#!/bin/bash # Official docker image build script. # docker buildx create --name multiarch \ # --platform linux/arm/v7,linux/arm/v6,linux/arm64,linux/amd64 \ # --config ./buildkit.toml --use --driver-opt image=moby/buildkit:master usage() { cat << EOF usage: $0 options OPTIONS: -h Show help -t The tag/version (${TAG}) (default = master) -d Use Dockerfile-dev for a git clone build -b Branch to use (default = master) -r Destroy and rebuild the buildx environment -v aprsd version to build EOF } ALL_PLATFORMS=0 DEV=0 REBUILD_BUILDX=0 TAG="latest" BRANCH=${BRANCH:-master} VERSION="3.3.4" while getopts “hdart:b:v:” OPTION do case $OPTION in t) TAG=$OPTARG ;; b) BRANCH=$OPTARG ;; a) ALL_PLATFORMS=1 ;; r) REBUILD_BUILDX=1 ;; d) DEV=1 ;; v) VERSION=$OPTARG ;; h) usage exit 0 ;; ?) usage exit -1 ;; esac done if [ $ALL_PLATFORMS -eq 1 ] then PLATFORMS="linux/arm64,linux/amd64" #PLATFORMS="linux/arm/v7,linux/arm/v6,linux/amd64" #PLATFORMS="linux/arm64" else PLATFORMS="linux/amd64" fi if [ $REBUILD_BUILDX -eq 1 ] then echo "Destroying old multiarch build container" docker buildx rm multiarch docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes echo "Creating new buildx container" docker buildx create --name multiarch --driver docker-container --use \ --config ./buildkit.toml --use \ --driver-opt image=moby/buildkit:master docker buildx inspect --bootstrap fi if [ $DEV -eq 1 ] then echo "Build -DEV- with tag=${TAG} BRANCH=${BRANCH} platforms?=${PLATFORMS}" # Use this script to locally build the docker image docker buildx build --push --platform $PLATFORMS \ -t hemna6969/aprsd:$TAG \ --build-arg INSTALL_TYPE=github \ --build-arg branch=$BRANCH \ --build-arg BUILDX_QEMU_ENV=true \ --no-cache . else # Use this script to locally build the docker image echo "Build with tag=${TAG} BRANCH=${BRANCH} dev?=${DEV} platforms?=${PLATFORMS} VERSION=${VERSION}" docker buildx build --push --platform $PLATFORMS \ --build-arg VERSION=$VERSION \ --build-arg BUILDX_QEMU_ENV=true \ -t hemna6969/aprsd:$VERSION \ -t hemna6969/aprsd:$TAG \ -t hemna6969/aprsd:latest . fi