name: Bug Report description: Report a bug to help us improve this project labels: [bug] body: - id: description type: textarea attributes: label: Bug description description: A clear and concise description of what the bug is. placeholder: There was a crash when... validations: required: true - id: steps type: textarea attributes: label: Steps to reproduce description: Clear steps to reproduce the bug. placeholder: | 1. Do the thing 2. Do the other thing 3. ??? 4. Crash :( validations: required: true - id: expected type: textarea attributes: label: Expected behaviour description: A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. placeholder: The app is supposed to show that thing. validations: required: true - id: source type: dropdown attributes: label: How did you download qrm? options: - Official Docker package - Git (clone) - Zip download on the releases package validations: required: true - id: runtime type: dropdown attributes: label: How are you running qrm? options: - docker-compose - Daemon (systemd, etc) - Docker - Command line (./ validations: required: true - id: version type: input attributes: label: What qrm version are you running? description: The version number, or the commit id if `dev` version. You can find both in `?info`. placeholder: v2.5.2 validations: required: true - id: environment type: textarea attributes: label: Environment description: If relevant, include list of software used and versions placeholder: | - Linux 5.8 - Docker 19.04 - id: logs type: textarea attributes: label: Logs description: If you have a log associated with the bug (tracebacks, etc), paste it directly here. render: none # - id: context # type: textarea # attributes: # label: Additional context, screenshots, etc # description: Add any other relevant context about the problem here. - type: markdown attributes: value: | ## Additional context, screenshots, etc Add any other relevant context about the problem here.