import datetime import json import logging import math import signal import sys import threading import time from aprslib import util as aprslib_util import click import flask from flask import request from flask_httpauth import HTTPBasicAuth from flask_socketio import Namespace, SocketIO from geopy.distance import geodesic from oslo_config import cfg from import check_password_hash, generate_password_hash import wrapt import aprsd from aprsd import ( cli_helper, client, packets, plugin_utils, stats, threads, utils, ) from aprsd.log import log from aprsd.main import cli from aprsd.threads import aprsd as aprsd_threads from aprsd.threads import rx, tx from aprsd.utils import trace CONF = cfg.CONF LOG = logging.getLogger("APRSD") auth = HTTPBasicAuth() users = {} socketio = None # List of callsigns that we don't want to track/fetch their location callsign_no_track = [ "REPEAT", "WB4BOR-11", "APDW16", "WXNOW", "WXBOT", "BLN0", "BLN1", "BLN2", "BLN3", "BLN4", "BLN5", "BLN6", "BLN7", "BLN8", "BLN9", ] # Callsign location information # callsign: {lat: 0.0, long: 0.0, last_update: datetime} callsign_locations = {} flask_app = flask.Flask( "aprsd", static_url_path="/static", static_folder="web/chat/static", template_folder="web/chat/templates", ) def signal_handler(sig, frame): click.echo("signal_handler: called") f"Ctrl+C, Sending all threads({len(threads.APRSDThreadList())}) exit! " f"Can take up to 10 seconds {}", ) threads.APRSDThreadList().stop_all() if "subprocess" not in str(frame): time.sleep(1.5) # packets.WatchList().save() # packets.SeenList().save()"Telling flask to bail.") signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sys.exit(0)) class SentMessages: _instance = None lock = threading.Lock() data = {} def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): """This magic turns this into a singleton.""" if cls._instance is None: cls._instance = super().__new__(cls) return cls._instance def is_initialized(self): return True @wrapt.synchronized(lock) def add(self, msg):[msg.msgNo] = msg.__dict__ @wrapt.synchronized(lock) def __len__(self): return len( @wrapt.synchronized(lock) def get(self, id): if id in return[id] @wrapt.synchronized(lock) def get_all(self): return @wrapt.synchronized(lock) def set_status(self, id, status): if id in[id]["last_update"] = str([id]["status"] = status @wrapt.synchronized(lock) def ack(self, id): """The message got an ack!""" if id in[id]["last_update"] = str([id]["ack"] = True @wrapt.synchronized(lock) def reply(self, id, packet): """We got a packet back from the sent message.""" if id in[id]["reply"] = packet # HTTPBasicAuth doesn't work on a class method. # This has to be out here. Rely on the APRSDFlask # class to initialize the users from the config @auth.verify_password def verify_password(username, password): global users if username in users and check_password_hash(users[username], password): return username def calculate_initial_compass_bearing(point_a, point_b): """ Calculates the bearing between two points. The formulae used is the following: θ = atan2(sin(Δlong).cos(lat2), cos(lat1).sin(lat2) − sin(lat1).cos(lat2).cos(Δlong)) :Parameters: - `pointA: The tuple representing the latitude/longitude for the first point. Latitude and longitude must be in decimal degrees - `pointB: The tuple representing the latitude/longitude for the second point. Latitude and longitude must be in decimal degrees :Returns: The bearing in degrees :Returns Type: float """ if (type(point_a) is not tuple) or (type(point_b) is not tuple): raise TypeError("Only tuples are supported as arguments") lat1 = math.radians(point_a[0]) lat2 = math.radians(point_b[0]) diff_long = math.radians(point_b[1] - point_a[1]) x = math.sin(diff_long) * math.cos(lat2) y = math.cos(lat1) * math.sin(lat2) - ( math.sin(lat1) * math.cos(lat2) * math.cos(diff_long) ) initial_bearing = math.atan2(x, y) # Now we have the initial bearing but math.atan2 return values # from -180° to + 180° which is not what we want for a compass bearing # The solution is to normalize the initial bearing as shown below initial_bearing = math.degrees(initial_bearing) compass_bearing = (initial_bearing + 360) % 360 return compass_bearing def _build_location_from_repeat(message): # This is a location message Format is # ^ld^callsign:latitude,longitude,altitude,course,speed,timestamp a = message.split(":") LOG.warning(a) if len(a) == 2: callsign = a[0].replace("^ld^", "") b = a[1].split(",") LOG.warning(b) if len(b) == 6: lat = float(b[0]) lon = float(b[1]) alt = float(b[2]) course = float(b[3]) speed = float(b[4]) time = int(b[5]) data = { "callsign": callsign, "lat": lat, "lon": lon, "altitude": alt, "course": course, "speed": speed, "lasttime": time, } LOG.warning(f"Location data from REPEAT {data}") return data def _calculate_location_data(location_data): """Calculate all of the location data from data from or REPEAT.""" lat = location_data["lat"] lon = location_data["lon"] alt = location_data["altitude"] speed = location_data["speed"] lasttime = location_data["lasttime"] # now calculate distance from our own location distance = 0 if CONF.webchat.latitude and CONF.webchat.longitude: our_lat = float(CONF.webchat.latitude) our_lon = float(CONF.webchat.longitude) distance = geodesic((our_lat, our_lon), (lat, lon)).kilometers bearing = calculate_initial_compass_bearing( (our_lat, our_lon), (lat, lon), ) return { "callsign": location_data["callsign"], "lat": lat, "lon": lon, "altitude": alt, "course": f"{bearing:0.1f}", "speed": speed, "lasttime": lasttime, "distance": f"{distance:0.3f}", } def send_location_data_to_browser(location_data): global socketio callsign = location_data["callsign"]"Got location for {callsign} {callsign_locations[callsign]}") socketio.emit( "callsign_location", callsign_locations[callsign], namespace="/sendmsg", ) def populate_callsign_location(callsign, data=None): """Populate the location for the callsign. if data is passed in, then we have the location already from an APRS packet. If data is None, then we need to fetch the location from or REPEAT. """ global socketio """Fetch the location for the callsign.""" LOG.debug(f"populate_callsign_location {callsign}") if data: location_data = _calculate_location_data(data) callsign_locations[callsign] = location_data send_location_data_to_browser(location_data) return # First we are going to try to get the location from # if there is no internets, then this will fail and we will # fallback to calling REPEAT for the location for the callsign. fallback = False if not CONF.aprs_fi.apiKey: LOG.warning( "Config aprs_fi.apiKey is not set. Can't get location from " " falling back to sending REPEAT to get location.", ) fallback = True else: try: aprs_data = plugin_utils.get_aprs_fi(CONF.aprs_fi.apiKey, callsign) if not len(aprs_data["entries"]): LOG.error("Didn't get any entries from") return lat = float(aprs_data["entries"][0]["lat"]) lon = float(aprs_data["entries"][0]["lng"]) try: # altitude not always provided alt = float(aprs_data["entries"][0]["altitude"]) except Exception: alt = 0 location_data = { "callsign": callsign, "lat": lat, "lon": lon, "altitude": alt, "lasttime": int(aprs_data["entries"][0]["lasttime"]), "course": float(aprs_data["entries"][0].get("course", 0)), "speed": float(aprs_data["entries"][0].get("speed", 0)), } location_data = _calculate_location_data(location_data) callsign_locations[callsign] = location_data send_location_data_to_browser(location_data) return except Exception as ex: LOG.error(f"Failed to fetch '{ex}'") LOG.error(ex) fallback = True if fallback: # We don't have the location data # and we can't get it from # Send a special message to REPEAT to get the location data"Sending REPEAT to get location for callsign {callsign}.") tx.send( packets.MessagePacket( from_call=CONF.callsign, to_call="REPEAT", message_text=f"ld {callsign}", ), ) class WebChatProcessPacketThread(rx.APRSDProcessPacketThread): """Class that handles packets being sent to us.""" def __init__(self, packet_queue, socketio): self.socketio = socketio self.connected = False super().__init__(packet_queue) def process_ack_packet(self, packet: packets.AckPacket): super().process_ack_packet(packet) ack_num = packet.get("msgNo") SentMessages().ack(ack_num) msg = SentMessages().get(ack_num) if msg: self.socketio.emit( "ack", msg, namespace="/sendmsg", ) self.got_ack = True def process_our_message_packet(self, packet: packets.MessagePacket): global callsign_locations"process MessagePacket {repr(packet)}") # ok lets see if we have the location for the # person we just sent a message to. from_call = packet.get("from_call").upper() if from_call == "REPEAT": # We got a message from REPEAT. Is this a location message? message = packet.get("message_text") if message.startswith("^ld^"): location_data = _build_location_from_repeat(message) callsign = location_data["callsign"] location_data = _calculate_location_data(location_data) callsign_locations[callsign] = location_data send_location_data_to_browser(location_data) return elif ( from_call not in callsign_locations and from_call not in callsign_no_track ): # We have to ask aprs for the location for the callsign # We send a message packet to wb4bor-11 asking for location. populate_callsign_location(from_call) # Send the packet to the browser. self.socketio.emit( "new", packet.__dict__, namespace="/sendmsg", ) class LocationProcessingThread(aprsd_threads.APRSDThread): """Class to handle the location processing.""" def __init__(self): super().__init__("LocationProcessingThread") def loop(self): pass def set_config(): global users def _get_transport(stats): if CONF.aprs_network.enabled: transport = "aprs-is" aprs_connection = ( "APRS-IS Server: " "{}".format(stats["stats"]["aprs-is"]["server"]) ) elif client.KISSClient.is_enabled(): transport = client.KISSClient.transport() if transport == client.TRANSPORT_TCPKISS: aprs_connection = ( "TCPKISS://{}:{}".format(, CONF.kiss_tcp.port, ) ) elif transport == client.TRANSPORT_SERIALKISS: # for pep8 violation aprs_connection = ( "SerialKISS://{}@{} baud".format( CONF.kiss_serial.device, CONF.kiss_serial.baudrate, ), ) elif CONF.fake_client.enabled: transport = client.TRANSPORT_FAKE aprs_connection = "Fake Client" return transport, aprs_connection @flask_app.route("/location/", methods=["POST"]) def location(callsign): LOG.debug(f"Fetch location for callsign {callsign}") populate_callsign_location(callsign) @auth.login_required @flask_app.route("/") def index(): stats = _stats() # For development html_template = "index.html" LOG.debug(f"Template {html_template}") transport, aprs_connection = _get_transport(stats) LOG.debug(f"transport {transport} aprs_connection {aprs_connection}") stats["transport"] = transport stats["aprs_connection"] = aprs_connection LOG.debug(f"initial stats = {stats}") latitude = CONF.webchat.latitude if latitude: latitude = float(CONF.webchat.latitude) longitude = CONF.webchat.longitude if longitude: longitude = float(longitude) return flask.render_template( html_template, initial_stats=stats, aprs_connection=aprs_connection, callsign=CONF.callsign, version=aprsd.__version__, latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude, ) @auth.login_required @flask_app.route("/send-message-status") def send_message_status(): LOG.debug(request) msgs = SentMessages() info = msgs.get_all() return json.dumps(info) def _stats(): stats_obj = stats.APRSDStats() now = time_format = "%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S" stats_dict = stats_obj.stats() # Webchat doesnt need these if "watch_list" in stats_dict["aprsd"]: del stats_dict["aprsd"]["watch_list"] if "seen_list" in stats_dict["aprsd"]: del stats_dict["aprsd"]["seen_list"] if "threads" in stats_dict["aprsd"]: del stats_dict["aprsd"]["threads"] # del stats_dict["email"] # del stats_dict["plugins"] # del stats_dict["messages"] result = { "time": now.strftime(time_format), "stats": stats_dict, } return result @flask_app.route("/stats") def get_stats(): return json.dumps(_stats()) class SendMessageNamespace(Namespace): """Class to handle the socketio interactions.""" got_ack = False reply_sent = False msg = None request = None def __init__(self, namespace=None, config=None): super().__init__(namespace) def on_connect(self): global socketio LOG.debug("Web socket connected") socketio.emit( "connected", {"data": "/sendmsg Connected"}, namespace="/sendmsg", ) def on_disconnect(self): LOG.debug("WS Disconnected") def on_send(self, data): global socketio LOG.debug(f"WS: on_send {data}") self.request = data data["from"] = CONF.callsign path = data.get("path", None) if not path: path = [] elif "," in path: path_opts = path.split(",") path = [x.strip() for x in path_opts] else: path = [path] pkt = packets.MessagePacket( from_call=data["from"], to_call=data["to"].upper(), message_text=data["message"], path=path, ) pkt.prepare() self.msg = pkt msgs = SentMessages() msgs.add(pkt) tx.send(pkt) msgs.set_status(pkt.msgNo, "Sending") obj = msgs.get(pkt.msgNo) socketio.emit( "sent", obj, namespace="/sendmsg", ) def on_gps(self, data): LOG.debug(f"WS on_GPS: {data}") lat = aprslib_util.latitude_to_ddm(data["latitude"]) long = aprslib_util.longitude_to_ddm(data["longitude"]) LOG.debug(f"Lat DDM {lat}") LOG.debug(f"Long DDM {long}") tx.send( packets.GPSPacket( from_call=CONF.callsign, to_call="APDW16", latitude=lat, longitude=long, comment="APRSD WebChat Beacon", ), direct=True, ) def handle_message(self, data): LOG.debug(f"WS Data {data}") def handle_json(self, data): LOG.debug(f"WS json {data}") def on_get_callsign_location(self, data): LOG.debug(f"on_callsign_location {data}") populate_callsign_location(data["callsign"]) @trace.trace def init_flask(loglevel, quiet): global socketio, flask_app log.setup_logging(loglevel, quiet) socketio = SocketIO( flask_app, logger=False, engineio_logger=False, async_mode="threading", ) socketio.on_namespace( SendMessageNamespace( "/sendmsg", ), ) return socketio # main() ### @cli.command() @cli_helper.add_options(cli_helper.common_options) @click.option( "-f", "--flush", "flush", is_flag=True, show_default=True, default=False, help="Flush out all old aged messages on disk.", ) @click.option( "-p", "--port", "port", show_default=True, default=None, help="Port to listen to web requests. This overrides the config.webchat.web_port setting.", ) @click.pass_context @cli_helper.process_standard_options def webchat(ctx, flush, port): """Web based HAM Radio chat program!""" loglevel = ctx.obj["loglevel"] quiet = ctx.obj["quiet"] signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler) level, msg = utils._check_version() if level: LOG.warning(msg) else:"APRSD Started version: {aprsd.__version__}") CONF.log_opt_values(LOG, logging.DEBUG) user = CONF.admin.user users[user] = generate_password_hash(CONF.admin.password) if not port: port = CONF.webchat.web_port # Initialize the client factory and create # The correct client object ready for use client.ClientFactory.setup() # Make sure we have 1 client transport enabled if not client.factory.is_client_enabled(): LOG.error("No Clients are enabled in config.") sys.exit(-1) if not client.factory.is_client_configured(): LOG.error("APRS client is not properly configured in config file.") sys.exit(-1) packets.PacketList() packets.PacketTrack() packets.WatchList() packets.SeenList() keepalive = threads.KeepAliveThread()"Start KeepAliveThread") keepalive.start() socketio = init_flask(loglevel, quiet) rx_thread = rx.APRSDPluginRXThread( packet_queue=threads.packet_queue, ) rx_thread.start() process_thread = WebChatProcessPacketThread( packet_queue=threads.packet_queue, socketio=socketio, ) process_thread.start()"Start") flask_app, # This is broken for now after removing cryptography # and pyopenssl # ssl_context="adhoc", host=CONF.webchat.web_ip, port=port, allow_unsafe_werkzeug=True, )"WebChat exiting!!!! Bye.")