# # Copyright (C) 2022 The LineageOS Project # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # Inherit from those products. Most specific first. $(call inherit-product, $(SRC_TARGET_DIR)/product/core_64_bit.mk) $(call inherit-product, $(SRC_TARGET_DIR)/product/full_base_telephony.mk) # Inherit from lisa device $(call inherit-product, device/xiaomi/lisa/device.mk) # Inherit some common aosp stuff. $(call inherit-product, vendor/aosp/config/common_full_phone.mk) # Bootanimation TARGET_BOOT_ANIMATION_RES := 1080 TARGET_FACE_UNLOCK_SUPPORTED := true TARGET_SUPPORTS_QUICK_TAP := true PRODUCT_BRAND := Xiaomi PRODUCT_DEVICE := lisa PRODUCT_MANUFACTURER := Xiaomi PRODUCT_MODEL := 2109119DG PRODUCT_NAME := aosp_lisa PRODUCT_GMS_CLIENTID_BASE := android-xiaomi PRODUCT_SYSTEM_NAME := lisa_global PRODUCT_SYSTEM_DEVICE := lisa PRODUCT_BUILD_PROP_OVERRIDES += \ BuildDesc="lisa_global-user 14 UKQ1.231108.001 V816.0.7.0.UKOMIXM release-keys" \ DeviceName=lisa \ DeviceProduct=lisa_global # Set BUILD_FINGERPRINT variable to be picked up by both system and vendor build.prop BuildFingerprint=Xiaomi/lisa_global/lisa:14/UKQ1.231108.001/V816.0.7.0.UKOMIXM:user/release-keys