import logging from ax253 import Frame import kiss from oslo_config import cfg from aprsd import conf # noqa from aprsd.packets import core from aprsd.utils import trace CONF = cfg.CONF LOG = logging.getLogger("APRSD") class KISS3Client: path = [] def __init__(self): self.setup() def is_alive(self): return True def setup(self): # we can be TCP kiss or Serial kiss if CONF.kiss_serial.enabled: LOG.debug( "KISS({}) Serial connection to {}".format( kiss.__version__, CONF.kiss_serial.device, ), ) self.kiss = kiss.SerialKISS( port=CONF.kiss_serial.device, speed=CONF.kiss_serial.baudrate, strip_df_start=True, ) self.path = CONF.kiss_serial.path elif CONF.kiss_tcp.enabled: LOG.debug( "KISS({}) TCP Connection to {}:{}".format( kiss.__version__,, CONF.kiss_tcp.port, ), ) self.kiss = kiss.TCPKISS(, port=CONF.kiss_tcp.port, strip_df_start=True, ) self.path = CONF.kiss_tcp.path LOG.debug("Starting KISS interface connection") self.kiss.start() @trace.trace def stop(self): try: self.kiss.stop() self.kiss.loop.call_soon_threadsafe( self.kiss.protocol.transport.close, ) except Exception as ex: LOG.exception(ex) def set_filter(self, filter): # This does nothing right now. pass def parse_frame(self, frame_bytes): try: frame = Frame.from_bytes(frame_bytes) # Now parse it with aprslib kwargs = { "frame": frame, } self._parse_callback(**kwargs) except Exception as ex: LOG.error("Failed to parse bytes received from KISS interface.") LOG.exception(ex) def consumer(self, callback): LOG.debug("Start blocking KISS consumer") self._parse_callback = callback, min_frames=None) LOG.debug(f"END blocking KISS consumer {self.kiss}") def send(self, packet): """Send an APRS Message object.""" payload = None path = self.path if isinstance(packet, core.Packet): packet.prepare() payload = packet.payload.encode("US-ASCII") if packet.path: path = packet.path else: msg_payload = f"{packet.raw}{{{str(packet.msgNo)}" payload = ( ":{:<9}:{}".format( packet.to_call, msg_payload, ) ).encode("US-ASCII") LOG.debug( f"KISS Send '{payload}' TO '{packet.to_call}' From " f"'{packet.from_call}' with PATH '{path}'", ) frame = Frame.ui( destination="APZ100", source=packet.from_call, path=path, info=payload, ) self.kiss.write(frame)