# Development Guide for qrm **Make sure to also read [`CONTRIBUTING.md`][0], everything in there applies here.** ### Environment Setup 1. [Fork this repo][1] into your own GitHub namespace. 1. Make sure the `master` branch is up to date, then make yourself a new branch with a descriptive name. 1. Once the forked repo is cloned and on the proper branch, you can set up the development environment. 1. Install python 3.7 or higher. 1. Run `make dev-install`. This should install everything you need to develop and run qrm. 1. [Create a bot and token][2], and add it to `data/keys.py`. Also add your [QRZ credentials][3] if needed. 1. In `data/options.py`, change values as needed. Some commands require adding your Discord user ID to `owner_uids`. 1. To activate the virtual env that was created by `make`, run `source botenv/bin/activate` (or the equivelent for your shell or operating system). These instructions are fairly \*NIX-centric, so if you would like to develop on Windows, it is suggested that the Windows Subsystem for Linux be used. ## While You Develop To run qrm, use the command `./run.sh`. We recommend you use the `--pass-errors` flag to avoid perpetual restart loops if you break the bot. It exists because repeatedly mashing [Ctrl+C] at high speed to break a fast loop is not fun. Make sure to add [type hints][4] to your code. This is what `mypy` validates in the code. Using `dev-notes` for documentation is especially important if you introduce a new json file format (like for maps and bandplans) or to document some development process (like the command to crush the various images in the repository). ### Test your changes In addition to testing functionality, make sure to run `flake8` to ensure your code uses the proper style, and `mypy [files...]` to ensure proper typing. You can also enable them for this project in your IDE if supported. This will give you automatic and continuous linting and type checking. ### A Note on Style qrm tries to keep to PEP 8 style whenever possible. Use the utility `flake8` to check that you follow this style. When you start a PR or push commits, GitHub will automatically run this for you, but we prefer that developers check this before committing and opening PRs. Otherwise, try to follow the existing style: - double-quotes except when required to be single, - indentation of mult-line structures matching other examples in the code, - etc. [0]: https://github.com/miaowware/.github/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md [1]: https://github.com/miaowware/qrm2/fork [2]: https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/discord.html [3]: https://www.qrz.com/page/xml_data.html [4]: https://docs.python.org/3/library/typing.html