var cleared = false; var callsign_list = {}; var message_list = {}; var from_msg_list = {}; const socket = io("/sendmsg"); MSG_TYPE_TX = "tx"; MSG_TYPE_RX = "rx"; MSG_TYPE_ACK = "ack"; function size_dict(d){c=0; for (i in d) ++c; return c} function init_chat() { socket.on('connect', function () { console.log("Connected to socketio"); }); socket.on('connected', function(msg) { console.log("Connected!"); console.log(msg); }); socket.on("sent", function(msg) { if (cleared === false) { console.log("CLEARING #msgsTabsDiv"); var msgsdiv = $("#msgsTabsDiv"); msgsdiv.html(''); cleared = true; } msg["type"] = MSG_TYPE_TX; sent_msg(msg); }); socket.on("ack", function(msg) { msg["type"] = MSG_TYPE_ACK; ack_msg(msg); }); socket.on("new", function(msg) { if (cleared === false) { var msgsdiv = $("#msgsTabsDiv"); msgsdiv.html('') cleared = true; } msg["type"] = MSG_TYPE_RX; from_msg(msg); }); $("#sendform").submit(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); msg = {'to': $('#to_call').val(), 'message': $('#message').val(), } socket.emit("send", msg); $('#message').val(''); }); init_gps(); // Try and load any existing chat threads from last time init_messages(); } function message_ts_id(msg) { //Create a 'id' from the message timestamp ts_str = msg["ts"].toString(); ts = ts_str.split(".")[0]*1000; id = ts_str.split('.')[0]; return {'timestamp': ts, 'id': id}; } function time_ack_from_msg(msg) { // Return the time and ack_id from a message ts_id = message_ts_id(msg); ts = ts_id['timestamp']; id = ts_id['id']; ack_id = "ack_" + id var d = new Date(ts).toLocaleDateString("en-US") var t = new Date(ts).toLocaleTimeString("en-US") return {'time': t, 'date': d, 'ack_id': ack_id}; } function save_data() { // Save the relevant data to local storage localStorage.setItem('callsign_list', JSON.stringify(callsign_list)); localStorage.setItem('message_list', JSON.stringify(message_list)); } function init_messages() { // This tries to load any previous conversations from local storage callsign_list = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('callsign_list')); message_list = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('message_list')); console.log("init_messages"); if (callsign_list == null) { callsign_list = {}; } if (message_list == null) { message_list = {}; } console.log(callsign_list); console.log(message_list); // Now loop through each callsign and add the tabs first_callsign = null; for (callsign in callsign_list) { console.log("Adding callsign " + callsign); if (first_callsign === null) { first_callsign = callsign; console.log("first_callsign " + first_callsign) } create_callsign_tab(callsign); } // and then populate the messages in order for (callsign in message_list) { new_callsign = true; cleared = true; for (id in message_list[callsign]) { msg = message_list[callsign][id]; info = time_ack_from_msg(msg); t = info['time']; ack_id = false; acked = false; if (msg['type'] == MSG_TYPE_TX) { ack_id = info['ack_id']; acked = msg['ack']; } msg_html = create_message_html(t, msg['from'], msg['to'], msg['message'], ack_id, msg, acked); append_message_html(callsign, msg_html, new_callsign); new_callsign = false; } } //Click on the very first tab if (first_callsign !== null) { click_div = '#'+tab_string(first_callsign); var click_timer = setTimeout(function() { console.log("Click on first tab " + click_div); $(click_div).click(); clearTimeout(click_timer); }, 500); } } function create_callsign_tab(callsign) { //Create the html for the callsign tab and insert it into the DOM console.log("create_callsign_tab " + callsign) var callsignTabs = $("#callsignTabs"); tab_name = tab_string(callsign); tab_content = tab_content_name(callsign); divname = content_divname(callsign); item_html = ''; console.log(item_html); callsignTabs.append(item_html); } function add_callsign(callsign) { /* Ensure a callsign exists in the left hand nav */ if (callsign in callsign_list) { return false } create_callsign_tab(callsign); callsign_list[callsign] = true; return true } function append_message(callsign, msg, msg_html) { console.log("append_message " + callsign + " " + msg + " " + msg_html); new_callsign = false if (!message_list.hasOwnProperty(callsign)) { //message_list[callsign] = new Array(); message_list[callsign] = {}; } ts_id = message_ts_id(msg); id = ts_id['id'] message_list[callsign][id] = msg; // Find the right div to place the html new_callsign = add_callsign(callsign); append_message_html(callsign, msg_html, new_callsign); if (new_callsign) { //click on the new tab click_div = '#'+tab_string(callsign); $(click_div).click(); } } function tab_string(callsign) { return "msgs"+callsign; } function tab_content_name(callsign) { return tab_string(callsign)+"Content"; } function content_divname(callsign) { return "#"+tab_content_name(callsign); } function append_message_html(callsign, msg_html, new_callsign) { var msgsTabs = $('#msgsTabsDiv'); console.log("append_message_html " + callsign + " " + msg_html + " " + new_callsign); divname_str = tab_content_name(callsign); divname = content_divname(callsign); if (new_callsign) { // we have to add a new DIV console.log("new callsign, create msg_div_html "); msg_div_html = '
'; console.log(msg_div_html); msgsTabs.append(msg_div_html); } else { var msgDiv = $(divname); console.log("Appending ("+ msg_html + ") to " + divname); console.log(msgDiv); msgDiv.append(msg_html); console.log(msgDiv); } console.log("divname " + divname); console.log($(divname).length); if ($(divname).length > 0) { $(divname).animate({scrollTop: $(divname)[0].scrollHeight}, "slow"); } $(divname).trigger('click'); } function create_message_html(time, from, to, message, ack_id, msg, acked=false) { div_id = from + "_" +; msg_html = '
'; msg_html += '
'; msg_html += '
'; msg_html += '
'; if (ack_id) { if (acked) { msg_html += '
'; } else { msg_html += '
'; } } else { msg_html += ''; } msg_html += '
'; msg_html += '
'; msg_html += '
'; msg_html += '

'; return msg_html } function flash_message(msg) { // Callback function to bring a hidden box back id = msg.from + "_" +; var msgid = $('#'+id); msgid.effect("pulsate", { times:3 }, 2000); } function sent_msg(msg) { info = time_ack_from_msg(msg); t = info['time']; ack_id = info['ack_id']; msg_html = create_message_html(t, msg['from'], msg['to'], msg['message'], ack_id, msg, false); append_message(msg['to'], msg, msg_html); save_data(); } function from_msg(msg) { console.log(msg); if (!from_msg_list.hasOwnProperty(msg.from)) { from_msg_list[msg.from] = new Array(); } if ( in from_msg_list[msg.from]) { // We already have this message console.log("We already have this message " + msg); // Do some flashy thing? flash_message(msg); return false } else { console.log("Adding message " + + " to " + msg.from); from_msg_list[msg.from][] = msg } info = time_ack_from_msg(msg); t = info['time']; ack_id = info['ack_id']; from = msg['from'] msg_html = create_message_html(t, from, false, msg['message'], false, msg, false); append_message(from, msg, msg_html); save_data(); } function ack_msg(msg) { // Acknowledge a message console.log("ack_msg "); console.log(msg); console.log(message_list); // We have an existing entry ts_id = message_ts_id(msg); console.log(ts_id) id = ts_id['id']; //Mark the message as acked callsign = msg['to']; // Ensure the message_list has this callsign if (!message_list.hasOwnProperty(callsign)) { console.log("No message_list for " + callsign); return false } // Ensure the message_list has this id if (!message_list[callsign].hasOwnProperty(id)) { console.log("No message_list for " + callsign + " " + id); return false } console.log("Marking message as acked " + callsign + " " + id) if (message_list[callsign][id]['ack'] == true) { console.log("Message already acked"); return false; } message_list[callsign][id]['ack'] = true; ack_id = "ack_" + id if (msg['ack'] == true) { var ack_div = $('#' + ack_id); //ack_div.removeClass('thumbs up outline icon'); ack_div.removeClass('thumbs down outline icon'); ack_div.addClass('thumbs up outline icon'); } $('.ui.accordion').accordion('refresh'); save_data(); } function callsign_select(callsign) { var tocall = $("#to_call"); tocall.val(callsign); } function reset_Tabs() { tabcontent = document.getElementsByClassName("tabcontent"); for (i = 0; i < tabcontent.length; i++) { tabcontent[i].style.display = "none"; } } function openCallsign(evt, callsign) { // This is called when a callsign tab is clicked var i, tabcontent, tablinks; tab_content = tab_content_name(callsign); tabcontent = document.getElementsByClassName("tabcontent"); console.log(tabcontent); for (i = 0; i < tabcontent.length; i++) { tabcontent[i].style.display = "none"; } tablinks = document.getElementsByClassName("tablinks"); console.log(tablinks); for (i = 0; i < tablinks.length; i++) { tablinks[i].className = tablinks[i].className.replace(" active", ""); } document.getElementById(tab_content).style.display = "block"; += " active"; callsign_select(callsign); }