import datetime import json import logging from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler import queue import signal import sys import threading import time import aprslib from aprslib import util as aprslib_util import click import flask from flask import request from flask.logging import default_handler import flask_classful from flask_httpauth import HTTPBasicAuth from flask_socketio import Namespace, SocketIO from import check_password_hash, generate_password_hash import wrapt import aprsd from aprsd import cli_helper, client from aprsd import config as aprsd_config from aprsd import messaging, packets, stats, threads, utils from aprsd.aprsd import cli from aprsd.logging import rich as aprsd_logging from aprsd.threads import aprsd as aprsd_thread from aprsd.threads import rx from aprsd.utils import objectstore, trace LOG = logging.getLogger("APRSD") auth = HTTPBasicAuth() users = None rx_msg_queue = queue.Queue(maxsize=20) tx_msg_queue = queue.Queue(maxsize=20) control_queue = queue.Queue(maxsize=20) msg_queues = { "rx": rx_msg_queue, "control": control_queue, "tx": tx_msg_queue, } def signal_handler(sig, frame): click.echo("signal_handler: called") f"Ctrl+C, Sending all threads({len(threads.APRSDThreadList())}) exit! " f"Can take up to 10 seconds {}", ) threads.APRSDThreadList().stop_all() if "subprocess" not in str(frame): time.sleep(1.5) # messaging.MsgTrack().save() # packets.WatchList().save() # packets.SeenList().save()"Telling flask to bail.") signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sys.exit(0)) sys.exit(0) class SentMessages(objectstore.ObjectStoreMixin): _instance = None lock = threading.Lock() data = {} def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): """This magic turns this into a singleton.""" if cls._instance is None: cls._instance = super().__new__(cls) return cls._instance @wrapt.synchronized(lock) def add(self, msg):[] = self.create([]["from"] = msg.fromcall[]["to"] = msg.tocall[]["message"] = msg.message.rstrip("\n")[]["raw"] = str(msg).rstrip("\n") def create(self, id): return { "id": id, "ts": time.time(), "ack": False, "from": None, "to": None, "raw": None, "message": None, "status": None, "last_update": None, "reply": None, } @wrapt.synchronized(lock) def __len__(self): return len( @wrapt.synchronized(lock) def get(self, id): if id in return[id] @wrapt.synchronized(lock) def get_all(self): return @wrapt.synchronized(lock) def set_status(self, id, status): if id in[id]["last_update"] = str([id]["status"] = status @wrapt.synchronized(lock) def ack(self, id): """The message got an ack!""" if id in[id]["last_update"] = str([id]["ack"] = True @wrapt.synchronized(lock) def reply(self, id, packet): """We got a packet back from the sent message.""" if id in[id]["reply"] = packet # HTTPBasicAuth doesn't work on a class method. # This has to be out here. Rely on the APRSDFlask # class to initialize the users from the config @auth.verify_password def verify_password(username, password): global users if username in users and check_password_hash(users.get(username), password): return username class WebChatRXThread(rx.APRSDRXThread): """Class that connects to aprsis/kiss and waits for messages.""" def connected(self, connected=True): self.connected = connected def stop(self): self.thread_stop = True client.factory.create().client.stop() def loop(self): # setup the consumer of messages and block until a messages msg = None try: msg = self.msg_queues["tx"].get_nowait() except queue.Empty: pass try: if msg: LOG.debug("GOT msg from TX queue!!") msg.send() except ( aprslib.exceptions.ConnectionDrop, aprslib.exceptions.ConnectionError, ): LOG.error("Connection dropped, reconnecting") # Put it back on the queue to send. self.msg_queues["tx"].put(msg) # Force the deletion of the client object connected to aprs # This will cause a reconnect, next time client.get_client() # is called self._client.reset() time.sleep(2) try: # When new packets come in the consumer will process # the packet # This call blocks until thread stop() is called. self._client.client.consumer( self.process_packet, raw=False, blocking=False, ) except ( aprslib.exceptions.ConnectionDrop, aprslib.exceptions.ConnectionError, ): LOG.error("Connection dropped, reconnecting") time.sleep(5) # Force the deletion of the client object connected to aprs # This will cause a reconnect, next time client.get_client() # is called self._client.reset() return True return True def process_packet(self, *args, **kwargs): # packet = self._client.decode_packet(*args, **kwargs) if "packet" in kwargs: packet = kwargs["packet"] else: packet = self._client.decode_packet(*args, **kwargs) LOG.debug(f"GOT Packet {packet}") self.msg_queues["rx"].put(packet) class WebChatTXThread(aprsd_thread.APRSDThread): """Class that """ def __init__(self, msg_queues, config, socketio): super().__init__("_TXThread_") self.msg_queues = msg_queues self.config = config self.socketio = socketio self.connected = False def loop(self): try: msg = self.msg_queues["control"].get_nowait() self.connected = msg["connected"] except queue.Empty: pass try: packet = self.msg_queues["rx"].get_nowait() if packet: # we got a packet and we need to send it to the # web socket self.process_packet(packet) except queue.Empty: pass except Exception as ex: LOG.exception(ex) time.sleep(1) return True def process_ack_packet(self, packet): ack_num = packet.get("msgNo")"We got ack for our sent message {ack_num}") messaging.log_packet(packet) SentMessages().ack(int(ack_num)) self.socketio.emit( "ack", SentMessages().get(int(ack_num)), namespace="/sendmsg", ) stats.APRSDStats().ack_rx_inc() self.got_ack = True def process_packet(self, packet):"process PACKET {packet}") tocall = packet.get("addresse", None) fromcall = packet["from"] msg = packet.get("message_text", None) msg_id = packet.get("msgNo", "0") msg_response = packet.get("response", None) if tocall == self.config["aprsd"]["callsign"] and msg_response == "ack": self.process_ack_packet(packet) elif tocall == self.config["aprsd"]["callsign"]: messaging.log_message( "Received Message", packet["raw"], msg, fromcall=fromcall, msg_num=msg_id, ) # let any threads do their thing, then ack # send an ack last ack = messaging.AckMessage( self.config["aprsd"]["callsign"], fromcall, msg_id=msg_id, ) ack.send() packets.PacketList().add(packet) stats.APRSDStats().msgs_rx_inc() message = packet.get("message_text", None) msg = { "id": 0, "ts": time.time(), "ack": False, "from": fromcall, "to": packet["to"], "raw": packet["raw"], "message": message, "status": None, "last_update": None, "reply": None, } self.socketio.emit( "new", msg, namespace="/sendmsg", ) class WebChatFlask(flask_classful.FlaskView): config = None def set_config(self, config): global users self.config = config self.users = {} for user in self.config["aprsd"]["web"]["users"]: self.users[user] = generate_password_hash( self.config["aprsd"]["web"]["users"][user], ) users = self.users @auth.login_required def index(self): stats = self._stats() if self.config["aprs"].get("enabled", True): transport = "aprs-is" aprs_connection = ( "APRS-IS Server: " "{}".format(stats["stats"]["aprs-is"]["server"]) ) else: # We might be connected to a KISS socket? if client.KISSClient.is_enabled(self.config): transport = client.KISSClient.transport(self.config) if transport == client.TRANSPORT_TCPKISS: aprs_connection = ( "TCPKISS://{}:{}".format( self.config["kiss"]["tcp"]["host"], self.config["kiss"]["tcp"]["port"], ) ) elif transport == client.TRANSPORT_SERIALKISS: aprs_connection = ( "SerialKISS://{}@{} baud".format( self.config["kiss"]["serial"]["device"], self.config["kiss"]["serial"]["baudrate"], ) ) stats["transport"] = transport stats["aprs_connection"] = aprs_connection LOG.debug(f"initial stats = {stats}") return flask.render_template( "index.html", initial_stats=stats, aprs_connection=aprs_connection, callsign=self.config["aprsd"]["callsign"], version=aprsd.__version__, ) @auth.login_required def send_message_status(self): LOG.debug(request) msgs = SentMessages() info = msgs.get_all() return json.dumps(info) def _stats(self): stats_obj = stats.APRSDStats() now = time_format = "%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S" stats_dict = stats_obj.stats() # Webchat doesnt need these del stats_dict["aprsd"]["watch_list"] del stats_dict["aprsd"]["seen_list"] # del stats_dict["email"] # del stats_dict["plugins"] # del stats_dict["messages"] result = { "time": now.strftime(time_format), "stats": stats_dict, } return result def stats(self): return json.dumps(self._stats()) class SendMessageNamespace(Namespace): """Class to handle the socketio interactions.""" _config = None got_ack = False reply_sent = False msg = None request = None def __init__(self, namespace=None, config=None, msg_queues=None): self._config = config self._msg_queues = msg_queues super().__init__(namespace) def on_connect(self): global socketio LOG.debug("Web socket connected") socketio.emit( "connected", {"data": "/sendmsg Connected"}, namespace="/sendmsg", ) msg = {"connected": True} self._msg_queues["control"].put(msg) def on_disconnect(self): LOG.debug("WS Disconnected") msg = {"connected": False} self._msg_queues["control"].put(msg) def on_send(self, data): global socketio LOG.debug(f"WS: on_send {data}") self.request = data data["from"] = self._config["aprs"]["login"] msg = messaging.TextMessage( data["from"], data["to"], data["message"], ) self.msg = msg msgs = SentMessages() msgs.add(msg) msgs.set_status(, "Sending") obj = msgs.get( socketio.emit( "sent", obj, namespace="/sendmsg", ) msg.send() # self._msg_queues["tx"].put(msg) def on_gps(self, data): LOG.debug(f"WS on_GPS: {data}") lat = aprslib_util.latitude_to_ddm(data["latitude"]) long = aprslib_util.longitude_to_ddm(data["longitude"]) LOG.debug(f"Lat DDM {lat}") LOG.debug(f"Long DDM {long}") local_datetime = utc_offset_timedelta = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - local_datetime result_utc_datetime = local_datetime + utc_offset_timedelta time_zulu = result_utc_datetime.strftime("%d%H%M") # now construct a beacon to send over the client connection txt = ( f"{self._config['aprs']['login']}>APZ100,WIDE2-1" f":!{lat}{long}#PHG7260 APRSD WebChat Beacon" ) txt = f"@{time_zulu}z{lat}1{long}$APRSD WebChat Beacon" LOG.debug(f"Sending {txt}") beacon_msg = messaging.RawMessage(txt) beacon_msg.fromcall = self._config["aprs"]["login"] beacon_msg.tocall = "APDW16" beacon_msg.send_direct() def handle_message(self, data): LOG.debug(f"WS Data {data}") def handle_json(self, data): LOG.debug(f"WS json {data}") def setup_logging(config, flask_app, loglevel, quiet): flask_log = logging.getLogger("werkzeug") flask_app.logger.removeHandler(default_handler) flask_log.removeHandler(default_handler) log_level = aprsd_config.LOG_LEVELS[loglevel] flask_log.setLevel(log_level) date_format = config["aprsd"].get( "dateformat", aprsd_config.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT, ) if not config["aprsd"]["web"].get("logging_enabled", False): # disable web logging flask_log.disabled = True flask_app.logger.disabled = True # return if config["aprsd"].get("rich_logging", False) and not quiet: log_format = "%(message)s" log_formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt=log_format, datefmt=date_format) rh = aprsd_logging.APRSDRichHandler( show_thread=True, thread_width=15, rich_tracebacks=True, omit_repeated_times=False, ) rh.setFormatter(log_formatter) flask_log.addHandler(rh) log_file = config["aprsd"].get("logfile", None) if log_file: log_format = config["aprsd"].get( "logformat", aprsd_config.DEFAULT_LOG_FORMAT, ) log_formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt=log_format, datefmt=date_format) fh = RotatingFileHandler( log_file, maxBytes=(10248576 * 5), backupCount=4, ) fh.setFormatter(log_formatter) flask_log.addHandler(fh) @trace.trace def init_flask(config, loglevel, quiet): global socketio flask_app = flask.Flask( "aprsd", static_url_path="/static", static_folder="web/chat/static", template_folder="web/chat/templates", ) setup_logging(config, flask_app, loglevel, quiet) server = WebChatFlask() server.set_config(config) flask_app.route("/", methods=["GET"])(server.index) flask_app.route("/stats", methods=["GET"])(server.stats) # flask_app.route("/send-message", methods=["GET"])(server.send_message) flask_app.route("/send-message-status", methods=["GET"])(server.send_message_status) socketio = SocketIO( flask_app, logger=False, engineio_logger=False, async_mode="threading", ) # async_mode="gevent", # async_mode="eventlet", # import eventlet # eventlet.monkey_patch() socketio.on_namespace( SendMessageNamespace( "/sendmsg", config=config, msg_queues=msg_queues, ), ) return socketio, flask_app # main() ### @cli.command() @cli_helper.add_options(cli_helper.common_options) @click.option( "-f", "--flush", "flush", is_flag=True, show_default=True, default=False, help="Flush out all old aged messages on disk.", ) @click.option( "-p", "--port", "port", show_default=True, default=80, help="Port to listen to web requests", ) @click.pass_context @cli_helper.process_standard_options def webchat(ctx, flush, port): """Web based HAM Radio chat program!""" ctx.obj["config_file"] loglevel = ctx.obj["loglevel"] quiet = ctx.obj["quiet"] config = ctx.obj["config"] signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler) if not quiet: click.echo("Load config") level, msg = utils._check_version() if level: LOG.warning(msg) else:"APRSD Started version: {aprsd.__version__}") flat_config = utils.flatten_dict(config)"Using CONFIG values:") for x in flat_config: if "password" in x or "aprsd.web.users.admin" in x:"{x} = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX") else:"{x} = {flat_config[x]}") stats.APRSDStats(config) # Initialize the client factory and create # The correct client object ready for use client.ClientFactory.setup(config) # Make sure we have 1 client transport enabled if not client.factory.is_client_enabled(): LOG.error("No Clients are enabled in config.") sys.exit(-1) if not client.factory.is_client_configured(): LOG.error("APRS client is not properly configured in config file.") sys.exit(-1) packets.PacketList(config=config) messaging.MsgTrack(config=config) packets.WatchList(config=config) packets.SeenList(config=config) (socketio, app) = init_flask(config, loglevel, quiet) rx_thread = WebChatRXThread( msg_queues=msg_queues, config=config, )"Start RX Thread") rx_thread.start() tx_thread = WebChatTXThread( msg_queues=msg_queues, config=config, socketio=socketio, )"Start TX Thread") tx_thread.start() keepalive = threads.KeepAliveThread(config=config)"Start KeepAliveThread") keepalive.start()"Start") app, host=config["aprsd"]["web"]["host"], port=port, )"WebChat exiting!!!! Bye.")