"""Main module.""" import datetime import json import logging import queue import time import aprsd.messaging import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt from aprsd import plugin, threads from aprsd.threads import tx LOG = logging.getLogger("APRSD") class ClearableQueue(queue.Queue): def clear(self): try: while True: self.get_nowait() except queue.Empty: pass class WeewxMQTTPlugin(plugin.APRSDRegexCommandPluginBase): """Weather Syntax of request weather """ version = "1.0" command_regex = "^[wW]" command_name = "weather" enabled = False def setup(self): """Ensure that the plugin has been configured.""" LOG.info("Looking for weewx.mqtt.host config entry") if self.config.exists("services.weewx.mqtt.host"): self.enabled = True else: LOG.error("Failed to find config weewx:mqtt:host") LOG.info("Disabling the weewx mqtt subsription thread.") self.enabled = False def create_threads(self): if self.enabled: LOG.info("Creating WeewxMQTTThread") self.queue = ClearableQueue(maxsize=1) self.wx_queue = ClearableQueue(maxsize=1) mqtt_thread = WeewxMQTTThread( config=self.config, wx_queue=self.wx_queue, msg_queue=self.queue, ) threads = [mqtt_thread] # if we have position and a callsign to report # Then we can periodically report weather data # to APRS if ( self.config.exists("services.weewx.location.latitude") and self.config.exists("services.weewx.location.longitude") ): LOG.info("Creating WeewxWXAPRSThread") wx_thread = WeewxWXAPRSThread( config=self.config, wx_queue=self.wx_queue, ) threads.append(wx_thread) else: LOG.info( "NOT starting Weewx WX APRS Thread due to missing " "GPS location settings.", ) return threads else: LOG.info("WeewxMQTTPlugin not enabled due to missing config.") def process(self, packet): LOG.info("WeewxMQTT Plugin") packet.get("from") packet.get("message_text", None) # ack = packet.get("msgNo", "0") if self.enabled: # see if there are any weather messages in the queue. msg = None LOG.info("Looking for a message") if not self.queue.empty(): msg = self.queue.get(timeout=1) else: try: msg = self.queue.get(timeout=30) except Exception: return "No Weewx Data" if not msg: return "No Weewx data" else: LOG.info(f"Got a message {msg}") # Wants format of 71.5F/54.0F Wind 1@49G7 54% if "outTemp_F" in msg: temperature = "{:0.2f}F".format(float(msg["outTemp_F"])) dewpoint = "{:0.2f}F".format(float(msg["dewpoint_F"])) else: temperature = "{:0.2f}C".format(float(msg["outTemp_C"])) dewpoint = "{:0.2f}C".format(float(msg["dewpoint_C"])) wind_direction = "{:0.0f}".format(float(msg.get("windDir", 0))) LOG.info(f"wind direction {wind_direction}") if "windSpeed_mps" in msg: wind_speed = "{:0.0f}".format(float(msg["windSpeed_mps"])) wind_gust = "{:0.0f}".format(float(msg["windGust_mps"])) else: wind_speed = "{:0.0f}".format(float(msg["windSpeed_mph"])) wind_gust = "{:0.0f}".format(float(msg["windGust_mph"])) wind = "{}@{}G{}".format( wind_speed, wind_direction, wind_gust, ) humidity = "{:0.0f}%".format(float(msg["outHumidity"])) ts = int("{:0.0f}".format(float(msg["dateTime"]))) ts = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts) # do rain in format of last hour/day/month/year rain = "RA {:.2f} {:.2f}/hr".format( float(msg.get("dayRain_in", 0.00)), float(msg.get("rainRate_inch_per_hour", 0.00)), ) wx = "WX: {}/{} Wind {} {} {} {:.2f}inHg".format( temperature, dewpoint, wind, humidity, rain, float(msg.get("pressure_inHg", 0.00)), ) LOG.debug( "Got weather {} -- len {}".format( wx, len(wx), ), ) return wx else: return "WeewxMQTT Not enabled" class WeewxMQTTThread(threads.APRSDThread): def __init__(self, config, wx_queue, msg_queue): super().__init__("WeewxMQTTThread") self.config = config self.msg_queue = msg_queue self.wx_queue = wx_queue self.setup() def setup(self): LOG.info("Creating mqtt client") self._mqtt_host = self.config["services"]["weewx"]["mqtt"]["host"] self._mqtt_port = self.config["services"]["weewx"]["mqtt"]["port"] LOG.info( "Connecting to mqtt {}:{}".format( self._mqtt_host, self._mqtt_port, ), ) self.client = mqtt.Client(client_id="WeewxMQTTPlugin") self.client.on_connect = self.on_connect self.client.on_message = self.on_message self.client.connect(self._mqtt_host, self._mqtt_port, 60) if self.config.exists("services.weewx.mqtt.user"): username = self.config.get("services.weewx.mqtt.user") password = self.config.get("services.weewx.mqtt.password") LOG.info(f"Using MQTT username/password {username}/XXXXXX") self.client.username_pw_set( username=username, password=password, ) else: LOG.info("Not using MQTT username/password") def on_connect(self, client, userdata, flags, rc): LOG.info(f"Connected to MQTT {self._mqtt_host} ({rc})") client.subscribe("weather/loop") def on_message(self, client, userdata, msg): wx_data = json.loads(msg.payload) LOG.debug(f"Got WX data {wx_data}") # Make sure we have only 1 item in the queue if self.msg_queue.qsize() >= 1: self.msg_queue.clear() self.msg_queue.put(wx_data) self.wx_queue.clear() self.wx_queue.put(wx_data) def stop(self): LOG.info(__class__.__name__+" Stop") self.thread_stop = True LOG.info("Stopping loop") self.client.loop_stop() LOG.info("Disconnecting from MQTT") self.client.disconnect() def loop(self): LOG.info("Loop") self.client.loop_forever() # self.client.loop(timeout=10, max_packets=10) return True class WeewxWXAPRSThread(threads.APRSDThread): def __init__(self, config, wx_queue): super().__init__(self.__class__.__name__) self.config = config self.wx_queue = wx_queue self.latitude = self.config.get("services.weewx.location.latitude") self.longitude = self.config.get("services.weewx.location.longitude") self.callsign = self.config.get("aprsd.callsign") self.last_send = datetime.datetime.now() if self.latitude and self.longitude: self.position = self.get_latlon( float(self.latitude), float(self.longitude), ) def decdeg2dmm_m(self, degrees_decimal): is_positive = degrees_decimal >= 0 degrees_decimal = abs(degrees_decimal) minutes, seconds = divmod(degrees_decimal * 3600, 60) degrees, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60) degrees = degrees if is_positive else -degrees # degrees = str(int(degrees)).zfill(2).replace("-", "0") degrees = abs(int(degrees)) # minutes = str(round(minutes + (seconds / 60), 2)).zfill(5) minutes = int(round(minutes + (seconds / 60), 2)) hundredths = round(seconds / 60, 2) return { "degrees": degrees, "minutes": minutes, "seconds": seconds, "hundredths": hundredths, } def convert_latitude(self, degrees_decimal): det = self.decdeg2dmm_m(degrees_decimal) if degrees_decimal > 0: direction = "N" else: direction = "S" degrees = str(det.get("degrees")).zfill(2) minutes = str(det.get("minutes")).zfill(2) det.get("seconds") hundredths = str(det.get("hundredths")).split(".")[1] lat = f"{degrees}{str(minutes)}.{hundredths}{direction}" return lat def convert_longitude(self, degrees_decimal): det = self.decdeg2dmm_m(degrees_decimal) if degrees_decimal > 0: direction = "E" else: direction = "W" degrees = str(det.get("degrees")).zfill(3) minutes = str(det.get("minutes")).zfill(2) det.get("seconds") hundredths = str(det.get("hundredths")).split(".")[1] lon = f"{degrees}{str(minutes)}.{hundredths}{direction}" return lon def get_latlon(self, latitude_str, longitude_str): return "{}/{}_".format( self.convert_latitude(float(latitude_str)), self.convert_longitude(float(longitude_str)), ) def str_or_dots(self, number, length): # If parameter is None, fill with dots, otherwise pad with zero # if not number: # retn_value = "." * length # else: format_type = {"int": "d", "float": ".0f"}[type(number).__name__] retn_value = "".join(("%0", str(length), format_type)) % number return retn_value def build_wx_packet(self, wx_data): wind_dir = float(wx_data.get("windDir", 0.00)) wind_speed = float(wx_data.get("windSpeed_mph", 0.00)) wind_gust = float(wx_data.get("windGust_mph", 0.00)) temperature = float(wx_data.get("outTemp_F", 0.00)) rain_last_hr = float(wx_data.get("hourRain_in", 0.00)) rain_last_24_hrs = float(wx_data.get("rain24_in", 0.00)) rain_since_midnight = float(wx_data.get("day_Rain_in", 0.00)) humidity = float(wx_data.get("outHumidity", 0.00)) # * 330.863886667 pressure = float(wx_data.get("relbarometer", 0.00)) * 10 return aprsd.packets.WeatherPacket( from_call=self.callsign, to_call="APRS", latitude=self.convert_latitude(float(self.latitude)), longitude=self.convert_longitude(float(self.longitude)), course=int(wind_dir), speed=wind_speed, wind_gust=wind_gust, temperature=temperature, rain_1h=rain_last_hr, rain_24h=rain_last_24_hrs, rain_since_midnight=rain_since_midnight, humidity=int(round(humidity)), pressure=pressure, comment="APRSD WX http://pypi.org/project/aprsd", ) def loop(self): now = datetime.datetime.now() delta = now - self.last_send max_timeout = {"hours": 0.0, "minutes": 5, "seconds": 0} max_delta = datetime.timedelta(**max_timeout) if delta >= max_delta: if not self.wx_queue.empty(): wx = self.wx_queue.get(timeout=1) else: try: wx = self.wx_queue.get(timeout=5) except Exception: time.sleep(1) return True if not wx: # just keep looping time.sleep(1) return True # we have Weather now, so lets format the data # and then send it out to APRS packet = self.build_wx_packet(wx) packet.retry_count = 1 tx.send(packet) self.last_send = datetime.datetime.now() time.sleep(1) return True else: time.sleep(1) return True