import datetime import tracemalloc from oslo_config import cfg import aprsd from aprsd import utils from aprsd.log import log as aprsd_log CONF = cfg.CONF class APRSDStats: """The AppStats class is used to collect stats from the application.""" _instance = None start_time = None def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): """Have to override the new method to make this a singleton instead of using @singletone decorator so the unit tests work. """ if not cls._instance: cls._instance = super().__new__(cls) cls._instance.start_time = return cls._instance def uptime(self): return - self.start_time def stats(self, serializable=False) -> dict: current, peak = tracemalloc.get_traced_memory() uptime = self.uptime() qsize = aprsd_log.logging_queue.qsize() if serializable: uptime = str(uptime) stats = { "version": aprsd.__version__, "uptime": uptime, "callsign": CONF.callsign, "memory_current": int(current), "memory_current_str": utils.human_size(current), "memory_peak": int(peak), "memory_peak_str": utils.human_size(peak), "loging_queue": qsize, } return stats