# This file allows user to override the factory # defaults for the WLAN Driver fw_timeout_crash=1 gDot11Mode=0 InfraUapsdVoSrvIntv=0 InfraUapsdViSrvIntv=0 InfraUapsdBeSrvIntv=0 InfraUapsdBkSrvIntv=0 gAddTSWhenACMIsOff=1 gEnableApOBSSProt=1 RTSThreshold=1048576 gDisableIntraBssFwd=0 g11dSupportEnabled=0 gEnableDFSMasterCap=1 gNeighborScanTimerPeriod=200 gNeighborLookupThreshold=76 gNeighborScanChannelMinTime=20 FastRoamEnabled=1 RoamRssiDiff=5 gRoamIntraBand=0 gChannelBondingMode5GHz=1 gEnableDFSChnlScan=1 gAllowDFSChannelRoam=1 gSetTxChainmask1x1=1 gSetRxChainmask1x1=1 gActiveMaxChannelTime=40 gWlanMccToSccSwitchMode = 3 gEnableTXSTBC=1 gEnableTxBFeeSAP=1 gEnableTxBFin20MHz=1 gEnableTxSUBeamformer=1 gRrmEnable=1 gEnablefwprint=0 gEnablefwlog=1 gVhtAmpduLenExponent=7 gVhtMpduLen=2 isP2pDeviceAddrAdministrated=0 gEnableVhtFor24GHzBand=1 gEnableLpassSupport=1 gCountryCodePriority=1 gEnableMuBformee=1 gEnableTDLSSupport=1 gEnableTDLSImplicitTrigger=1 gTDLSExternalControl=1 gEnableTDLSOffChannel=1 ################ Datapath feature set Begin ################ gBusBandwidthHighThreshold=2000 gBusBandwidthMediumThreshold=500 gBusBandwidthLowThreshold=150 gBusBandwidthComputeInterval=100 gVhtRxMCS=2 gVhtTxMCS=2 gEnable2x2=1 gVhtRxMCS2x2=2 gVhtTxMCS2x2=2 gIPAConfig=0x7d gIPADescSize=800 dp_tx_ring_size=3072 gReorderOffloadSupported=1 gCEClassifyEnable=1 rx_mode=20 gEnableFastPath=1 gEnableIpTcpUdpChecksumOffload=1 TSOEnable=1 GROEnable=1 ght_mpdu_density=4 gEnableFlowSteering=1 ce_service_max_yield_time=500 ce_service_max_rx_ind_flush=1 maxMSDUsPerRxInd=8 #gEnableNUDTracking=1 dp_rx_fisa_enable=1 dp_rx_flow_search_table_size=128 rpsRxQueueCpuMapList=f3 legacy_mode_csum_disable=1 ################ Datapath feature set End ################ adaptive_dwell_mode_enabled=1 hostscan_adaptive_dwell_mode=1 adapt_dwell_lpf_weight=80 adapt_dwell_wifi_act_threshold=10 enable_rtt_mac_randomization=1 gEnableSNRMonitoring=1 gWmiCreditCount=1 acs_with_more_param=1 AutoChannelSelectWeight=0x00fafafa bcast_twt=1 enable_twt=0 gRuntimePM=2 gRuntimePMDelay=500 gEnablePacketLog=0 gfine_time_meas_cap=0x0030D oem_6g_support_disable=0 cfr_disable=7 #active_max_channel_time_2g=80 #gActiveMaxChannelTime=60 active_max_channel_time_6g=60 gPassiveMaxChannelTime=110 passive_max_channel_time_6g=60 #####################################Xiaomi ADD: START # Set 2.4g channel scan time to 40 active_max_channel_time_2g=0 gActiveMaxChannelTime=40 # WLM flags setting for ultralow level, bit9 for BMPS disabled # bit 0: Avoid scan request from HLOS if setting # bit 1: Skip DFS channel SCAN if setting # bit 19/20: 1 to set PCIE in L1SS state(low power mode), 0 to set PCIE in L0 state(active mode) wlm_latency_flags_ultralow=0x180003 #APF: Android Packet Filter gActiveMcBcBpfMode=1 # Assoc failure timeout value # Code default is 2000 assoc_failure_timeout=5000 # Enable NUD tracking feature # 0 - disable(default),1 - trigger disconnect, 2 - trigger roaming, # 3 - trigger roaming, but if roam fails, disconnection gEnableNUDTracking=3 #gGoKeepAlivePeriod/gApKeepAlivePeriod is time to spend to check whether frame #are succeed to send or not. Hence total effective detection time is # (gGoLinkMonitorPeriod + gGoKeepAlivePeriod) / # (gApLinkMonitorPeriod + gApKeepAlivePeriod) gGoKeepAlivePeriod = 20 gApKeepAlivePeriod = 20 #Enable Keep alive with non-zero period value gStaKeepAlivePeriod = 30 # Enable ETSI SRD channels by Xiaomi. Qualcom default value is disable # * BIT 0:- Enable/Disable SRD channels for SAP. # * BIT 1:- Enable/Disable SRD channels for P2P-GO. # * BIT 2:- Enable/Disable SRD channels for NAN. # Code default value is 6. etsi13_srd_chan_in_master_mode=7 #####Roaming # Sets RSSI preference for 5GHz over 2.4GHz AP gSelect5GHzMargin=5 # Candidate AP minimum RSSI for beacon miss roam trigger # Code default is -70 candidate_min_rssi_for_beacon_miss=-83 # Dense traffic threshold in kBps # Code default is 400 gtraffic_threshold=50 #Idle Monitor Roaming: START # Code default is flase to disable idle roaming enable_idle_roam=1 idle_roam_min_rssi=-65 #Idle Monitor Roaming: END #enable/disable FT open feature # Code default is 1 enable_ftopen=0 # Stop auto-creating twt session twt_congestion_timeout=0 #VTS SAR test fail as sar version is not match gEnableSARV1toSARV2=1 # This ini is used to give higher priority for 5g scc than dbs. # It is bitmap per enum policy_mgr_con_mode. # For example in GO+STA(5G) mode, when TPUT is onfigured as wlan system # preference option, If 5G SCC needs higher priority than dbs, set it as 8. g_prefer_5g_scc_to_dbs=8 # set modulated DTIM interval gEnableModulatedDTIM=3 gMaxLIModulatedDTIM=3 # Enable modulated DTIM only for System suspend wow. # For RTPM wow, the device will stay in DTIM 1 (non-modulated DTIM). enable_mod_dtim_on_system_suspend=1 # Reduce the expiry time for avoid list and black list in drv. avoid_list_expiry_time=3 black_list_expiry_time=5 # Improve threshold to move the Ap from avoid to blacklist bad_bssid_counter_thresh=7 # Enable the sending of ICMP requests to the # FW at an interval of 200 milliseconds send_icmp_req_to_fw=200 # Enable SoftAP on indoor channel, but Xiaomi's patch in driver only # allow this when STA was connected on the same indoor channel. gindoor_channel_support=1 #Enable max link speed gReportMaxLinkSpeed=2 # Skip tpe consideration skip_tpe_consideration=1 gEnableNanSupport=1 genable_nan_datapath=1 nan_separate_iface_support=1 #####################################Xiaomi ADD: END END # Note: Configuration parser would not read anything past the END marker