import abc from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass, field import logging import re import time # Due to a failure in python 3.8 from typing import List import dacite from aprsd import client, stats from aprsd.threads import tx from aprsd.utils import counter LOG = logging.getLogger("APRSD") PACKET_TYPE_MESSAGE = "message" PACKET_TYPE_ACK = "ack" PACKET_TYPE_MICE = "mic-e" PACKET_TYPE_WX = "weather" PACKET_TYPE_UNKNOWN = "unknown" PACKET_TYPE_STATUS = "status" PACKET_TYPE_BEACON = "beacon" PACKET_TYPE_UNCOMPRESSED = "uncompressed" @dataclass() class Packet(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): from_call: str to_call: str addresse: str = None format: str = None msgNo: str = None # noqa: N815 packet_type: str = None timestamp: float = field(default_factory=time.time) raw: str = None _raw_dict: dict = field(repr=False, default_factory=lambda: {}) _retry_count = 3 _last_send_time = 0 _last_send_attempt = 0 # Do we allow this packet to be saved to send later? _allow_delay = True _transport = None _raw_message = None def get(self, key, default=None): """Emulate a getter on a dict.""" if hasattr(self, key): return getattr(self, key) else: return default def _init_for_send(self): """Do stuff here that is needed prior to sending over the air.""" if not self.msgNo: c = counter.PacketCounter() c.increment() self.msgNo = c.value # now build the raw message for sending self._build_raw() def _build_raw(self): """Build the self.raw string which is what is sent over the air.""" self.raw = self._filter_for_send().rstrip("\n") @staticmethod def factory(raw_packet): raw = raw_packet raw["_raw_dict"] = raw.copy() translate_fields = { "from": "from_call", "to": "to_call", } # First translate some fields for key in translate_fields: if key in raw: raw[translate_fields[key]] = raw[key] del raw[key] if "addresse" in raw: raw["to_call"] = raw["addresse"] packet_type = get_packet_type(raw) raw["packet_type"] = packet_type class_name = TYPE_LOOKUP[packet_type] if packet_type == PACKET_TYPE_UNKNOWN: # Try and figure it out here if "latitude" in raw: class_name = GPSPacket if packet_type == PACKET_TYPE_WX: # the weather information is in a dict # this brings those values out to the outer dict for key in raw["weather"]: raw[key] = raw["weather"][key] return dacite.from_dict(data_class=class_name, data=raw) def log(self, header=None): """LOG a packet to the logfile.""" asdict(self) log_list = ["\n"] if header: if isinstance(self, AckPacket): log_list.append( f"{header} ___________" f"(TX:{self._send_count} of {self._retry_count})", ) else: log_list.append(f"{header} _______________") log_list.append(f" Packet : {self.__class__.__name__}") log_list.append(f" Raw : {self.raw}") if self.to_call: log_list.append(f" To : {self.to_call}") if self.from_call: log_list.append(f" From : {self.from_call}") if hasattr(self, "path") and self.path: log_list.append(f" Path : {'=>'.join(self.path)}") if hasattr(self, "via") and self.via: log_list.append(f" VIA : {self.via}") elif isinstance(self, MessagePacket): log_list.append(f" Message : {self.message_text}") if hasattr(self, "comment") and self.comment: log_list.append(f" Comment : {self.comment}") if self.msgNo: log_list.append(f" Msg # : {self.msgNo}") log_list.append(f"{header} _______________ Complete")"\n".join(log_list)) LOG.debug(self) def _filter_for_send(self) -> str: """Filter and format message string for FCC.""" # max? ftm400 displays 64, raw msg shows 74 # and ftm400-send is max 64. setting this to # 67 displays 64 on the ftm400. (+3 {01 suffix) # feature req: break long ones into two msgs message = self.raw[:67] # We all miss George Carlin return re.sub("fuck|shit|cunt|piss|cock|bitch", "****", message) def send(self): """Method to send a packet.""" LOG.warning("send() called!") self._init_for_send() thread = tx.SendPacketThread(packet=self) LOG.warning(f"Starting thread to TX {self}") thread.start() LOG.warning("Thread started") def send_direct(self, aprsis_client=None): """Send the message in the same thread as caller.""" self._init_for_send() if aprsis_client: cl = aprsis_client else: cl = client.factory.create().client self.log(header="Sending Message Direct") cl.send(self.raw) stats.APRSDStats().msgs_tx_inc() @dataclass() class PathPacket(Packet): path: List[str] = field(default_factory=list) via: str = None def _build_raw(self): raise NotImplementedError @dataclass() class AckPacket(PathPacket): response: str = None _send_count = 1 def _build_raw(self): """Build the self.raw which is what is sent over the air.""" self.raw = "{}>APZ100::{}:ack{}".format( self.from_call, self.to_call.ljust(9), self.msgNo, ) def send(self): """Method to send a packet.""" self._init_for_send() thread = tx.SendAckThread(packet=self) LOG.warning(f"Starting thread to TXACK {self}") thread.start() @dataclass() class MessagePacket(PathPacket): message_text: str = None def _filter_for_send(self) -> str: """Filter and format message string for FCC.""" # max? ftm400 displays 64, raw msg shows 74 # and ftm400-send is max 64. setting this to # 67 displays 64 on the ftm400. (+3 {01 suffix) # feature req: break long ones into two msgs message = self.message_text[:67] # We all miss George Carlin return re.sub("fuck|shit|cunt|piss|cock|bitch", "****", message) def _build_raw(self): """Build the self.raw which is what is sent over the air.""" self.raw = "{}>APZ100::{}:{}{{{}".format( self.from_call, self.to_call.ljust(9), self._filter_for_send().rstrip("\n"), str(self.msgNo), ) @dataclass() class StatusPacket(PathPacket): status: str = None timestamp: int = 0 messagecapable: bool = False comment: str = None def _build_raw(self): raise NotImplementedError @dataclass() class GPSPacket(PathPacket): latitude: float = 0.00 longitude: float = 0.00 altitude: float = 0.00 rng: float = 0.00 posambiguity: int = 0 timestamp: int = 0 comment: str = None symbol: str = None symbol_table: str = None speed: float = 0.00 course: int = 0 def _build_raw(self): raise NotImplementedError @dataclass() class MicEPacket(GPSPacket): messagecapable: bool = False mbits: str = None mtype: str = None def _build_raw(self): raise NotImplementedError @dataclass() class WeatherPacket(GPSPacket): symbol: str = "_" wind_gust: float = 0.00 temperature: float = 0.00 rain_1h: float = 0.00 rain_24h: float = 0.00 rain_since_midnight: float = 0.00 humidity: int = 0 pressure: float = 0.00 comment: str = None def _build_raw(self): raise NotImplementedError TYPE_LOOKUP = { PACKET_TYPE_WX: WeatherPacket, PACKET_TYPE_MESSAGE: MessagePacket, PACKET_TYPE_ACK: AckPacket, PACKET_TYPE_MICE: MicEPacket, PACKET_TYPE_STATUS: StatusPacket, PACKET_TYPE_BEACON: GPSPacket, PACKET_TYPE_UNKNOWN: Packet, } def get_packet_type(packet: dict): """Decode the packet type from the packet.""" pkt_format = packet.get("format", None) msg_response = packet.get("response", None) packet_type = "unknown" if pkt_format == "message" and msg_response == "ack": packet_type = PACKET_TYPE_ACK elif pkt_format == "message": packet_type = PACKET_TYPE_MESSAGE elif pkt_format == "mic-e": packet_type = PACKET_TYPE_MICE elif pkt_format == "status": packet_type = PACKET_TYPE_STATUS elif pkt_format == PACKET_TYPE_BEACON: packet_type = PACKET_TYPE_BEACON elif pkt_format == PACKET_TYPE_UNCOMPRESSED: if packet.get("symbol", None) == "_": packet_type = PACKET_TYPE_WX return packet_type def is_message_packet(packet): return get_packet_type(packet) == PACKET_TYPE_MESSAGE def is_ack_packet(packet): return get_packet_type(packet) == PACKET_TYPE_ACK def is_mice_packet(packet): return get_packet_type(packet) == PACKET_TYPE_MICE