import datetime import logging import threading import time from aprsd import messaging, objectstore, plugin, threads, trace from telegram.ext import Filters, MessageHandler, Updater import aprsd_telegram_plugin LOG = logging.getLogger("APRSD") class TelegramUsers(objectstore.ObjectStoreMixin): """Class to automatically store telegram user ids between starts. Telegram doesn't provide an API for looking up an userid from username, so we have to save it off for better user experience. Unfortunately, we can't get the userid, until the telegram user sends a message to the bot FIRST. """ _instance = None data = {} config = None _shortcuts = {} def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if cls._instance is None: cls._instance = super().__new__(cls) cls._instance.lock = threading.Lock() cls._instance.config = kwargs["config"] = {} if kwargs["config"].exists("services.telegram.shortcuts"): cls._instance._shortcuts = kwargs["config"].get("services.telegram.shortcuts") else: cls._instance._shortcuts = None cls._instance._init_store() return cls._instance def __getitem__(self, item): with self.lock: if item in self._shortcuts: item = self._shortcuts[item] return[item] def __setitem__(self, item, value): with self.lock:[item] = value def __delitem__(self, item): del[item] def __contains__(self, item): if item in self._shortcuts: item = self._shortcuts[item] if item in return True else: return False def get_shortcuts(self): return self._shortcuts class TelegramChatPlugin(plugin.APRSDRegexCommandPluginBase): version = aprsd_telegram_plugin.__version__ # Look for any command that starts with w or W command_regex = "^[tT][gG]" # the command is for ? command_name = "telegram" enabled = False users = None def help(self): _help = [ "telegram: Chat with a user on telegram Messenger.", "telegram: username has to message you first." "tg: Send tg ", ] return _help def setup(self): self.enabled = True # Do some checks here? try: self.config.check_option(["services", "telegram", "apiKey"]) except Exception as ex: LOG.error(f"Failed to find config telegram:apiKey {ex}") self.enabled = False return token = self.config.get("services.telegram.apiKey") self.users = TelegramUsers(config=self.config) self.users.load() # = telegram.Bot(token=token) # self.updater = Updater( token=token, use_context=True, persistence=False, ) self.dispatcher = self.updater.dispatcher self.dispatcher.add_handler( MessageHandler( Filters.text & (~Filters.command), self.message_handler, ), ) def message_handler(self, update, context): """This is called when a telegram users texts the bot.""""{self.__class__.__name__}: Got message {update.message.text}") #"Text {update.message.text}") #"Chat {}") #"From {update.message.from.username} : ") fromcall = self.config.get("aprs.login") tocall = self.config.get("ham.callsign") if == "private":"Username {} - ID {}") message = "Telegram({}): {}".format(, update.message.text, ) self.users[] = # LOG.debug(self.users) #"{message}") msg = messaging.TextMessage(fromcall, tocall, message) msg.send() elif == "group": group_name = "noidea" message = "TelegramGroup({}): {}".format( group_name, update.message.text, ) msg = messaging.TextMessage(fromcall, tocall, message) msg.send() def create_threads(self): if self.enabled: return TelegramThread(self.config, self.updater) @trace.trace def process(self, packet): """This is called when a received packet matches self.command_regex.""""TelegramChatPlugin Plugin") from_callsign = packet.get("from") message = packet.get("message_text", None) if self.enabled: # Now we can process # Only allow aprsd owner to use this. mycall = self.config["ham"]["callsign"] # Only allow the owner of aprsd to send a tweet if not from_callsign.startswith(mycall): return "Unauthorized" # Always should have format of # parts = message.split(" ") if len(parts) < 3: return "invalid request" # parts[0] is the command username = parts[1] msg = " ".join(parts[2:]) if username not in self.users: # Unfortunately there is no way to lookup a user ID # from a username right now. return f"Need a message from {username} first" bot = bot.sendMessage( chat_id=self.users[username], text=msg, ) return messaging.NULL_MESSAGE else: LOG.warning("TelegramChatPlugin is disabled.") return messaging.NULL_MESSAGE class TelegramThread(threads.APRSDThread): def __init__(self, config, updater): super().__init__(self.__class__.__name__) self.config = config self.past = self.updater = updater def stop(self): self.thread_stop = True self.updater.stop() TelegramUsers(config=self.config).save() def loop(self): """We have to loop, so we can stop the thread upon CTRL-C""" self.updater.start_polling( timeout=2, drop_pending_updates=True, ) # So we don't eat 100% CPU time.sleep(1) # so we can continue looping return True