import collections import logging import os from pathlib import Path import sys import click import yaml from aprsd import exception, utils home = str(Path.home()) DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR = f"{home}/.config/aprsd/" DEFAULT_SAVE_FILE = f"{home}/.config/aprsd/aprsd.p" DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE = f"{home}/.config/aprsd/aprsd.yml" LOG_LEVELS = { "CRITICAL": logging.CRITICAL, "ERROR": logging.ERROR, "WARNING": logging.WARNING, "INFO": logging.INFO, "DEBUG": logging.DEBUG, } DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT = "%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p" DEFAULT_LOG_FORMAT = ( "[%(asctime)s] [%(threadName)-20.20s] [%(levelname)-5.5s]" " %(message)s - [%(pathname)s:%(lineno)d]" ) QUEUE_DATE_FORMAT = "[%m/%d/%Y] [%I:%M:%S %p]" QUEUE_LOG_FORMAT = ( "%(asctime)s [%(threadName)-20.20s] [%(levelname)-5.5s]" " %(message)s - [%(pathname)s:%(lineno)d]" ) CORE_MESSAGE_PLUGINS = [ "", "aprsd.plugins.fortune.FortunePlugin", "aprsd.plugins.location.LocationPlugin", "", "aprsd.plugins.query.QueryPlugin", "aprsd.plugins.stock.StockPlugin", "aprsd.plugins.time.TimePlugin", "", "aprsd.plugins.version.VersionPlugin", ] CORE_NOTIFY_PLUGINS = [ "aprsd.plugins.notify.NotifySeenPlugin", ] # an example of what should be in the ~/.aprsd/config.yml DEFAULT_CONFIG_DICT = { "ham": {"callsign": "NOCALL"}, "aprs": { "enabled": True, # Only used as the login for aprsis. "login": "CALLSIGN", "password": "00000", "host": "", "port": 14580, }, "kiss": { "tcp": { "enabled": False, "host": "direwolf.ip.address", "port": "8001", }, "serial": { "enabled": False, "device": "/dev/ttyS0", "baudrate": 9600, }, }, "aprsd": { # Callsign to use for all packets to/from aprsd instance # regardless of the client (aprsis vs kiss) "callsign": "NOCALL", "logfile": "/tmp/aprsd.log", "logformat": DEFAULT_LOG_FORMAT, "dateformat": DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT, "save_location": DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR, "rich_logging": True, "trace": False, "enabled_plugins": CORE_MESSAGE_PLUGINS, "units": "imperial", "watch_list": { "enabled": False, # Who gets the alert? "alert_callsign": "NOCALL", # 43200 is 12 hours "alert_time_seconds": 43200, # How many packets to save in a ring Buffer # for a particular callsign "packet_keep_count": 10, "callsigns": [], "enabled_plugins": CORE_NOTIFY_PLUGINS, }, "web": { "enabled": True, "logging_enabled": True, "host": "", "port": 8001, "users": { "admin": "password-here", }, }, "email": { "enabled": True, "shortcuts": { "aa": "", "cl": "", "wb": "", }, "smtp": { "login": "SMTP_USERNAME", "password": "SMTP_PASSWORD", "host": "", "port": 465, "use_ssl": False, "debug": False, }, "imap": { "login": "IMAP_USERNAME", "password": "IMAP_PASSWORD", "host": "", "port": 993, "use_ssl": True, "debug": False, }, }, }, "services": { "": {"apiKey": "APIKEYVALUE"}, "openweathermap": {"apiKey": "APIKEYVALUE"}, "opencagedata": {"apiKey": "APIKEYVALUE"}, "avwx": {"base_url": "http://host:port", "apiKey": "APIKEYVALUE"}, }, } class Config(collections.UserDict): def _get(self, d, keys, default=None): """ Example: d = {'meta': {'status': 'OK', 'status_code': 200}} _get(d, ['meta', 'status_code']) # => 200 _get(d, ['garbage', 'status_code']) # => None _get(d, ['meta', 'garbage'], default='-') # => '-' """ if type(keys) is str and "." in keys: keys = keys.split(".") assert type(keys) is list if d is None: return default if not keys: return d if type(d) is str: return default return self._get(d.get(keys[0]), keys[1:], default) def get(self, path, default=None): return self._get(, path, default=default) def exists(self, path): """See if a conf value exists.""" test = "-3.14TEST41.3-" return self.get(path, default=test) != test def check_option(self, path, default_fail=None): """Make sure the config option doesn't have default value.""" if not self.exists(path): if type(path) is list: path = ".".join(path) raise exception.MissingConfigOptionException(path) val = self.get(path) if val == default_fail: # We have to fail and bail if the user hasn't edited # this config option. raise exception.ConfigOptionBogusDefaultException( path, default_fail, ) def add_config_comments(raw_yaml): end_idx = utils.end_substr(raw_yaml, "ham:") if end_idx != -1: # lets insert a comment raw_yaml = utils.insert_str( raw_yaml, "\n # Callsign that owns this instance of APRSD.", end_idx, ) end_idx = utils.end_substr(raw_yaml, "aprsd:") if end_idx != -1: # lets insert a comment raw_yaml = utils.insert_str( raw_yaml, "\n # Callsign to use for all APRSD Packets as the to/from." "\n # regardless of client type (aprsis vs tcpkiss vs serial)", end_idx, ) end_idx = utils.end_substr(raw_yaml, "aprs:") if end_idx != -1: # lets insert a comment raw_yaml = utils.insert_str( raw_yaml, "\n # Set enabled to False if there is no internet connectivity." "\n # This is useful for a direwolf KISS aprs connection only. " "\n" "\n # Get the passcode for your callsign here: " "\n #", end_idx, ) end_idx = utils.end_substr(raw_yaml, "") if end_idx != -1: # lets insert a comment raw_yaml = utils.insert_str( raw_yaml, "\n # Get the apiKey from your account here: " "\n #", end_idx, ) end_idx = utils.end_substr(raw_yaml, "opencagedata:") if end_idx != -1: # lets insert a comment raw_yaml = utils.insert_str( raw_yaml, "\n # (Optional for TimeOpenCageDataPlugin) " "\n # Get the apiKey from your opencagedata account here: " "\n #", end_idx, ) end_idx = utils.end_substr(raw_yaml, "openweathermap:") if end_idx != -1: # lets insert a comment raw_yaml = utils.insert_str( raw_yaml, "\n # (Optional for OWMWeatherPlugin) " "\n # Get the apiKey from your " "\n # openweathermap account here: " "\n #", end_idx, ) end_idx = utils.end_substr(raw_yaml, "avwx:") if end_idx != -1: # lets insert a comment raw_yaml = utils.insert_str( raw_yaml, "\n # (Optional for AVWXWeatherPlugin) " "\n # Use hosted avwx-api here: " "\n # or deploy your own from here: " "\n #", end_idx, ) return raw_yaml def dump_default_cfg(): return add_config_comments( yaml.dump( DEFAULT_CONFIG_DICT, indent=4, ), ) def create_default_config(): """Create a default config file.""" # make sure the directory location exists config_file_expanded = os.path.expanduser(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE) config_dir = os.path.dirname(config_file_expanded) if not os.path.exists(config_dir): click.echo(f"Config dir '{config_dir}' doesn't exist, creating.") utils.mkdir_p(config_dir) with open(config_file_expanded, "w+") as cf: cf.write(dump_default_cfg()) def get_config(config_file): """This tries to read the yaml config from .""" config_file_expanded = os.path.expanduser(config_file) if os.path.exists(config_file_expanded): with open(config_file_expanded) as stream: config = yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) return Config(config) else: if config_file == DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE: click.echo( f"{config_file_expanded} is missing, creating config file", ) create_default_config() msg = ( "Default config file created at {}. Please edit with your " "settings.".format(config_file) ) click.echo(msg) else: # The user provided a config file path different from the # Default, so we won't try and create it, just bitch and bail. msg = f"Custom config file '{config_file}' is missing." click.echo(msg) sys.exit(-1) # This method tries to parse the config yaml file # and consume the settings. # If the required params don't exist, # it will look in the environment def parse_config(config_file): config = get_config(config_file) def fail(msg): click.echo(msg) sys.exit(-1) def check_option(config, path, default_fail=None): try: config.check_option(path, default_fail=default_fail) except Exception as ex: fail(repr(ex)) else: return config # special check here to make sure user has edited the config file # and changed the ham callsign check_option( config, "ham.callsign", default_fail=DEFAULT_CONFIG_DICT["ham"]["callsign"], ) check_option( config, ["aprsd"], ) check_option( config, "aprsd.callsign", default_fail=DEFAULT_CONFIG_DICT["aprsd"]["callsign"], ) # Ensure they change the admin password if config.get("aprsd.web.enabled") is True: check_option( config, ["aprsd", "web", "users", "admin"], default_fail=DEFAULT_CONFIG_DICT["aprsd"]["web"]["users"]["admin"], ) if config.get("aprsd.watch_list.enabled") is True: check_option( config, ["aprsd", "watch_list", "alert_callsign"], default_fail=DEFAULT_CONFIG_DICT["aprsd"]["watch_list"]["alert_callsign"], ) if config.get("") is True: # Check IMAP server settings check_option(config, ["aprsd", "email", "imap", "host"]) check_option(config, ["aprsd", "email", "imap", "port"]) check_option( config, ["aprsd", "email", "imap", "login"], default_fail=DEFAULT_CONFIG_DICT["aprsd"]["email"]["imap"]["login"], ) check_option( config, ["aprsd", "email", "imap", "password"], default_fail=DEFAULT_CONFIG_DICT["aprsd"]["email"]["imap"]["password"], ) # Check SMTP server settings check_option(config, ["aprsd", "email", "smtp", "host"]) check_option(config, ["aprsd", "email", "smtp", "port"]) check_option( config, ["aprsd", "email", "smtp", "login"], default_fail=DEFAULT_CONFIG_DICT["aprsd"]["email"]["smtp"]["login"], ) check_option( config, ["aprsd", "email", "smtp", "password"], default_fail=DEFAULT_CONFIG_DICT["aprsd"]["email"]["smtp"]["password"], ) return config