import abc import datetime import logging from multiprocessing import RawValue import os import pathlib import pickle import re import threading import time from aprsd import client, threads, utils LOG = logging.getLogger("APRSD") # What to return from a plugin if we have processed the message # and it's ok, but don't send a usage string back NULL_MESSAGE = -1 class MsgTrack: """Class to keep track of outstanding text messages. This is a thread safe class that keeps track of active messages. When a message is asked to be sent, it is placed into this class via it's id. The TextMessage class's send() method automatically adds itself to this class. When the ack is recieved from the radio, the message object is removed from this class. # TODO(hemna) When aprsd is asked to quit this class should be serialized and saved to disk/db to keep track of the state of outstanding messages. When aprsd is started, it should try and fetch the saved state, and reloaded to a live state. """ _instance = None _start_time = None lock = None track = {} total_messages_tracked = 0 def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if cls._instance is None: cls._instance = super().__new__(cls) cls._instance.track = {} cls._start_time = cls._instance.lock = threading.Lock() return cls._instance def add(self, msg): with self.lock: key = int( self.track[key] = msg self.total_messages_tracked += 1 def get(self, id): with self.lock: if id in self.track: return self.track[id] def remove(self, id): with self.lock: key = int(id) if key in self.track.keys(): del self.track[key] def __len__(self): with self.lock: return len(self.track) def __str__(self): with self.lock: result = "{" for key in self.track.keys(): result += "{}: {}, ".format(key, str(self.track[key])) result += "}" return result def save(self): """Save this shit to disk?""" if len(self) > 0:"Saving {} tracking messages to disk".format(len(self))) pickle.dump(self.dump(), open(utils.DEFAULT_SAVE_FILE, "wb+")) else: self.flush() def dump(self): dump = {} with self.lock: for key in self.track.keys(): dump[key] = self.track[key] return dump def load(self): if os.path.exists(utils.DEFAULT_SAVE_FILE): raw = pickle.load(open(utils.DEFAULT_SAVE_FILE, "rb")) if raw: self.track = raw LOG.debug("Loaded MsgTrack dict from disk.") LOG.debug(self) def restart(self): """Walk the list of messages and restart them if any.""" for key in self.track.keys(): msg = self.track[key] if msg.last_send_attempt < msg.retry_count: msg.send() def _resend(self, msg): msg.last_send_attempt = 0 msg.send() def restart_delayed(self, count=None, most_recent=True): """Walk the list of delayed messages and restart them if any.""" if not count: # Send all the delayed messages for key in self.track.keys(): msg = self.track[key] if msg.last_send_attempt == msg.retry_count: self._resend(msg) else: # They want to resend delayed messages tmp = sorted( self.track.items(), reverse=most_recent, key=lambda x: x[1].last_send_time, ) msg_list = tmp[:count] for (_key, msg) in msg_list: self._resend(msg) def flush(self): """Nuke the old pickle file that stored the old results from last aprsd run.""" if os.path.exists(utils.DEFAULT_SAVE_FILE): pathlib.Path(utils.DEFAULT_SAVE_FILE).unlink() with self.lock: self.track = {} class MessageCounter: """ Global message id counter class. This is a singleton based class that keeps an incrementing counter for all messages to be sent. All new Message objects gets a new message id, which is the next number available from the MessageCounter. """ _instance = None max_count = 9999 def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): """Make this a singleton class.""" if cls._instance is None: cls._instance = super().__new__(cls) cls._instance.val = RawValue("i", 1) cls._instance.lock = threading.Lock() return cls._instance def increment(self): with self.lock: if self.val.value == self.max_count: self.val.value = 1 else: self.val.value += 1 @property def value(self): with self.lock: return self.val.value def __repr__(self): with self.lock: return str(self.val.value) def __str__(self): with self.lock: return str(self.val.value) class Message(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Base Message Class.""" # The message id to send over the air id = 0 retry_count = 3 last_send_time = None last_send_attempt = 0 def __init__(self, fromcall, tocall, msg_id=None): self.fromcall = fromcall self.tocall = tocall if not msg_id: c = MessageCounter() c.increment() msg_id = c.value = msg_id @abc.abstractmethod def send(self): """Child class must declare.""" pass class RawMessage(Message): """Send a raw message. This class is used for custom messages that contain the entire contents of an APRS message in the message field. """ message = None def __init__(self, message): super().__init__(None, None, msg_id=None) self.message = message def __repr__(self): return self.message def __str__(self): return self.message def send(self): tracker = MsgTrack() tracker.add(self) thread = SendMessageThread(message=self) thread.start() def send_direct(self): """Send a message without a separate thread.""" cl = client.get_client() log_message( "Sending Message Direct", repr(self).rstrip("\n"), self.message, tocall=self.tocall, fromcall=self.fromcall, ) cl.sendall(repr(self)) class TextMessage(Message): """Send regular ARPS text/command messages/replies.""" message = None def __init__(self, fromcall, tocall, message, msg_id=None, allow_delay=True): super().__init__(fromcall, tocall, msg_id) self.message = message # do we try and save this message for later if we don't get # an ack? Some messages we don't want to do this ever. self.allow_delay = allow_delay def __repr__(self): """Build raw string to send over the air.""" return "{}>APRS::{}:{}{{{}\n".format( self.fromcall, self.tocall.ljust(9), self._filter_for_send(), str(, ) def __str__(self): delta = "Never" if self.last_send_time: now = delta = now - self.last_send_time return "{}>{} Msg({})({}): '{}'".format( self.fromcall, self.tocall,, delta, self.message, ) def _filter_for_send(self): """Filter and format message string for FCC.""" # max? ftm400 displays 64, raw msg shows 74 # and ftm400-send is max 64. setting this to # 67 displays 64 on the ftm400. (+3 {01 suffix) # feature req: break long ones into two msgs message = self.message[:67] # We all miss George Carlin return re.sub("fuck|shit|cunt|piss|cock|bitch", "****", message) def send(self): tracker = MsgTrack() tracker.add(self) LOG.debug("Length of MsgTrack is {}".format(len(tracker))) thread = SendMessageThread(message=self) thread.start() def send_direct(self): """Send a message without a separate thread.""" cl = client.get_client() log_message( "Sending Message Direct", repr(self).rstrip("\n"), self.message, tocall=self.tocall, fromcall=self.fromcall, ) cl.sendall(repr(self)) class SendMessageThread(threads.APRSDThread): def __init__(self, message): self.msg = message name = self.msg.message[:5] super().__init__("SendMessage-{}-{}".format(, name)) def loop(self): """Loop until a message is acked or it gets delayed. We only sleep for 5 seconds between each loop run, so that CTRL-C can exit the app in a short period. Each sleep means the app quitting is blocked until sleep is done. So we keep track of the last send attempt and only send if the last send attempt is old enough. """ cl = client.get_client() tracker = MsgTrack() # lets see if the message is still in the tracking queue msg = tracker.get( if not msg: # The message has been removed from the tracking queue # So it got acked and we are done."Message Send Complete via Ack.") return False else: send_now = False if msg.last_send_attempt == msg.retry_count: # we reached the send limit, don't send again # TODO(hemna) - Need to put this in a delayed queue?"Message Send Complete. Max attempts reached.") return False # Message is still outstanding and needs to be acked. if msg.last_send_time: # Message has a last send time tracking now = sleeptime = (msg.last_send_attempt + 1) * 31 delta = now - msg.last_send_time if delta > datetime.timedelta(seconds=sleeptime): # It's time to try to send it again send_now = True else: send_now = True if send_now: # no attempt time, so lets send it, and start # tracking the time. log_message( "Sending Message", repr(msg).rstrip("\n"), msg.message, tocall=self.msg.tocall, retry_number=msg.last_send_attempt,, ) cl.sendall(repr(msg)) msg.last_send_time = msg.last_send_attempt += 1 time.sleep(5) # Make sure we get called again. return True class AckMessage(Message): """Class for building Acks and sending them.""" def __init__(self, fromcall, tocall, msg_id): super().__init__(fromcall, tocall, msg_id=msg_id) def __repr__(self): return "{}>APRS::{}:ack{}\n".format( self.fromcall, self.tocall.ljust(9),, ) def __str__(self): return "From({}) TO({}) Ack ({})".format(self.fromcall, self.tocall, def send_thread(self): """Separate thread to send acks with retries.""" cl = client.get_client() for i in range(self.retry_count, 0, -1): log_message( "Sending ack", repr(self).rstrip("\n"), None,, tocall=self.tocall, retry_number=i, ) cl.sendall(repr(self)) # aprs duplicate detection is 30 secs? # (21 only sends first, 28 skips middle) time.sleep(31) # end_send_ack_thread def send(self): LOG.debug("Send ACK({}:{}) to radio.".format(self.tocall, thread = SendAckThread(self) thread.start() # end send_ack() def send_direct(self): """Send an ack message without a separate thread.""" cl = client.get_client() log_message( "Sending ack", repr(self).rstrip("\n"), None,, tocall=self.tocall, fromcall=self.fromcall, ) cl.sendall(repr(self)) class SendAckThread(threads.APRSDThread): def __init__(self, ack): self.ack = ack super().__init__("SendAck-{}".format( def loop(self): """Separate thread to send acks with retries.""" send_now = False if self.ack.last_send_attempt == self.ack.retry_count: # we reached the send limit, don't send again # TODO(hemna) - Need to put this in a delayed queue?"Ack Send Complete. Max attempts reached.") return False if self.ack.last_send_time: # Message has a last send time tracking now = # aprs duplicate detection is 30 secs? # (21 only sends first, 28 skips middle) sleeptime = 31 delta = now - self.ack.last_send_time if delta > datetime.timedelta(seconds=sleeptime): # It's time to try to send it again send_now = True else: LOG.debug("Still wating. {}".format(delta)) else: send_now = True if send_now: cl = client.get_client() log_message( "Sending ack", repr(self.ack).rstrip("\n"), None,, tocall=self.ack.tocall, retry_number=self.ack.last_send_attempt, ) cl.sendall(repr(self.ack)) self.ack.last_send_attempt += 1 self.ack.last_send_time = time.sleep(5) def log_packet(packet): fromcall = packet.get("from", None) tocall = packet.get("to", None) response_type = packet.get("response", None) msg = packet.get("message_text", None) msg_num = packet.get("msgNo", None) ack = packet.get("ack", None) log_message( "Packet", packet["raw"], msg, fromcall=fromcall, tocall=tocall, ack=ack, packet_type=response_type, msg_num=msg_num, ) def log_message( header, raw, message, tocall=None, fromcall=None, msg_num=None, retry_number=None, ack=None, packet_type=None, uuid=None, ): """ Log a message entry. This builds a long string with newlines for the log entry, so that it's thread safe. If we log each item as a separate log.debug() call Then the message information could get multiplexed with other log messages. Each python log call is automatically synchronized. """ log_list = [""] if retry_number: #" {} _______________(TX:{})".format(header, retry_number)) log_list.append(" {} _______________(TX:{})".format(header, retry_number)) else: #" {} _______________".format(header)) log_list.append(" {} _______________".format(header)) #" Raw : {}".format(raw)) log_list.append(" Raw : {}".format(raw)) if packet_type: #" Packet : {}".format(packet_type)) log_list.append(" Packet : {}".format(packet_type)) if tocall: #" To : {}".format(tocall)) log_list.append(" To : {}".format(tocall)) if fromcall: #" From : {}".format(fromcall)) log_list.append(" From : {}".format(fromcall)) if ack: #" Ack : {}".format(ack)) log_list.append(" Ack : {}".format(ack)) else: #" Message : {}".format(message)) log_list.append(" Message : {}".format(message)) if msg_num: #" Msg number : {}".format(msg_num)) log_list.append(" Msg number : {}".format(msg_num)) if uuid: log_list.append(" UUID : {}".format(uuid)) #" {} _______________ Complete".format(header)) log_list.append(" {} _______________ Complete".format(header))"\n".join(log_list))