import typing as t import unittest from unittest import mock from click.testing import CliRunner from aprsd import config as aprsd_config from aprsd.aprsd import cli from aprsd.cmds import send_message # noqa F = t.TypeVar("F", bound=t.Callable[..., t.Any]) class TestSendMessageCommand(unittest.TestCase): def _build_config(self, login=None, password=None): config = {"aprs": {}} if login: config["aprs"]["login"] = login if password: config["aprs"]["password"] = password return aprsd_config.Config(config) @mock.patch("aprsd.config.parse_config") @mock.patch("aprsd.logging.log.setup_logging") def test_no_login(self, mock_logging, mock_parse_config): """Make sure we get an error if there is no login and config.""" runner = CliRunner() mock_parse_config.return_value = self._build_config() result = runner.invoke( cli, ["send-message", "WB4BOR", "wx"], catch_exceptions=False, ) # rich.print(f"EXIT CODE {result.exit_code}") # rich.print(f"Exception {result.exception}") # rich.print(f"OUTPUT {result.output}") assert result.exit_code == -1 assert "Must set --aprs_login or APRS_LOGIN" in result.output @mock.patch("aprsd.config.parse_config") @mock.patch("aprsd.logging.log.setup_logging") def test_no_password(self, mock_logging, mock_parse_config): """Make sure we get an error if there is no password and config.""" runner = CliRunner() mock_parse_config.return_value = self._build_config(login="something") result = runner.invoke( cli, ["send-message", "WB4BOR", "wx"], catch_exceptions=False, ) assert result.exit_code == -1 assert "Must set --aprs-password or APRS_PASSWORD" in result.output @mock.patch("aprsd.config.parse_config") @mock.patch("aprsd.logging.log.setup_logging") def test_no_tocallsign(self, mock_logging, mock_parse_config): """Make sure we get an error if there is no tocallsign.""" runner = CliRunner() mock_parse_config.return_value = self._build_config( login="something", password="another", ) result = runner.invoke( cli, ["send-message"], catch_exceptions=False, ) assert result.exit_code == 2 assert "Error: Missing argument 'TOCALLSIGN'" in result.output @mock.patch("aprsd.config.parse_config") @mock.patch("aprsd.logging.log.setup_logging") def test_no_command(self, mock_logging, mock_parse_config): """Make sure we get an error if there is no command.""" runner = CliRunner() mock_parse_config.return_value = self._build_config( login="something", password="another", ) result = runner.invoke( cli, ["send-message", "WB4BOR"], catch_exceptions=False, ) assert result.exit_code == 2 assert "Error: Missing argument 'COMMAND...'" in result.output