import abc import datetime import logging import queue import threading import time import tracemalloc from aprsd import client, messaging, packets, plugin, stats, utils import aprslib LOG = logging.getLogger("APRSD") RX_THREAD = "RX" TX_THREAD = "TX" EMAIL_THREAD = "Email" class APRSDThreadList: """Singleton class that keeps track of application wide threads.""" _instance = None threads_list = [] lock = None def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if cls._instance is None: cls._instance = super().__new__(cls) cls.lock = threading.Lock() cls.threads_list = [] return cls._instance def add(self, thread_obj): with self.lock: self.threads_list.append(thread_obj) def remove(self, thread_obj): with self.lock: self.threads_list.remove(thread_obj) def stop_all(self): """Iterate over all threads and call stop on them.""" with self.lock: for th in self.threads_list: th.stop() class APRSDThread(threading.Thread, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): def __init__(self, name): super().__init__(name=name) self.thread_stop = False APRSDThreadList().add(self) def stop(self): self.thread_stop = True def run(self): LOG.debug("Starting") while not self.thread_stop: can_loop = self.loop() if not can_loop: self.stop() APRSDThreadList().remove(self) LOG.debug("Exiting") class KeepAliveThread(APRSDThread): cntr = 0 checker_time = def __init__(self): tracemalloc.start() super().__init__("KeepAlive") def loop(self): if self.cntr % 6 == 0: tracker = messaging.MsgTrack() stats_obj = stats.APRSDStats() packets_list = packets.PacketList().packet_list now = last_email = stats_obj.email_thread_time if last_email: email_thread_time = utils.strfdelta(now - last_email) else: email_thread_time = "N/A" last_msg_time = utils.strfdelta(now - stats_obj.aprsis_keepalive) current, peak = tracemalloc.get_traced_memory() stats_obj.set_memory(current) stats_obj.set_memory_peak(peak) keepalive = "Uptime {} Tracker {} " "Msgs TX:{} RX:{} Last:{} Email:{} Packets:{} RAM Current:{} Peak:{}".format( utils.strfdelta(stats_obj.uptime), len(tracker), stats_obj.msgs_tx, stats_obj.msgs_rx, last_msg_time, email_thread_time, len(packets_list), utils.human_size(current), utils.human_size(peak), ) LOG.debug(keepalive) # Check version every hour delta = now - self.checker_time if delta > datetime.timedelta(hours=1): self.checker_time = now level, msg = utils._check_version() if level: LOG.warning(msg) self.cntr += 1 time.sleep(10) return True class APRSDNotifyThread(APRSDThread): last_seen = {} def __init__(self, msg_queues, config): super().__init__("NOTIFY_MSG") self.msg_queues = msg_queues self.config = config packets.WatchList(config=config) def loop(self): try: packet = self.msg_queues["notify"].get(timeout=5) wl = packets.WatchList() if wl.callsign_in_watchlist(packet["from"]): # NOW WE RUN through the notify plugins. # If they return a msg, then we queue it for sending. pm = plugin.PluginManager() results = pm.notify(packet) for reply in results: if reply is not messaging.NULL_MESSAGE: watch_list_conf = self.config["aprsd"]["watch_list"] msg = messaging.TextMessage( self.config["aprs"]["login"], watch_list_conf["alert_callsign"], reply, ) self.msg_queues["tx"].put(msg) wl.update_seen(packet) else: LOG.debug( "Ignoring packet from '{}'. Not in watch list.".format( packet["from"], ), ) # Allows stats object to have latest info from the last_seen dict LOG.debug("Packet processing complete") except queue.Empty: pass # Continue to loop return True class APRSDRXThread(APRSDThread): def __init__(self, msg_queues, config): super().__init__("RX_MSG") self.msg_queues = msg_queues self.config = config def stop(self): self.thread_stop = True client.get_client().stop() def loop(self): aprs_client = client.get_client() # if we have a watch list enabled, we need to add filtering # to enable seeing packets from the watch list. if "watch_list" in self.config["aprsd"] and self.config["aprsd"][ "watch_list" ].get("enabled", False): # watch list is enabled watch_list = self.config["aprsd"]["watch_list"].get( "callsigns", [], ) # make sure the timeout is set or this doesn't work if watch_list: filter_str = "p/{}".format("/".join(watch_list)) aprs_client.set_filter(filter_str) else: LOG.warning("Watch list enabled, but no callsigns set.") # setup the consumer of messages and block until a messages try: # This will register a packet consumer with aprslib # When new packets come in the consumer will process # the packet # Do a partial here because the consumer signature doesn't allow # For kwargs to be passed in to the consumer func we declare # and the aprslib developer didn't want to allow a PR to add # kwargs. :( # aprs_client.consumer(self.process_packet, raw=False, blocking=False) except aprslib.exceptions.ConnectionDrop: LOG.error("Connection dropped, reconnecting") time.sleep(5) # Force the deletion of the client object connected to aprs # This will cause a reconnect, next time client.get_client() # is called client.Client().reset() # Continue to loop return True def process_ack_packet(self, packet): ack_num = packet.get("msgNo")"Got ack for message {}".format(ack_num)) messaging.log_message( "ACK", packet["raw"], None, ack=ack_num, fromcall=packet["from"], ) tracker = messaging.MsgTrack() tracker.remove(ack_num) stats.APRSDStats().ack_rx_inc() return def process_mic_e_packet(self, packet):"Mic-E Packet detected. Currenlty unsupported.") messaging.log_packet(packet) stats.APRSDStats().msgs_mice_inc() return def process_message_packet(self, packet): fromcall = packet["from"] message = packet.get("message_text", None) msg_id = packet.get("msgNo", "0") messaging.log_message( "Received Message", packet["raw"], message, fromcall=fromcall, msg_num=msg_id, ) found_command = False # Get singleton of the PM pm = plugin.PluginManager() try: results = for reply in results: if isinstance(reply, list): # one of the plugins wants to send multiple messages found_command = True for subreply in reply: LOG.debug("Sending '{}'".format(subreply)) msg = messaging.TextMessage( self.config["aprs"]["login"], fromcall, subreply, ) self.msg_queues["tx"].put(msg) else: found_command = True # A plugin can return a null message flag which signals # us that they processed the message correctly, but have # nothing to reply with, so we avoid replying with a usage string if reply is not messaging.NULL_MESSAGE: LOG.debug("Sending '{}'".format(reply)) msg = messaging.TextMessage( self.config["aprs"]["login"], fromcall, reply, ) self.msg_queues["tx"].put(msg) else: LOG.debug("Got NULL MESSAGE from plugin") if not found_command: plugins = pm.get_msg_plugins() names = [x.command_name for x in plugins] names.sort() # reply = "Usage: {}".format(", ".join(names)) reply = "Usage: weather, locate [call], time, fortune, ping" msg = messaging.TextMessage( self.config["aprs"]["login"], fromcall, reply, ) self.msg_queues["tx"].put(msg) except Exception as ex: LOG.exception("Plugin failed!!!", ex) reply = "A Plugin failed! try again?" msg = messaging.TextMessage(self.config["aprs"]["login"], fromcall, reply) self.msg_queues["tx"].put(msg) # let any threads do their thing, then ack # send an ack last ack = messaging.AckMessage( self.config["aprs"]["login"], fromcall, msg_id=msg_id, ) self.msg_queues["tx"].put(ack) def process_packet(self, packet): """Process a packet recieved from aprs-is server.""" try: LOG.debug("Adding packet to notify queue {}".format(packet["raw"])) self.msg_queues["notify"].put(packet) packets.PacketList().add(packet) # since we can see packets from anyone now with the # watch list, we need to filter messages directly only to us. tocall = packet.get("addresse", None) if tocall == self.config["aprs"]["login"]: stats.APRSDStats().msgs_rx_inc() packets.PacketList().add(packet) msg = packet.get("message_text", None) msg_format = packet.get("format", None) msg_response = packet.get("response", None) if msg_format == "message" and msg: # we want to send the message through the # plugins self.process_message_packet(packet) return elif msg_response == "ack": self.process_ack_packet(packet) return if msg_format == "mic-e": # process a mic-e packet self.process_mic_e_packet(packet) return else: LOG.debug( "Ignoring '{}' packet from '{}' to '{}'".format( packets.get_packet_type(packet), packet["from"], tocall, ), ) except (aprslib.ParseError, aprslib.UnknownFormat) as exp: LOG.exception("Failed to parse packet from aprs-is", exp) LOG.debug("Packet processing complete") class APRSDTXThread(APRSDThread): def __init__(self, msg_queues, config): super().__init__("TX_MSG") self.msg_queues = msg_queues self.config = config def loop(self): try: msg = self.msg_queues["tx"].get(timeout=5) packets.PacketList().add(msg.dict()) msg.send() except queue.Empty: pass # Continue to loop return True