module packjt ! These variables are accessible from outside via "use packjt": integer jt_itype,jt_nc1,jt_nc2,jt_ng,jt_k1,jt_k2 character*6 jt_c1,jt_c2,jt_c3 contains subroutine unpackbits(sym,nsymd,m0,dbits) ! Unpack bits from sym() into dbits(), one bit per byte. ! NB: nsymd is the number of input words, and m0 their length. ! there will be m0*nsymd output bytes, each 0 or 1. integer sym(:) integer*1 dbits(:) k=0 do i=1,nsymd mask=ishft(1,m0-1) do j=1,m0 k=k+1 dbits(k)=0 if(iand(mask,sym(i)).ne.0) dbits(k)=1 mask=ishft(mask,-1) enddo enddo return end subroutine unpackbits subroutine unpackcall(ncall,word,iv2,psfx) parameter (NBASE=37*36*10*27*27*27) character word*12,c*37,psfx*4 data c/'0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ '/ word='......' psfx=' ' n=ncall iv2=0 if( go to 20 word='......' ! if( go to 999 !Plain text message ... i=mod(n,27)+11 word(6:6)=c(i:i) n=n/27 i=mod(n,27)+11 word(5:5)=c(i:i) n=n/27 i=mod(n,27)+11 word(4:4)=c(i:i) n=n/27 i=mod(n,10)+1 word(3:3)=c(i:i) n=n/10 i=mod(n,36)+1 word(2:2)=c(i:i) n=n/36 i=n+1 word(1:1)=c(i:i) do i=1,4 if(word(i:i).ne.' ') go to 10 enddo go to 999 10 word=word(i:) go to 999 20 if( go to 999 ! We have a JT65v2 message if(( .and. (n.le.264002071)) then ! CQ with prefix iv2=1 n=n-262178563 i=mod(n,37)+1 psfx(4:4)=c(i:i) n=n/37 i=mod(n,37)+1 psfx(3:3)=c(i:i) n=n/37 i=mod(n,37)+1 psfx(2:2)=c(i:i) n=n/37 i=n+1 psfx(1:1)=c(i:i) else if(( .and. (n.le.265825580)) then ! QRZ with prefix iv2=2 n=n-264002072 i=mod(n,37)+1 psfx(4:4)=c(i:i) n=n/37 i=mod(n,37)+1 psfx(3:3)=c(i:i) n=n/37 i=mod(n,37)+1 psfx(2:2)=c(i:i) n=n/37 i=n+1 psfx(1:1)=c(i:i) else if(( .and. (n.le.267649089)) then ! DE with prefix iv2=3 n=n-265825581 i=mod(n,37)+1 psfx(4:4)=c(i:i) n=n/37 i=mod(n,37)+1 psfx(3:3)=c(i:i) n=n/37 i=mod(n,37)+1 psfx(2:2)=c(i:i) n=n/37 i=n+1 psfx(1:1)=c(i:i) else if(( .and. (n.le.267698374)) then ! CQ with suffix iv2=4 n=n-267649090 i=mod(n,37)+1 psfx(3:3)=c(i:i) n=n/37 i=mod(n,37)+1 psfx(2:2)=c(i:i) n=n/37 i=n+1 psfx(1:1)=c(i:i) else if(( .and. (n.le.267747659)) then ! QRZ with suffix iv2=5 n=n-267698375 i=mod(n,37)+1 psfx(3:3)=c(i:i) n=n/37 i=mod(n,37)+1 psfx(2:2)=c(i:i) n=n/37 i=n+1 psfx(1:1)=c(i:i) else if(( .and. (n.le.267796944)) then ! DE with suffix iv2=6 n=n-267747660 i=mod(n,37)+1 psfx(3:3)=c(i:i) n=n/37 i=mod(n,37)+1 psfx(2:2)=c(i:i) n=n/37 i=n+1 psfx(1:1)=c(i:i) else if(n.eq.267796945) then ! DE with no prefix or suffix iv2=7 psfx = ' ' endif 999 if(word(1:3).eq.'3D0') word='3DA0'//word(4:) if(word(1:1).eq.'Q' .and. word(2:2).ge.'A' .and. & word(2:2).le.'Z') word='3X'//word(2:) return end subroutine unpackcall subroutine unpackmsg(dat,msgcall,msggrid) parameter (NBASE=37*36*10*27*27*27) parameter (NGBASE=180*180) integer dat(:) character msgcall*12,msggrid*4,grid6*6,junk2*4 nc1=ishft(dat(1),22) + ishft(dat(2),16) + ishft(dat(3),10)+ & ishft(dat(4),4) + iand(ishft(dat(5),-2),15) nc2=ishft(iand(dat(5),3),26) + ishft(dat(6),20) + & ishft(dat(7),14) + ishft(dat(8),8) + ishft(dat(9),2) + & iand(ishft(dat(10),-4),3) ng=ishft(iand(dat(10),15),12) + ishft(dat(11),6) + dat(12) call unpackcall(nc2,msgcall,junk1,junk2) msggrid=' ' if( .and. then dlat=mod(ng,180)-90 dlong=(ng/180)*2 - 180 + 2 call deg2grid(dlong,dlat,grid6) if(grid6(1:2).ne.'KA' .and. grid6(1:2).ne.'LA') msggrid=grid6(:4) endif return end subroutine unpackmsg function nchar(c) ! Convert ascii number, letter, or space to 0-36 for callsign packing. character c*1 n=0 !Silence compiler warning if('0' .and. c.le.'9') then n=ichar(c)-ichar('0') else if('A' .and. c.le.'Z') then n=ichar(c)-ichar('A') + 10 else if('a' .and. c.le.'z') then n=ichar(c)-ichar('a') + 10 else if(' ') then n=36 else Print*,'Invalid character in callsign ',c,' ',ichar(c) stop endif nchar=n return end function nchar end module packjt