from oslo_config import cfg telegram_group = cfg.OptGroup( name="aprsd_telegram_plugin", title="APRSD Telegram Plugin settings", ) telegram_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt( "callsign", help="Callsign allowed to use Telegram! " "For example, if you set this to WB4BOR then any" "callsign starting with WB4BOR will be allowed to use this." "This way WB4BOR-1 can tweet from this instance.", ), cfg.StrOpt( "apiKey", help="Your twitter apiKey" "Information for creating your api keys is here: " "", ), cfg.ListOpt( "shortcuts", help="List of shortcuts for sending telegram messages " "For Exmaple: wb=hemna6969,cl=craigerl\n" "Means use 'wb' to send a telegram message to hemna6969", ), ] ALL_OPTS = ( telegram_opts ) def register_opts(cfg): cfg.register_group(telegram_group) cfg.register_opts(ALL_OPTS, group=telegram_group) def list_opts(): return { ALL_OPTS, }