3
int constellationSize = 4; // QPSK=4, 8PSK=8
char localIP[] = { "" };
char ownfilename[] = { "hsmodem" };
char appIP[20] = { 0 };
int fixappIP = 0;
int restart_modems = 0;
int caprate = 44100;
int txinterpolfactor = 20;
int rxPreInterpolfactor = 5;
int captureDeviceNo = -1;
int playbackDeviceNo = -1;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int opt = 0;
char* modemip = NULL;
#ifdef _LINUX_
while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "m:")) != -1)
switch (opt)
case 'm':
// specify IP of application: hsmodem -m
modemip = optarg;
memset(appIP, 0, 20);
int len = strlen(modemip);
if (len < 16)
memcpy(appIP, modemip, len);
fixappIP = 1;
printf("Application IP set to: %s\n", modemip);
printf("invalid Application IP: %s\n", modemip);
if (isRunning(ownfilename) == 1)
#ifdef _WIN32_
if (argc != 1 && argc != 3)
printf("invalid argument\n");
if (argc == 3)
memset(appIP, 0, 20);
int len = strlen(argv[2]);
if (len < 16)
memcpy(appIP, argv[2], len);
fixappIP = 1;
printf("Application IP set to: %s\n", argv[2]);
printf("invalid Application IP: %s\n", modemip);
int ar = init_audio(playbackDeviceNo, captureDeviceNo);
if (ar == -1)
keeprunning = 0;
// start udp RX to listen for broadcast search message from Application
UdpRxInit(&BC_sock_AppToModem, UdpBCport_AppToModem, &bc_rxdata, &keeprunning);
// start udp RX for data from application
UdpRxInit(&DATA_sock_AppToModem, UdpDataPort_AppToModem, &appdata_rxdata, &keeprunning);
// start udp RX to listen for data from GR Receiver
UdpRxInit(&DATA_sock_from_GR, UdpDataPort_fromGR, &GRdata_rxdata, &keeprunning);
printf("QO100modem initialised and running\n");
while (keeprunning)
if (restart_modems == 1)
restart_modems = 0;
if (demodulator() == 0)
printf("stopped: %d\n", keeprunning);
#ifdef _LINUX_
#ifdef _WIN32_
return 0;
typedef struct {
int audio;
int tx;
int rx;
int bpsym;
SPEEDRATE sr[10] = {
// QPSK modes
{48000, 32, 8, 2}, // AudioRate, TX-Resampler, RX-Resampler/4, bit/symbol
{44100, 28, 7, 2}, // see samprate.ods
{44100, 24, 6, 2},
{48000, 24, 6, 2},
{44100, 20, 5, 2},
{48000, 20, 5, 2},
// 8PSK modes
{44100, 24, 6, 3},
{48000, 24, 6, 3},
{44100, 20, 5, 3},
{48000, 20, 5, 3}
void startModem()
bitsPerSymbol = sr[speedmode].bpsym;
constellationSize = (1 << bitsPerSymbol); // QPSK=4, 8PSK=8
caprate = sr[speedmode].audio;
txinterpolfactor = sr[speedmode].tx;
rxPreInterpolfactor = sr[speedmode].rx;
// int TX audio and modulator
init_audio(playbackDeviceNo, captureDeviceNo);
void setAudioDevices(int pb, int cap)
//printf("%d %d\n", pb, cap);
if (pb != playbackDeviceNo || cap != captureDeviceNo)
restart_modems = 1;
playbackDeviceNo = pb;
captureDeviceNo = cap;
// called from UDP RX thread for Broadcast-search from App
void bc_rxdata(uint8_t* pdata, int len, struct sockaddr_in* rxsock)
if (len > 0 && pdata[0] == 0x3c)
setAudioDevices(pdata[1], pdata[2]);
char rxip[20];
strcpy(rxip, inet_ntoa(rxsock->sin_addr));
if (fixappIP == 0)
if (strcmp(appIP, rxip))
printf("new app IP: %s, restarting modems\n", rxip);
restart_modems = 1;
strcpy(appIP, rxip);
//printf("app (%s) is searching modem. Sending modem IP to the app\n",appIP);
// App searches for the modem IP, mirror the received messages
// so the app gets an UDP message with this local IP
int alen;
uint8_t* txdata = getAudioDevicelist(&alen);
sendUDP(appIP, UdpDataPort_ModemToApp, txdata, alen);
// appIP is fixed, answer only to this IP
if (!strcmp(appIP, rxip))
//printf("app (%s) is searching modem. Sending modem IP to the app\n",appIP);
restart_modems = 1;
// App searches for the modem IP, mirror the received messages
// so the app gets an UDP message with this local IP
int alen;
uint8_t* txdata = getAudioDevicelist(&alen);
sendUDP(appIP, UdpDataPort_ModemToApp, txdata, alen);
// called by UDP RX thread for data from App
void appdata_rxdata(uint8_t* pdata, int len, struct sockaddr_in* rxsock)
uint8_t type = pdata[0];
uint8_t minfo = pdata[1];
if (len != (PAYLOADLEN + 2))
printf("data from app: wrong length:%d (should be %d)\n", len - 2, PAYLOADLEN);
// type values: see oscardata config.cs: frame types
if (type == 16)
// Byte 1 contains the resampler ratio for TX and RX modem
speedmode = pdata[1];
printf("set speedmode to %d\n", speedmode);
restart_modems = 1;
if (type == 17)
// auto send file
// for testing only:
// simulate sending a text file with 1kB length
/*int testlen = 100000;
uint8_t arr[100000];
char c = 'A';
for (int i = 0; i < testlen; i++)
arr[i] = c;
if (++c > 'Z') c = 'A';
arraySend(arr, testlen, 3, (char*)"testfile.txt");*/
if (type == 18)
// auto send folder
if (type == 19)
// shut down this modem PC
int r = system("sudo shutdown now");
if (type == 20)
// reset liquid RX modem
//if (getSending() == 1) return; // already sending (Array sending)
if (minfo == 0)
// this is the first frame of a larger file
// send it multiple times, like a preamble, to give the
// receiver some time for synchronisation
// duration: 3 seconds
// caprate: samples/s. This are symbols: caprate/txinterpolfactor
// and bits: symbols * bitsPerSymbol
// and bytes/second: bits/8 = (caprate/txinterpolfactor) * bitsPerSymbol / 8
// one frame has 258 bytes, so we need for 5s: 5* ((caprate/txinterpolfactor) * bitsPerSymbol / 8) /258 + 1 frames
int numframespreamble = 3 * ((caprate / txinterpolfactor) * bitsPerSymbol / 8) / 258 + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < numframespreamble; i++)
toGR_sendData(pdata + 2, type, minfo);
else if ((len - 2) < PAYLOADLEN)
// if not enough data for a full payload add Zeros
uint8_t payload[PAYLOADLEN];
memset(payload, 0, PAYLOADLEN);
memcpy(payload, pdata + 2, len - 2);
toGR_sendData(payload, type, minfo);
toGR_sendData(pdata + 2, type, minfo);
void toGR_sendData(uint8_t* data, int type, int status)
int len = 0;
uint8_t* txdata = Pack(data, type, status, &len);
//showbytestring((char *)"BERtx: ", txdata, len);
if (txdata != NULL)
sendToModulator(txdata, len);
// called by UDP RX thread or liquid demodulator for received data
void GRdata_rxdata(uint8_t* pdata, int len, struct sockaddr_in* rxsock)
static int fnd = 0;
// raw symbols
uint8_t* pl = unpack_data(pdata, len);
if (pl != NULL)
// complete frame received
// send payload to app
uint8_t txpl[PAYLOADLEN + 10 + 1];
memcpy(txpl + 1, pl, PAYLOADLEN + 10);
txpl[0] = 1; // type 1: payload data follows
sendUDP(appIP, UdpDataPort_ModemToApp, txpl, PAYLOADLEN + 10 + 1);
fnd = 0;
// no frame found
// if longer ws seconds nothing found, reset liquid RX modem
// comes here with symbol rate, i.e. 4000 S/s
int ws = 2;
int wt = sr[speedmode].audio / sr[speedmode].tx;
if (++fnd >= (wt * ws))
fnd = 0;
//printf("no signal detected %d, reset RX modem\n", wt);