import logging import tweepy from aprsd import messaging, plugin, trace LOG = logging.getLogger("APRSD") class SendTweetPlugin(plugin.APRSDRegexCommandPluginBase): version = "1.0" # Look for any command that starts with w or W command_regex = "^[tT]" # the command is for ? command_name = "tweet" enabled = False def setup(self): # Do some checks here? self.enabled = True # Ensure the access token exists. if not self.config.exists("services.twitter.apiKey"): LOG.error("No services.twitter.apiKey exists. Plugin Disabled.") self.enabled = False if not self.config.exists("services.twitter.apiKey_secret"): LOG.error("No services.twitter.apiKey_secret exists. Plugin Disabled.") self.enabled = False if not self.config.exists("services.twitter.access_token"): LOG.error("No services.twitter.access_token exists. Plugin Disabled.") self.enabled = False if not self.config.exists("services.twitter.access_token_secret"): LOG.error("No services.twitter.access_token_secret exists. Plugin Disabled.") self.enabled = False def _create_client(self): """Create the twitter client object.""" auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler( self.config.get("services.twitter.apiKey"), self.config.get("services.twitter.apiKey_secret"), ) auth.set_access_token( self.config.get("services.twitter.access_token"), self.config.get("services.twitter.access_token_secret"), ) api = tweepy.API( auth, wait_on_rate_limit=True, ) try: api.verify_credentials() LOG.debug("Logged in to Twitter Authentication OK") except Exception as ex: LOG.error("Failed to auth to Twitter") LOG.exception(ex) return None return api @trace.trace def process(self, packet): """This is called when a received packet matches self.command_regex.""""SendTweetPlugin Plugin") from_callsign = packet.get("from") message = packet.get("message_text", None) message = message.split(" ") del message[0] message = " ".join(message) if self.enabled: # Now we can process mycall = self.config["ham"]["callsign"] # Only allow the owner of aprsd to send a tweet if not from_callsign.startswith(mycall): return "Unauthorized" client = self._create_client() if not client: LOG.error("No twitter client!!") return "Failed to Auth" # Now lets tweet! client.update_status(message) return "Tweet sent!" else: LOG.warning("SendTweetPlugin is disabled.") return messaging.NULL_MESSAGE