In roaming scenario, to avoid ping pong with bad AP’s around, fw
blacklist certain Ap’s based on timestamps and penalize certain
AP’s of the same channel so they won’t be selected and back and
forth roaming could be avoided. This change adds the following
INI parametres to configure the parametres of this fw feature.
1) groam_disallow_duration - Amount of time LCA[Last Connected AP]
will be disallowed before it can be a
roaming candidate again.
2) grssi_channel_penalization - RSSI to be penalized if
candidate(s) are found in the same
channel as disallowed AP's.
3) groam_num_disallowed_aps - number of AP's the target should
maintain in its LCA list.
Change-Id: I41cb36caf1b42caeb2bf77846bd0279eb43d2018
CRs-Fixed: 2054188