===== APRSD ===== .. image:: https://badge.fury.io/py/aprsd.svg :target: https://badge.fury.io/py/aprsd .. image:: http://hits.dwyl.com/craigerl/aprsd.svg :target: http://hits.dwyl.com/craigerl/aprsd .. image:: https://github.com/craigerl/aprsd/workflows/python/badge.svg :target: https://github.com/craigerl/aprsd/actions .. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-black-000000.svg :target: https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ .. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/%20imports-isort-%231674b1?style=flat&labelColor=ef8336 :target: https://timothycrosley.github.io/isort/ .. image:: https://img.shields.io/github/issues/craigerl/aprsd .. image:: https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/craigerl/aprsd .. image:: https://static.pepy.tech/personalized-badge/aprsd?period=month&units=international_system&left_color=black&right_color=orange&left_text=Downloads :target: https://pepy.tech/project/aprsd .. contents:: :local: `APRSD `_ is a Ham radio `APRS `_ message command gateway built on python. APRSD listens on amateur radio aprs-is network for messages and respond to them. It has a plugin architecture for extensibility. Users of APRSD can write their own plugins that can respond to APRS-IS messages. You must have an amateur radio callsign to use this software. APRSD gets messages for the configured HAM callsign, and sends those messages to a list of plugins for processing. There are a set of core plugins that provide responding to messages to check email, get location, ping, time of day, get weather, and fortune telling as well as version information of aprsd itself. Documentation: https://aprsd.readthedocs.io APRSD Overview Diagram ---------------------- .. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/craigerl/aprsd/master/docs/_static/aprsd_overview.svg?sanitize=true Typical use case ================ Ham radio operator using an APRS enabled HAM radio sends a message to check the weather. an APRS message is sent, and then picked up by APRSD. The APRS packet is decoded, and the message is sent through the list of plugins for processing. For example, the WeatherPlugin picks up the message, fetches the weather for the area around the user who sent the request, and then responds with the weather conditions in that area. APRSD Capabilities ================== * server - The main aprsd server processor. Send/Rx APRS messages to HAM callsign * send-message - use aprsd to send a command/message to aprsd server. Used for development testing * sample-config - generate a sample aprsd.yml config file for use/editing * bash completion generation. Uses python click bash completion to generate completion code for your .bashrc/.zshrc List of core server plugins =========================== Plugins function by specifying a regex that is searched for in the APRS message. If it matches, the plugin runs. IF the regex doesn't match, the plugin is skipped. * EmailPlugin - Check email and reply with contents. Have to configure IMAP and SMTP settings in aprs.yml * FortunePlugin - Replies with old unix fortune random fortune! * LocationPlugin - Checks location of ham operator * PingPlugin - Sends pong with timestamp * QueryPlugin - Allows querying the list of delayed messages that were not ACK'd by radio * TimePlugin - Current time of day * WeatherPlugin - Get weather conditions for current location of HAM callsign * VersionPlugin - Reports the version information for aprsd Current messages this will respond to: ====================================== :: APRS messages: l(ocation) [callsign] = descriptive current location of your radio 8 Miles E Auburn CA 1673' 39.92150,-120.93950 0.1h ago w(eather) = weather forecast for your radio's current position 58F(58F/46F) Partly Cloudy. Tonight, Heavy Rain. t(ime) = respond with the current time f(ortune) = respond with a short fortune -email_addr email text = send an email, say "mapme" to send a current position/map -2 = resend the last 2 emails from your imap inbox to this radio p(ing) = respond with Pong!/time v(ersion) = Respond with current APRSD Version string anything else = respond with usage Meanwhile this code will monitor a single imap mailbox and forward email to your BASECALLSIGN over the air. Only radios using the BASECALLSIGN are allowed to send email, so consider this security risk before using this (or Amatuer radio in general). Email is single user at this time. There are additional parameters in the code (sorry), so be sure to set your email server, and associated logins, passwords. search for "yourdomain", "password". Search for "shortcuts" to setup email aliases as well. Installation: ============= pip install aprsd Example usage: ============== aprsd -h Help ==== :: └─[$] > aprsd -h Usage: aprsd [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Shell completion for click-completion-command Available shell types: bash Bourne again shell fish Friendly interactive shell powershell Windows PowerShell zsh Z shell Default type: auto Options: --version Show the version and exit. -h, --help Show this message and exit. Commands: install Install the click-completion-command completion sample-config This dumps the config to stdout. send-message Send a message to a callsign via APRS_IS. server Start the aprsd server process. show Show the click-completion-command completion code Commands ======== Configuration ============= This command outputs a sample config yml formatted block that you can edit and use to pass in to aprsd with -c. By default aprsd looks in ~/.config/aprsd/aprsd.yml aprsd sample-config Output ====== :: └─> aprsd sample-config aprs: # Get the passcode for your callsign here: # https://apps.magicbug.co.uk/passcode host: rotate.aprs2.net login: CALLSIGN password: '00000' port: 14580 aprsd: dateformat: '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p' email: enabled: true imap: debug: false host: imap.gmail.com login: IMAP_USERNAME password: IMAP_PASSWORD port: 993 use_ssl: true shortcuts: aa: 5551239999@vtext.com cl: craiglamparter@somedomain.org wb: 555309@vtext.com smtp: debug: false host: smtp.gmail.com login: SMTP_USERNAME password: SMTP_PASSWORD port: 465 use_ssl: false enabled_plugins: - aprsd.plugins.email.EmailPlugin - aprsd.plugins.fortune.FortunePlugin - aprsd.plugins.location.LocationPlugin - aprsd.plugins.ping.PingPlugin - aprsd.plugins.query.QueryPlugin - aprsd.plugins.stock.StockPlugin - aprsd.plugins.time.TimePlugin - aprsd.plugins.weather.USWeatherPlugin - aprsd.plugins.version.VersionPlugin logfile: /tmp/aprsd.log logformat: '[%(asctime)s] [%(threadName)-12s] [%(levelname)-5.5s] %(message)s - [%(pathname)s:%(lineno)d]' plugin_dir: ~/.config/aprsd/plugins trace: false units: imperial web: enabled: true host: logging_enabled: true port: 8001 users: admin: aprsd ham: callsign: CALLSIGN services: aprs.fi: # Get the apiKey from your aprs.fi account here: # http://aprs.fi/account apiKey: APIKEYVALUE avwx: # (Optional for AVWXWeatherPlugin) # Use hosted avwx-api here: https://avwx.rest # or deploy your own from here: # https://github.com/avwx-rest/avwx-api apiKey: APIKEYVALUE base_url: http://host:port opencagedata: # (Optional for TimeOpenCageDataPlugin) # Get the apiKey from your opencagedata account here: # https://opencagedata.com/dashboard#api-keys apiKey: APIKEYVALUE openweathermap: # (Optional for OWMWeatherPlugin) # Get the apiKey from your # openweathermap account here: # https://home.openweathermap.org/api_keys apiKey: APIKEYVALUE server ====== This is the main server command that will listen to APRS-IS servers and look for incomming commands to the callsign configured in the config file :: └─[$] > aprsd server --help Usage: aprsd server [OPTIONS] Start the aprsd server process. Options: --loglevel [CRITICAL|ERROR|WARNING|INFO|DEBUG] The log level to use for aprsd.log [default: INFO] --quiet Don't log to stdout --disable-validation Disable email shortcut validation. Bad email addresses can result in broken email responses!! -c, --config TEXT The aprsd config file to use for options. [default: /home/waboring/.config/aprsd/aprsd.yml] -f, --flush Flush out all old aged messages on disk. [default: False] -h, --help Show this message and exit. $ aprsd server Load config [02/13/2021 09:22:09 AM] [MainThread ] [INFO ] APRSD Started version: 1.6.0 [02/13/2021 09:22:09 AM] [MainThread ] [INFO ] Checking IMAP configuration [02/13/2021 09:22:09 AM] [MainThread ] [INFO ] Checking SMTP configuration [02/13/2021 09:22:10 AM] [MainThread ] [INFO ] Validating 2 Email shortcuts. This can take up to 10 seconds per shortcut send-message ============ This command is typically used for development to send another aprsd instance test messages :: └─[$] > aprsd send-message -h Usage: aprsd send-message [OPTIONS] TOCALLSIGN [COMMAND]... Send a message to a callsign via APRS_IS. Options: --loglevel [CRITICAL|ERROR|WARNING|INFO|DEBUG] The log level to use for aprsd.log [default: DEBUG] --quiet Don't log to stdout -c, --config TEXT The aprsd config file to use for options. [default: ~/.config/aprsd/aprsd.yml] --aprs-login TEXT What callsign to send the message from. [env var: APRS_LOGIN] --aprs-password TEXT the APRS-IS password for APRS_LOGIN [env var: APRS_PASSWORD] -h, --help Show this message and exit. Example output: =============== SEND EMAIL (radio to smtp server) ================================= :: Received message______________ Raw : KM6XXX>APY400,WIDE1-1,qAO,KM6XXX-1::KM6XXX-9 :-user@host.com test new shortcuts global, radio to pc{29 From : KM6XXX Message : -user@host.com test new shortcuts global, radio to pc Msg number : 29 Sending Email_________________ To : user@host.com Subject : KM6XXX Body : test new shortcuts global, radio to pc Sending ack __________________ Tx(3) Raw : KM6XXX-9>APRS::KM6XXX :ack29 To : KM6XXX Ack number : 29 RECEIVE EMAIL (imap server to radio) ==================================== :: Sending message_______________ 6(Tx3) Raw : KM6XXX-9>APRS::KM6XXX :-somebody@gmail.com email from internet to radio{6 To : KM6XXX Message : -somebody@gmail.com email from internet to radio Received message______________ Raw : KM6XXX>APY400,WIDE1-1,qAO,KM6XXX-1::KM6XXX-9 :ack6 From : KM6XXX Message : ack6 Msg number : 0 LOCATION ======== :: Received Message _______________ Raw : KM6XXX-6>APRS,TCPIP*,qAC,T2CAEAST::KM6XXX-14:location{2 From : KM6XXX-6 Message : location Msg number : 2 Received Message _______________ Complete Sending Message _______________ Raw : KM6XXX-14>APRS::KM6XXX-6 :KM6XXX-6: 8 Miles E Auburn CA 0' 0,-120.93584 1873.7h ago{2 To : KM6XXX-6 Message : KM6XXX-6: 8 Miles E Auburn CA 0' 0,-120.93584 1873.7h ago Msg number : 2 Sending Message _______________ Complete Sending ack _______________ Raw : KM6XXX-14>APRS::KM6XXX-6 :ack2 To : KM6XXX-6 Ack : 2 Sending ack _______________ Complete AND... ping, fortune, time..... Development =========== * git clone git@github.com:craigerl/aprsd.git * cd aprsd * make Workflow ======== While working aprsd, The workflow is as follows * checkout a new branch to work on * git checkout -b mybranch * Edit code * run tox -epep8 * run tox -efmt * run tox -p * git commit ( This will run the pre-commit hooks which does checks too ) * Once you are done with all of your commits, then push up the branch to github * git push -u origin mybranch * Create a pull request from your branch so github tests can run and we can do a code review. Release ======= To do release to pypi: * Tag release with git tag -v1.XX -m "New release" * push release tag up git push origin master --tags * Do a test build and verify build is valid make build * Once twine is happy, upload release to pypi make upload Docker Container ================ Building ======== There are 2 versions of the container Dockerfile that can be used. The main Dockerfile, which is for building the official release container based off of the pip install version of aprsd and the Dockerfile-dev, which is used for building a container based off of a git branch of the repo. Official Build ============== docker build -t hemna6969/aprsd:latest . Development Build ================= docker build -t hemna6969/aprsd:latest -f Dockerfile-dev . Running the container ===================== There is a docker-compose.yml file that can be used to run your container. There are 2 volumes defined that can be used to store your configuration and the plugins directory: /config and /plugins If you want to install plugins at container start time, then use the environment var in docker-compose.yml specified as APRS_PLUGINS Provide a csv list of pypi installable plugins. Then make sure the plugin python file is in your /plugins volume and the plugin will be installed at container startup. The plugin may have dependencies that are required. The plugin file should be copied to /plugins for loading by aprsd