import abc import json import logging import requests LOG = logging.getLogger("APRSD") DEFAULT_PROVIDER = "us-gov" PROVIDER_MAPPING = { "us-gov": "", } class APRSDWeather(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): confg = None def __init__(self, config): self.config = config @abc.abstractmethod def forecast_raw(self, lat, lon): """Get a raw forecast json for latitude, longitude. The format of the json response is entirely depentent on the service itself. """ pass @abc.abstractmethod def forecast_short(self, lat, lon): """Get a short form forecast for latitude, longitude.""" pass class USWeatherGov(APRSDWeather): def forecast_raw(self, lat, lon): LOG.debug("Fetch station at {}, {}".format(lat, lon)) try: url2 = ( "" "&lon=%s&FcstType=json" % (lat, lon) ) LOG.debug("Fetching weather '{}'".format(url2)) response = requests.get(url2) except Exception as e: LOG.error(e) raise Exception("Failed to get weather") else: response.raise_for_status() return json.loads(response.text) def forecast_short(self, lat, lon): """Return a short string for the forecast.""" wx_data = self.forecast_raw(lat, lon) reply = ( "{}F({}F/{}F) {}. {}, {}.".format( wx_data["currentobservation"]["Temp"], wx_data["data"]["temperature"][0], wx_data["data"]["temperature"][1], wx_data["data"]["weather"][0], wx_data["time"]["startPeriodName"][1], wx_data["data"]["weather"][1], ) ).rstrip() return reply