# qrm, a Bot for Discord [![Discord](https://discordapp.com/api/guilds/656888365886734340/widget.png?style=shield)](https://discord.gg/SwyjdDN) A discord bot with ham radio functionalities. An independent rewrite of qrmbot-discord. ## Running ### With Docker See [README-DOCKER.md](./README-DOCKER.md) ### Without Docker Requires Python 3.7 or newer. Prep the environment. For more information on extra options, see the [quick-bot-no-pain Makefile documentation](https://github.com/0x5c/quick-bot-no-pain/blob/master/docs/makefile.md). ``` $ make install ``` Run. For more information on options, see the [quick-bot-no-pain run.sh documentation](https://github.com/0x5c/quick-bot-no-pain/blob/master/docs/run.sh.md). ``` $ run.sh ``` ## Contributing Check out the [contribution guidelines](/CONTRIBUTING.md) for more information about how to contribute to this project. All issues and requests related to resources (including maps, band charts, data) should be added in [miaowware/qrm-resources](https://github.com/miaowware/qrm-resources). ## Copyright Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Abigail Gold, 0x5c This program is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2. See `COPYING` for full license text.