Change default value of CSN to 4 to disable default capability of
8 stream beamformee. The value can still be configured with ini.
Change-Id: I814e10cc7da176dd12c154b8870b4d261ebb4789
CRs-Fixed: 2231358
Add null check when accessing additional_ielen in function
lim_send_probe_req_mgmt_frame function to avoid null pointer
Change-Id: Ida382b274d211431ba808817cb0d5e9c3f783c0c
CRs-Fixed: 2229848
Video/audio wireless application needs to tune parameters
per AC based. Config the number of TX sw retry per AC via
driver INI configuration file. It helps to improve the
video/audio performance in noisy environment.
Change-Id: Icffb5174b265b6453021b0d0a8ad3e12b695847a
CRs-Fixed: 2212954
Video/audio wireless application needs to tune parameters
per AC based. Configure A-MPDU subframe parameter per
AC via driver ini configuration file.
Change-Id: Id63be7aacf6465edee08f7a2f4c8a119f9bd6346
CRs-Fixed: 2212932
Allow beacon frames received from Ext Scan or EPNO scan through
the filter into PE queue.
Change-Id: I491875f0e48bd2f317402b416598fe6e940e02a1
CRs-Fixed: 2226231
Register a callback to scan module for beacon frames and handle
the beacon with the mac_ctx bcn/probe filter for SAP sessions.
This will allow beacon frames from the same channel as active SAP
sessions to be processed by the ap_beacon_process for SAP
protection mechanism implementation.
Change-Id: Idb0c1e22ba55fa683a7514d70ba5abe609263829
CRs-Fixed: 2226228
Add filter structures in global mac context and apply the filter for
beacon/probe frames received in pe_handle_mgmt_frames before posting
the frames to PE queue.
Change-Id: Ic0e574705764c1bb247977a4c86e394b47941f5b
CRs-Fixed: 2226223
If CHAN_HOP_ALL_BANDS_ENABLE enable, CSA will miss in 80211h case.
CSA should be sent no matter CHAN_HOP_ALL_BANDS_ENABLE enable or not.
Change-Id: I62312fd5717910d23fdd8ce77c29ad2d9ef11567
CRs-Fixed: 2218108
Add support to process MU EDCA param set in assoc response
frames and send the params to FW.
Change-Id: Ia492d1212b3c357647a89e4f98d3cfdc7ff7bbac
CRs-Fixed: 2220227
Currently there is no provision to decide delay between two roam
scans in firmware. With these new ini's, driver wants to expose
control to decide delay between roam scans:
Add ini "min_delay_btw_scans" to set minimum duration allowed between
two consecutive roam scans. Fw should not allow roam scan if duration
between two consecutive roam scan is less than min_delay_btw_scan.
Add ini "roam_trigger_reason_bitmask" to set default value of
bit-mask containing roam_trigger_reasons for which
min_delay_btw_scans constraints should be apply.
Change-Id: I2af9d5dc8e6919eeb90251d3d744e3f07705e776
CRs-Fixed: 2221779
DUT sent directed probe requests as malformed
packets during heart beat failure scenario.
Join request structure holds the additional scan IE buffer
which contains IE's sent as part of the join request.
During the join request processing this buffer is updated
by deleting the extended capabilities IE but the buffer length
variable is not updated accordingly which caused malformed
probe request.
After deleting the extended capabilities IE, additional
scan ie buffer length also updated accordingly.
Change-Id: I1129123e76dffe03ac409109dbee02caabf60efa
CRs-Fixed: 2224287