from pathlib import Path from oslo_config import cfg home = str(Path.home()) DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR = f"{home}/.config/aprsd/" APRSD_DEFAULT_MAGIC_WORD = "CHANGEME!!!" admin_group = cfg.OptGroup( name="admin", title="Admin web interface settings", ) watch_list_group = cfg.OptGroup( name="watch_list", title="Watch List settings", ) webchat_group = cfg.OptGroup( name="webchat", title="Settings specific to the webchat command", ) registry_group = cfg.OptGroup( name="aprs_registry", title="APRS Registry settings", ) aprsd_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt( "callsign", required=True, help="Callsign to use for messages sent by APRSD", ), cfg.BoolOpt( "enable_save", default=True, help="Enable saving of watch list, packet tracker between restarts.", ), cfg.StrOpt( "save_location", default=DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR, help="Save location for packet tracking files.", ), cfg.BoolOpt( "trace_enabled", default=False, help="Enable code tracing", ), cfg.StrOpt( "units", default="imperial", help="Units for display, imperial or metric", ), cfg.IntOpt( "ack_rate_limit_period", default=1, help="The wait period in seconds per Ack packet being sent." "1 means 1 ack packet per second allowed." "2 means 1 pack packet every 2 seconds allowed", ), cfg.IntOpt( "msg_rate_limit_period", default=2, help="Wait period in seconds per non AckPacket being sent." "2 means 1 packet every 2 seconds allowed." "5 means 1 pack packet every 5 seconds allowed", ), cfg.IntOpt( "packet_dupe_timeout", default=300, help="The number of seconds before a packet is not considered a duplicate.", ), cfg.BoolOpt( "enable_beacon", default=False, help="Enable sending of a GPS Beacon packet to locate this service. " "Requires latitude and longitude to be set.", ), cfg.IntOpt( "beacon_interval", default=1800, help="The number of seconds between beacon packets.", ), cfg.StrOpt( "beacon_symbol", default="/", help="The symbol to use for the GPS Beacon packet. See:", ), cfg.StrOpt( "latitude", default=None, help="Latitude for the GPS Beacon button. If not set, the button will not be enabled.", ), cfg.StrOpt( "longitude", default=None, help="Longitude for the GPS Beacon button. If not set, the button will not be enabled.", ), cfg.StrOpt( "log_packet_format", choices=["compact", "multiline", "both"], default="compact", help="When logging packets 'compact' will use a single line formatted for each packet." "'multiline' will use multiple lines for each packet and is the traditional format." "both will log both compact and multiline.", ), ] watch_list_opts = [ cfg.BoolOpt( "enabled", default=False, help="Enable the watch list feature. Still have to enable " "the correct plugin. Built-in plugin to use is " "aprsd.plugins.notify.NotifyPlugin", ), cfg.ListOpt( "callsigns", help="Callsigns to watch for messsages", ), cfg.StrOpt( "alert_callsign", help="The Ham Callsign to send messages to for watch list alerts.", ), cfg.IntOpt( "packet_keep_count", default=10, help="The number of packets to store.", ), cfg.IntOpt( "alert_time_seconds", default=3600, help="Time to wait before alert is sent on new message for " "users in callsigns.", ), ] admin_opts = [ cfg.BoolOpt( "web_enabled", default=False, help="Enable the Admin Web Interface", ), cfg.StrOpt( "web_ip", default="", help="The ip address to listen on", ), cfg.PortOpt( "web_port", default=8001, help="The port to listen on", ), cfg.StrOpt( "user", default="admin", help="The admin user for the admin web interface", ), cfg.StrOpt( "password", default="password", secret=True, help="Admin interface password", ), ] enabled_plugins_opts = [ cfg.ListOpt( "enabled_plugins", default=[ "", "aprsd.plugins.fortune.FortunePlugin", "aprsd.plugins.location.LocationPlugin", "", "aprsd.plugins.query.QueryPlugin", "aprsd.plugins.time.TimePlugin", "", "aprsd.plugins.version.VersionPlugin", "aprsd.plugins.notify.NotifySeenPlugin", ], help="Comma separated list of enabled plugins for APRSD." "To enable installed external plugins add them here." "The full python path to the class name must be used", ), ] webchat_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt( "web_ip", default="", help="The ip address to listen on", ), cfg.PortOpt( "web_port", default=8001, help="The port to listen on", ), cfg.StrOpt( "latitude", default=None, help="Latitude for the GPS Beacon button. If not set, the button will not be enabled.", ), cfg.StrOpt( "longitude", default=None, help="Longitude for the GPS Beacon button. If not set, the button will not be enabled.", ), cfg.BoolOpt( "disable_url_request_logging", default=False, help="Disable the logging of url requests in the webchat command.", ), ] registry_opts = [ cfg.BoolOpt( "enabled", default=False, help="Enable sending aprs registry information. This will let the " "APRS registry know about your service and it's uptime. " "No personal information is sent, just the callsign, uptime and description. " "The service callsign is the callsign set in [DEFAULT] section.", ), cfg.StrOpt( "description", default=None, help="Description of the service to send to the APRS registry. " "This is what will show up in the APRS registry." "If not set, the description will be the same as the callsign.", ), cfg.StrOpt( "registry_url", default="", help="The APRS registry domain name to send the information to.", ), cfg.StrOpt( "service_website", default=None, help="The website for your APRS service to send to the APRS registry.", ), cfg.IntOpt( "frequency_seconds", default=3600, help="The frequency in seconds to send the APRS registry information.", ), ] def register_opts(config): config.register_opts(aprsd_opts) config.register_opts(enabled_plugins_opts) config.register_group(admin_group) config.register_opts(admin_opts, group=admin_group) config.register_group(watch_list_group) config.register_opts(watch_list_opts, group=watch_list_group) config.register_group(webchat_group) config.register_opts(webchat_opts, group=webchat_group) config.register_group(registry_group) config.register_opts(registry_opts, group=registry_group) def list_opts(): return { "DEFAULT": (aprsd_opts + enabled_plugins_opts), admin_opts, watch_list_opts, webchat_opts, registry_opts, }