import datetime import importlib.metadata as imp import io import json import logging import queue import flask from flask import Flask, request from flask_httpauth import HTTPBasicAuth from oslo_config import cfg, generator import socketio from import check_password_hash import aprsd from aprsd import cli_helper, client, conf, packets, plugin, threads from aprsd.log import log from aprsd.threads import stats as stats_threads from aprsd.utils import json as aprsd_json CONF = cfg.CONF LOG = logging.getLogger("gunicorn.access") logging_queue = queue.Queue() auth = HTTPBasicAuth() users: dict[str, str] = {} app = Flask( "aprsd", static_url_path="/static", static_folder="web/admin/static", template_folder="web/admin/templates", ) bg_thread = None app.config["SECRET_KEY"] = "secret!" # HTTPBasicAuth doesn't work on a class method. # This has to be out here. Rely on the APRSDFlask # class to initialize the users from the config @auth.verify_password def verify_password(username, password): global users if username in users and check_password_hash(users.get(username), password): return username def _stats(): stats_obj = stats_threads.StatsStore() stats_obj.load() now = time_format = "%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S" stats = { "time": now.strftime(time_format), "stats":, } return stats @app.route("/stats") def stats(): LOG.debug("/stats called") return json.dumps(_stats(), cls=aprsd_json.SimpleJSONEncoder) @app.route("/") def index(): stats = _stats() pm = plugin.PluginManager() plugins = pm.get_plugins() plugin_count = len(plugins) client_stats = stats["stats"].get("APRSClientStats", {}) if CONF.aprs_network.enabled: transport = "aprs-is" if client_stats: aprs_connection = client_stats.get("server_string", "") else: aprs_connection = "APRS-IS" aprs_connection = ( "APRS-IS Server: " "{}".format(aprs_connection) ) else: # We might be connected to a KISS socket? if client.KISSClient.kiss_enabled(): transport = client.KISSClient.transport() if transport == client.TRANSPORT_TCPKISS: aprs_connection = ( "TCPKISS://{}:{}".format(, CONF.kiss_tcp.port, ) ) elif transport == client.TRANSPORT_SERIALKISS: aprs_connection = ( "SerialKISS://{}@{} baud".format( CONF.kiss_serial.device, CONF.kiss_serial.baudrate, ) ) if client_stats: stats["stats"]["APRSClientStats"]["transport"] = transport stats["stats"]["APRSClientStats"]["aprs_connection"] = aprs_connection entries = conf.conf_to_dict() thread_info = stats["stats"].get("APRSDThreadList", {}) if thread_info: thread_count = len(thread_info) else: thread_count = "unknown" return flask.render_template( "index.html", initial_stats=json.dumps(stats, cls=aprsd_json.SimpleJSONEncoder), aprs_connection=aprs_connection, callsign=CONF.callsign, version=aprsd.__version__, config_json=json.dumps( entries, indent=4, sort_keys=True, default=str, ), plugin_count=plugin_count, thread_count=thread_count, # oslo_out=generate_oslo() ) @auth.login_required def messages(): track = packets.PacketTrack() msgs = [] for id in track:[id].dict()) msgs.append(track[id].dict()) return flask.render_template("messages.html", messages=json.dumps(msgs)) @auth.login_required @app.route("/packets") def get_packets(): stats = _stats() stats_dict = stats["stats"] packets = stats_dict.get("PacketList", {}) return json.dumps(packets, cls=aprsd_json.SimpleJSONEncoder) @auth.login_required @app.route("/plugins") def plugins(): LOG.debug("/plugins called") pm = plugin.PluginManager() pm.reload_plugins() return "reloaded" def _get_namespaces(): args = [] all = imp.entry_points() selected = [] if "oslo.config.opts" in all: for x in all["oslo.config.opts"]: if == "oslo.config.opts": selected.append(x) for entry in selected: if "aprsd" in args.append("--namespace") args.append( return args def generate_oslo(): CONF.namespace = _get_namespaces() string_out = io.StringIO() generator.generate(CONF, string_out) return string_out.getvalue() @auth.login_required @app.route("/oslo") def oslo(): return generate_oslo() @auth.login_required @app.route("/save") def save(): """Save the existing queue to disk.""" track = packets.PacketTrack() return json.dumps({"messages": "saved"}) @app.route("/log_entries", methods=["POST"]) def log_entries(): """The url that the server can call to update the logs.""" entries = request.json"Log entries called {len(entries)}") for entry in entries: logging_queue.put(entry) return json.dumps({"messages": "saved"}) class LogUpdateThread(threads.APRSDThread): def __init__(self, logging_queue=None): super().__init__("LogUpdate") self.logging_queue = logging_queue def loop(self): if sio: try: log_entry = self.logging_queue.get(block=True, timeout=1) if log_entry: sio.emit( "log_entry", log_entry, namespace="/logs", ) except queue.Empty: pass return True class LoggingNamespace(socketio.Namespace): log_thread = None def on_connect(self, sid, environ): global sio, logging_queue"LOG on_connect {sid}") sio.emit( "connected", {"data": "/logs Connected"}, namespace="/logs", ) self.log_thread = LogUpdateThread(logging_queue=logging_queue) self.log_thread.start() def on_disconnect(self, sid):"LOG Disconnected {sid}") if self.log_thread: self.log_thread.stop() def init_app(config_file=None, log_level=None): default_config_file = cli_helper.DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE if not config_file: config_file = default_config_file CONF( [], project="aprsd", version=aprsd.__version__, default_config_files=[config_file], ) if not log_level: log_level = CONF.logging.log_level return log_level if __name__ == "__main__": async_mode = "threading" sio = socketio.Server(logger=True, async_mode=async_mode) app.wsgi_app = socketio.WSGIApp(sio, app.wsgi_app) log_level = init_app() log.setup_logging(log_level) sio.register_namespace(LoggingNamespace("/logs")) CONF.log_opt_values(LOG, logging.DEBUG) threaded=True, debug=False, port=CONF.admin.web_port, host=CONF.admin.web_ip, ) if __name__ == "uwsgi_file_aprsd_wsgi": # Start with # uwsgi --http :8000 --gevent 1000 --http-websockets --master -w aprsd.wsgi --callable app async_mode = "gevent_uwsgi" sio = socketio.Server(logger=True, async_mode=async_mode) app.wsgi_app = socketio.WSGIApp(sio, app.wsgi_app) log_level = init_app( # log_level="DEBUG", config_file="/config/aprsd.conf", # Commented out for local development. # config_file=cli_helper.DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE ) log.setup_logging(log_level) sio.register_namespace(LoggingNamespace("/logs")) CONF.log_opt_values(LOG, logging.DEBUG) if __name__ == "aprsd.wsgi": # set async_mode to 'threading', 'eventlet', 'gevent' or 'gevent_uwsgi' to # force a mode else, the best mode is selected automatically from what's # installed async_mode = "gevent_uwsgi" sio = socketio.Server(logger=True, async_mode=async_mode) app.wsgi_app = socketio.WSGIApp(sio, app.wsgi_app) log_level = init_app( # log_level="DEBUG", config_file="/config/aprsd.conf", # config_file=cli_helper.DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE, ) log.setup_logging(log_level) sio.register_namespace(LoggingNamespace("/logs")) CONF.log_opt_values(LOG, logging.DEBUG)