Partition sizes can be found by query-ing sysfs.
For example, for super partition.
> ls -la /dev/block/by-name/super
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16 1970-03-23 06:51 super -> /dev/block/sda17
> cat /proc/partitions | grep sda17
259 1 8388608 sda17
The size needs to be multiplied by the block size used by
/proc/partitions, which is 1024 bytes.
Logical partitions found inside the physical super partition
can be found by looking for entries with the logical flag in the
fstab inside boot ramdisk.
Add device compatibility matrix to common project and
targets can point the build variable DEVICE_MATRIX_FILE to
this file to build device compatibility matrix.
Change-Id: If8e75c5ee8de0ef50d6937ffbd6453fb3f5eb648
* Straight from CAF (as per LA.UM.6.3.r4-04300-sdm845.0),
with BTM_DEF_LOCAL_NAME unset so that ro.product.model
is used instead.
Change-Id: I20a8460c9d936cc3d94f74e469f8babf1c02bda4
USE_CUSTOM_AUDIO_POLICY guards out the AOSP audio policy,
while guarding in the CAF audio policy.
USE_XML_AUDIO_POLICY_CONF specifies the use of .xml files
for audio policy.