#! /usr/bin/env python2 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only # Copyright (c) 2009-2015, 2017-19, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. # Build the kernel for all targets using the Android build environment. from collections import namedtuple import glob from optparse import OptionParser import os import re import shutil import subprocess import sys import threading import Queue version = 'build-all.py, version 1.99' build_dir = '../all-kernels' make_command = ["vmlinux", "modules", "dtbs"] all_options = {} compile64 = os.environ.get('CROSS_COMPILE64') clang_bin = os.environ.get('CLANG_BIN') def error(msg): sys.stderr.write("error: %s\n" % msg) def fail(msg): """Fail with a user-printed message""" error(msg) sys.exit(1) if not os.environ.get('CROSS_COMPILE'): fail("CROSS_COMPILE must be set in the environment") def check_kernel(): """Ensure that PWD is a kernel directory""" if not os.path.isfile('MAINTAINERS'): fail("This doesn't seem to be a kernel dir") def check_build(): """Ensure that the build directory is present.""" if not os.path.isdir(build_dir): try: os.makedirs(build_dir) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST: pass else: raise failed_targets = [] BuildResult = namedtuple('BuildResult', ['status', 'messages']) class BuildSequence(namedtuple('BuildSequence', ['log_name', 'short_name', 'steps'])): def set_width(self, width): self.width = width def __enter__(self): self.log = open(self.log_name, 'w') def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.log.close() def run(self): self.status = None messages = ["Building: " + self.short_name] def printer(line): text = "[%-*s] %s" % (self.width, self.short_name, line) messages.append(text) self.log.write(text) self.log.write('\n') for step in self.steps: st = step.run(printer) if st: self.status = BuildResult(self.short_name, messages) break if not self.status: self.status = BuildResult(None, messages) class BuildTracker: """Manages all of the steps necessary to perform a build. The build consists of one or more sequences of steps. The different sequences can be processed independently, while the steps within a sequence must be done in order.""" def __init__(self, parallel_builds): self.sequence = [] self.lock = threading.Lock() self.parallel_builds = parallel_builds def add_sequence(self, log_name, short_name, steps): self.sequence.append(BuildSequence(log_name, short_name, steps)) def longest_name(self): longest = 0 for seq in self.sequence: longest = max(longest, len(seq.short_name)) return longest def __repr__(self): return "BuildTracker(%s)" % self.sequence def run_child(self, seq): seq.set_width(self.longest) tok = self.build_tokens.get() with self.lock: print "Building:", seq.short_name with seq: seq.run() self.results.put(seq.status) self.build_tokens.put(tok) def run(self): self.longest = self.longest_name() self.results = Queue.Queue() children = [] errors = [] self.build_tokens = Queue.Queue() nthreads = self.parallel_builds print "Building with", nthreads, "threads" for i in range(nthreads): self.build_tokens.put(True) for seq in self.sequence: child = threading.Thread(target=self.run_child, args=[seq]) children.append(child) child.start() for child in children: stats = self.results.get() if all_options.verbose: with self.lock: for line in stats.messages: print line sys.stdout.flush() if stats.status: errors.append(stats.status) for child in children: child.join() if errors: fail("\n ".join(["Failed targets:"] + errors)) class PrintStep: """A step that just prints a message""" def __init__(self, message): self.message = message def run(self, outp): outp(self.message) class MkdirStep: """A step that makes a directory""" def __init__(self, direc): self.direc = direc def run(self, outp): outp("mkdir %s" % self.direc) os.mkdir(self.direc) class RmtreeStep: def __init__(self, direc): self.direc = direc def run(self, outp): outp("rmtree %s" % self.direc) shutil.rmtree(self.direc, ignore_errors=True) class CopyfileStep: def __init__(self, src, dest): self.src = src self.dest = dest def run(self, outp): outp("cp %s %s" % (self.src, self.dest)) shutil.copyfile(self.src, self.dest) class ExecStep: def __init__(self, cmd, **kwargs): self.cmd = cmd self.kwargs = kwargs def run(self, outp): outp("exec: %s" % (" ".join(self.cmd),)) with open('/dev/null', 'r') as devnull: proc = subprocess.Popen(self.cmd, stdin=devnull, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, **self.kwargs) stdout = proc.stdout while True: line = stdout.readline() if not line: break line = line.rstrip('\n') outp(line) result = proc.wait() if result != 0: return ('error', result) else: return None class Builder(): def __init__(self, name, defconfig): self.name = name self.defconfig = defconfig self.confname = re.sub('arch/arm[64]*/configs/', '', self.defconfig) # Determine if this is a 64-bit target based on the location # of the defconfig. self.make_env = os.environ.copy() if "/arm64/" in defconfig: if compile64: self.make_env['CROSS_COMPILE'] = compile64 else: fail("Attempting to build 64-bit, without setting CROSS_COMPILE64") self.make_env['ARCH'] = 'arm64' else: self.make_env['ARCH'] = 'arm' self.make_env['KCONFIG_NOTIMESTAMP'] = 'true' self.log_name = "%s/log-%s.log" % (build_dir, self.name) def build(self): steps = [] dest_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, self.name) log_name = "%s/log-%s.log" % (build_dir, self.name) steps.append(PrintStep('Building %s in %s log %s' % (self.name, dest_dir, log_name))) if not os.path.isdir(dest_dir): steps.append(MkdirStep(dest_dir)) defconfig = self.defconfig dotconfig = '%s/.config' % dest_dir savedefconfig = '%s/defconfig' % dest_dir staging_dir = 'install_staging' modi_dir = '%s' % staging_dir hdri_dir = '%s/usr' % staging_dir steps.append(RmtreeStep(os.path.join(dest_dir, staging_dir))) steps.append(ExecStep(['make', 'O=%s' % dest_dir, self.confname], env=self.make_env)) # Build targets can be dependent upon the completion of # previous build targets, so build them one at a time. cmd_line = ['make', 'INSTALL_HDR_PATH=%s' % hdri_dir, 'INSTALL_MOD_PATH=%s' % modi_dir, 'O=%s' % dest_dir, 'REAL_CC=%s' % clang_bin] build_targets = [] for c in make_command: if re.match(r'^-{1,2}\w', c): cmd_line.append(c) else: build_targets.append(c) for t in build_targets: steps.append(ExecStep(cmd_line + [t], env=self.make_env)) return steps def scan_configs(): """ Get the full list of defconfigs appropriate for this tree, except for gki_defconfig. """ names = [] for defconfig in glob.glob('arch/arm*/configs/vendor/*_defconfig'): target = os.path.basename(defconfig)[:-10] if 'gki' == target: continue name = target + "-llvm" if 'arch/arm64' in defconfig: name = name + "-64" names.append(Builder(name, defconfig)) return names def build_many(targets): print "Building %d target(s)" % len(targets) # To try and make up for the link phase being serial, try to do # two full builds in parallel. Don't do too many because lots of # parallel builds tends to use up available memory rather quickly. parallel = 2 if all_options.jobs and all_options.jobs > 1: j = max(all_options.jobs / parallel, 2) make_command.append("-j" + str(j)) tracker = BuildTracker(parallel) for target in targets: steps = target.build() tracker.add_sequence(target.log_name, target.name, steps) tracker.run() def main(): global make_command check_kernel() check_build() configs = scan_configs() usage = (""" %prog [options] all -- Build all targets %prog [options] target target ... -- List specific targets """) parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version=version) parser.add_option('--list', action='store_true', dest='list', help='List available targets') parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', dest='verbose', help='Output to stdout in addition to log file') parser.add_option('-j', '--jobs', type='int', dest="jobs", help="Number of simultaneous jobs") parser.add_option('-l', '--load-average', type='int', dest='load_average', help="Don't start multiple jobs unless load is below LOAD_AVERAGE") parser.add_option('-k', '--keep-going', action='store_true', dest='keep_going', default=False, help="Keep building other targets if a target fails") parser.add_option('-m', '--make-target', action='append', help='Build the indicated make target (default: %s)' % ' '.join(make_command)) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() global all_options all_options = options if options.list: print "Available targets:" for target in configs: print " %s" % target.name sys.exit(0) if options.make_target: make_command = options.make_target if args == ['all']: build_many(configs) elif len(args) > 0: all_configs = {} for t in configs: all_configs[t.name] = t targets = [] for t in args: if t not in all_configs: parser.error("Target '%s' not one of %s" % (t, all_configs.keys())) targets.append(all_configs[t]) build_many(targets) else: parser.error("Must specify a target to build, or 'all'") if __name__ == "__main__": main()