Policy mgr component related files moved from hostcmn to CLD, this change add its initializion functions to CLD framework, change Kbuild to enable it. Change-Id: I0a87d93b9cf639aa66a10f9ae55ef8cb1dfbb80e CRs-Fixed: 2361570
This is mirror change for de218d60a INIs 1) g_mark_sap_indoor_as_disable 2) g_sta_sap_scc_on_lte_coex_chan 3) gEnableSAPManadatoryChanList 4) gForce1x1Exception 4) g_sta_sap_scc_on_dfs_chan 5) gDualMacFeatureDisable 6) gEnableOverLapCh 7) gAllowMCCGODiffBI Ownership of above INIs belong to policy manager, move them from HDD to Policy manager. Change-Id: I83a13b1fcc6ca4350071a71648c7072c2b2a5191 CRs-Fixed: 2363060
Change-Id: Ie67730cd3f1a249c3dcbb2b6eaf95a55cbd08306