# # License GPLv2 # # python included libs import datetime import logging import signal import sys import time import click from rich.console import Console # local imports here import aprsd from aprsd import cli_helper, client, packets, stats, threads, utils from aprsd.aprsd import cli from aprsd.threads import rx # setup the global logger # logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) # level=10 LOG = logging.getLogger("APRSD") console = Console() def signal_handler(sig, frame): threads.APRSDThreadList().stop_all() if "subprocess" not in str(frame): LOG.info( "Ctrl+C, Sending all threads exit! Can take up to 10 seconds {}".format( datetime.datetime.now(), ), ) time.sleep(5) LOG.info(stats.APRSDStats()) class APRSDListenThread(rx.APRSDRXThread): def __init__(self, config, packet_queue, packet_filter=None): super().__init__(config, packet_queue) self.packet_filter = packet_filter def process_packet(self, *args, **kwargs): packet = self._client.decode_packet(*args, **kwargs) filters = { packets.Packet.__name__: packets.Packet, packets.AckPacket.__name__: packets.AckPacket, packets.GPSPacket.__name__: packets.GPSPacket, packets.MessagePacket.__name__: packets.MessagePacket, packets.MicEPacket.__name__: packets.MicEPacket, packets.WeatherPacket.__name__: packets.WeatherPacket, } if self.packet_filter: filter_class = filters[self.packet_filter] if isinstance(packet, filter_class): packet.log(header="RX") else: packet.log(header="RX") packets.PacketList().rx(packet) @cli.command() @cli_helper.add_options(cli_helper.common_options) @click.option( "--aprs-login", envvar="APRS_LOGIN", show_envvar=True, help="What callsign to send the message from.", ) @click.option( "--aprs-password", envvar="APRS_PASSWORD", show_envvar=True, help="the APRS-IS password for APRS_LOGIN", ) @click.option( "--packet-filter", type=click.Choice( [ packets.Packet.__name__, packets.AckPacket.__name__, packets.GPSPacket.__name__, packets.MicEPacket.__name__, packets.MessagePacket.__name__, packets.WeatherPacket.__name__, ], case_sensitive=False, ), help="Filter by packet type", ) @click.argument( "filter", nargs=-1, required=True, ) @click.pass_context @cli_helper.process_standard_options def listen( ctx, aprs_login, aprs_password, packet_filter, filter, ): """Listen to packets on the APRS-IS Network based on FILTER. FILTER is the APRS Filter to use.\n see http://www.aprs-is.net/javAPRSFilter.aspx\n r/lat/lon/dist - Range Filter Pass posits and objects within dist km from lat/lon.\n p/aa/bb/cc... - Prefix Filter Pass traffic with fromCall that start with aa or bb or cc.\n b/call1/call2... - Budlist Filter Pass all traffic from exact call: call1, call2, ... (* wild card allowed) \n o/obj1/obj2... - Object Filter Pass all objects with the exact name of obj1, obj2, ... (* wild card allowed)\n """ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler) config = ctx.obj["config"] if not aprs_login: click.echo(ctx.get_help()) click.echo("") ctx.fail("Must set --aprs_login or APRS_LOGIN") ctx.exit() if not aprs_password: click.echo(ctx.get_help()) click.echo("") ctx.fail("Must set --aprs-password or APRS_PASSWORD") ctx.exit() config["aprs"]["login"] = aprs_login config["aprs"]["password"] = aprs_password LOG.info(f"APRSD Listen Started version: {aprsd.__version__}") flat_config = utils.flatten_dict(config) LOG.info("Using CONFIG values:") for x in flat_config: if "password" in x or "aprsd.web.users.admin" in x: LOG.info(f"{x} = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX") else: LOG.info(f"{x} = {flat_config[x]}") stats.APRSDStats(config) # Try and load saved MsgTrack list LOG.debug("Loading saved MsgTrack object.") # Initialize the client factory and create # The correct client object ready for use client.ClientFactory.setup(config) # Make sure we have 1 client transport enabled if not client.factory.is_client_enabled(): LOG.error("No Clients are enabled in config.") sys.exit(-1) # Creates the client object LOG.info("Creating client connection") aprs_client = client.factory.create() LOG.info(aprs_client) LOG.debug(f"Filter by '{filter}'") aprs_client.set_filter(filter) keepalive = threads.KeepAliveThread(config=config) keepalive.start() LOG.debug("Create APRSDListenThread") listen_thread = APRSDListenThread( config=config, packet_queue=threads.packet_queue, packet_filter=packet_filter, ) LOG.debug("Start APRSDListenThread") listen_thread.start() LOG.debug("keepalive Join") keepalive.join() LOG.debug("listen_thread Join") listen_thread.join()