# # Listen on amateur radio aprs-is network for messages and respond to them. # You must have an amateur radio callsign to use this software. You must # create an ~/.aprsd/config.yml file with all of the required settings. To # generate an example config.yml, just run aprsd, then copy the sample config # to ~/.aprsd/config.yml and edit the settings. # # APRS messages: # l(ocation) = descriptive location of calling station # w(eather) = temp, (hi/low) forecast, later forecast # t(ime) = respond with the current time # f(ortune) = respond with a short fortune # -email_addr email text = send an email # -2 = display the last 2 emails received # p(ing) = respond with Pong!/time # anything else = respond with usage # # (C)2018 Craig Lamparter # License GPLv2 # # python included libs import datetime import importlib.metadata as imp from importlib.metadata import version as metadata_version import logging import os import signal import sys import time import click import click_completion from oslo_config import cfg, generator # local imports here import aprsd from aprsd import cli_helper, packets, stats, threads, utils # setup the global logger # logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) # level=10 CONF = cfg.CONF LOG = logging.getLogger("APRSD") CONTEXT_SETTINGS = dict(help_option_names=["-h", "--help"]) flask_enabled = False rpc_serv = None def custom_startswith(string, incomplete): """A custom completion match that supports case insensitive matching.""" if os.environ.get("_CLICK_COMPLETION_COMMAND_CASE_INSENSITIVE_COMPLETE"): string = string.lower() incomplete = incomplete.lower() return string.startswith(incomplete) click_completion.core.startswith = custom_startswith click_completion.init() @click.group(context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS) @click.version_option() @click.pass_context def cli(ctx): pass def main(): # First import all the possible commands for the CLI # The commands themselves live in the cmds directory from .cmds import ( # noqa completion, dev, healthcheck, list_plugins, listen, send_message, server, webchat, ) cli(auto_envvar_prefix="APRSD") def signal_handler(sig, frame): global flask_enabled click.echo("signal_handler: called") threads.APRSDThreadList().stop_all() if "subprocess" not in str(frame): LOG.info( "Ctrl+C, Sending all threads exit! Can take up to 10 seconds {}".format( datetime.datetime.now(), ), ) time.sleep(1.5) packets.PacketTrack().save() packets.WatchList().save() packets.SeenList().save() LOG.info(stats.APRSDStats()) # signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sys.exit(0)) # sys.exit(0) if flask_enabled: signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sys.exit(0)) @cli.command() @cli_helper.add_options(cli_helper.common_options) @click.pass_context @cli_helper.process_standard_options_no_config def check_version(ctx): """Check this version against the latest in pypi.org.""" level, msg = utils._check_version() if level: click.secho(msg, fg="yellow") else: click.secho(msg, fg="green") @cli.command() @click.pass_context def sample_config(ctx): """Generate a sample Config file from aprsd and all installed plugins.""" def get_namespaces(): args = [] all = imp.entry_points() selected = [] if "oslo.config.opts" in all: for x in all["oslo.config.opts"]: if x.group == "oslo.config.opts": selected.append(x) for entry in selected: if "aprsd" in entry.name: args.append("--namespace") args.append(entry.name) return args args = get_namespaces() config_version = metadata_version("oslo.config") logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARN) conf = cfg.ConfigOpts() generator.register_cli_opts(conf) try: conf(args, version=config_version) except cfg.RequiredOptError: conf.print_help() if not sys.argv[1:]: raise SystemExit raise generator.generate(conf) @cli.command() @click.pass_context def version(ctx): """Show the APRSD version.""" click.echo(click.style("APRSD Version : ", fg="white"), nl=False) click.secho(f"{aprsd.__version__}", fg="yellow", bold=True) if __name__ == "__main__": main()