from functools import update_wrapper import logging from pathlib import Path import typing as t import click from oslo_config import cfg import aprsd from aprsd import conf # noqa: F401 from aprsd.log import log from aprsd.utils import trace CONF = cfg.CONF home = str(Path.home()) DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR = f"{home}/.config/aprsd/" DEFAULT_SAVE_FILE = f"{home}/.config/aprsd/aprsd.p" DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE = f"{home}/.config/aprsd/aprsd.conf" F = t.TypeVar("F", bound=t.Callable[..., t.Any]) common_options = [ click.option( "--loglevel", default="INFO", show_default=True, type=click.Choice( ["CRITICAL", "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG"], case_sensitive=False, ), show_choices=True, help="The log level to use for aprsd.log", ), click.option( "-c", "--config", "config_file", show_default=True, default=DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE, help="The aprsd config file to use for options.", ), click.option( "--quiet", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Don't log to stdout", ), ] def add_options(options): def _add_options(func): for option in reversed(options): func = option(func) return func return _add_options def process_standard_options(f: F) -> F: def new_func(*args, **kwargs): ctx = args[0] ctx.ensure_object(dict) config_file_found = True if kwargs["config_file"]: default_config_files = [kwargs["config_file"]] else: default_config_files = None try: CONF( [], project="aprsd", version=aprsd.__version__, default_config_files=default_config_files, ) except cfg.ConfigFilesNotFoundError: config_file_found = False ctx.obj["loglevel"] = kwargs["loglevel"] # ctx.obj["config_file"] = kwargs["config_file"] ctx.obj["quiet"] = kwargs["quiet"] log.setup_logging( ctx.obj["loglevel"], ctx.obj["quiet"], ) if CONF.trace_enabled: trace.setup_tracing(["method", "api"]) if not config_file_found: LOG = logging.getLogger("APRSD") # noqa: N806 LOG.error("No config file found!! run 'aprsd sample-config'") del kwargs["loglevel"] del kwargs["config_file"] del kwargs["quiet"] return f(*args, **kwargs) return update_wrapper(t.cast(F, new_func), f) def process_standard_options_no_config(f: F) -> F: """Use this as a decorator when config isn't needed.""" def new_func(*args, **kwargs): ctx = args[0] ctx.ensure_object(dict) ctx.obj["loglevel"] = kwargs["loglevel"] ctx.obj["config_file"] = kwargs["config_file"] ctx.obj["quiet"] = kwargs["quiet"] log.setup_logging_no_config( ctx.obj["loglevel"], ctx.obj["quiet"], ) del kwargs["loglevel"] del kwargs["config_file"] del kwargs["quiet"] return f(*args, **kwargs) return update_wrapper(t.cast(F, new_func), f)