import datetime import logging import time from oslo_config import cfg from rush import quota, throttle from rush.contrib import decorator from rush.limiters import periodic from rush.stores import dictionary from aprsd import client from aprsd import conf # noqa from aprsd import threads as aprsd_threads from aprsd.packets import core, tracker CONF = cfg.CONF LOG = logging.getLogger("APRSD") msg_t = throttle.Throttle( limiter=periodic.PeriodicLimiter( store=dictionary.DictionaryStore(), ), rate=quota.Quota.per_second( count=CONF.msg_rate_limit_period, ), ) ack_t = throttle.Throttle( limiter=periodic.PeriodicLimiter( store=dictionary.DictionaryStore(), ), rate=quota.Quota.per_second( count=CONF.ack_rate_limit_period, ), ) msg_throttle_decorator = decorator.ThrottleDecorator(throttle=msg_t) ack_throttle_decorator = decorator.ThrottleDecorator(throttle=ack_t) def send(packet: core.Packet, direct=False, aprs_client=None): """Send a packet either in a thread or directly to the client.""" # prepare the packet for sending. # This constructs the packet.raw packet.prepare() if isinstance(packet, core.AckPacket): _send_ack(packet, direct=direct, aprs_client=aprs_client) else: _send_packet(packet, direct=direct, aprs_client=aprs_client) @msg_throttle_decorator.sleep_and_retry def _send_packet(packet: core.Packet, direct=False, aprs_client=None): if not direct: thread = SendPacketThread(packet=packet) thread.start() else: _send_direct(packet, aprs_client=aprs_client) @ack_throttle_decorator.sleep_and_retry def _send_ack(packet: core.AckPacket, direct=False, aprs_client=None): if not direct: thread = SendAckThread(packet=packet) thread.start() else: _send_direct(packet, aprs_client=aprs_client) def _send_direct(packet, aprs_client=None): if aprs_client: cl = aprs_client else: cl = client.factory.create() packet.update_timestamp() packet.log(header="TX") cl.send(packet) class SendPacketThread(aprsd_threads.APRSDThread): loop_count: int = 1 def __init__(self, packet): self.packet = packet name = self.packet.raw[:5] super().__init__(f"TXPKT-{self.packet.msgNo}-{name}") pkt_tracker = tracker.PacketTrack() pkt_tracker.add(packet) def loop(self): """Loop until a message is acked or it gets delayed. We only sleep for 5 seconds between each loop run, so that CTRL-C can exit the app in a short period. Each sleep means the app quitting is blocked until sleep is done. So we keep track of the last send attempt and only send if the last send attempt is old enough. """ pkt_tracker = tracker.PacketTrack() # lets see if the message is still in the tracking queue packet = pkt_tracker.get(self.packet.msgNo) if not packet: # The message has been removed from the tracking queue # So it got acked and we are done. f"{self.packet.__class__.__name__}" f"({self.packet.msgNo}) " "Message Send Complete via Ack.", ) return False else: send_now = False if packet.send_count == packet.retry_count: # we reached the send limit, don't send again # TODO(hemna) - Need to put this in a delayed queue? f"{packet.__class__.__name__} " f"({packet.msgNo}) " "Message Send Complete. Max attempts reached" f" {packet.retry_count}", ) if not packet.allow_delay: pkt_tracker.remove(packet.msgNo) return False # Message is still outstanding and needs to be acked. if packet.last_send_time: # Message has a last send time tracking now = sleeptime = (packet.send_count + 1) * 31 delta = now - packet.last_send_time if delta > datetime.timedelta(seconds=sleeptime): # It's time to try to send it again send_now = True else: send_now = True if send_now: # no attempt time, so lets send it, and start # tracking the time. packet.last_send_time = send(packet, direct=True) packet.send_count += 1 time.sleep(1) # Make sure we get called again. self.loop_count += 1 return True class SendAckThread(aprsd_threads.APRSDThread): loop_count: int = 1 def __init__(self, packet): self.packet = packet super().__init__(f"SendAck-{self.packet.msgNo}") def loop(self): """Separate thread to send acks with retries.""" send_now = False if self.packet.send_count == self.packet.retry_count: # we reached the send limit, don't send again # TODO(hemna) - Need to put this in a delayed queue? f"{self.packet.__class__.__name__}" f"({self.packet.msgNo}) " "Send Complete. Max attempts reached" f" {self.packet.retry_count}", ) return False if self.packet.last_send_time: # Message has a last send time tracking now = # aprs duplicate detection is 30 secs? # (21 only sends first, 28 skips middle) sleep_time = 31 delta = now - self.packet.last_send_time if delta > datetime.timedelta(seconds=sleep_time): # It's time to try to send it again send_now = True elif self.loop_count % 10 == 0: LOG.debug(f"Still wating. {delta}") else: send_now = True if send_now: send(self.packet, direct=True) self.packet.send_count += 1 self.packet.last_send_time = time.sleep(1) self.loop_count += 1 return True