""" Common tools for the bot. --- Copyright (C) 2019-2021 classabbyamp, 0x5c SPDX-License-Identifier: LiLiQ-Rplus-1.1 """ import collections import enum import json import re import traceback from datetime import datetime, timezone from pathlib import Path from types import SimpleNamespace from typing import Union import aiohttp import httpx import discord import discord.ext.commands as commands from discord import Emoji, PartialEmoji import data.options as opt __all__ = ["colours", "BoltCats", "Cats", "emojis", "paths", "ImageMetadata", "ImagesGroup", "embed_factory", "error_embed_factory", "add_react", "check_if_owner"] # --- Common values --- colours = SimpleNamespace( good=0x43B581, neutral=0x7289DA, bad=0xF04747, timeout=0xF26522, ) class BoltCats(enum.Enum): OTHER = "Other" INFO = "Bot Information" ADMIN = "Bot Control" # meow class Cats(enum.Enum): CALC = "Calculators" CODES = "Code References and Tools" FUN = "Fun" LOOKUP = "Information Lookup" REF = "Reference" STUDY = "Exam Study" TIME = "Time and Time Zones" UTILS = "Utilities" WEATHER = "Land and Space Weather" emojis = SimpleNamespace( check_mark="✅", x="❌", warning="⚠️", question="❓", no_entry="⛔", bangbang="‼️", clock="🕗", stopwatch="⏱", a="🇦", b="🇧", c="🇨", d="🇩", e="🇪", ) paths = SimpleNamespace( data=Path("./data/"), resources=Path("./data/resources/"), ) # --- Classes --- class ImageMetadata: """Represents the metadata of a single image.""" def __init__(self, metadata: list): self.filename: str = metadata[0] self.name: str = metadata[1] self.long_name: str = metadata[2] self.description: str = metadata[3] self.source: str = metadata[4] self.emoji: str = metadata[5] class ImagesGroup(collections.abc.Mapping): """Represents a group of images, loaded from a meta.json file.""" def __init__(self, file_path): self._images = {} self.path = file_path with open(file_path, "r") as file: images: dict = json.load(file) for key, imgdata in images.items(): self._images[key] = ImageMetadata(imgdata) # Wrappers to implement dict-like functionality def __len__(self): return len(self._images) def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> ImageMetadata: return self._images[key] def __iter__(self): return iter(self._images) # str(): Simply return what it would be for the underlaying dict def __str__(self): return str(self._images) # --- Exceptions --- class BotHTTPError(Exception): """Raised whan a requests fails (status != 200) in a command.""" def __init__(self, response: aiohttp.ClientResponse | httpx.Response): if isinstance(response, aiohttp.ClientResponse): self.status = response.status self.reason = response.reason else: self.status = response.status_code self.reason = response.reason_phrase msg = f"Request failed: {self.status} {self.reason}" super().__init__(msg) self.response = response # --- Converters --- class GlobalChannelConverter(commands.IDConverter): """Converter to get any bot-acessible channel by ID/mention (global), or name (in current guild only).""" async def convert(self, ctx: commands.Context, argument: str): bot = ctx.bot guild = ctx.guild match = self._get_id_match(argument) or re.match(r"<#([0-9]+)>$", argument) result = None if match is None: # not a mention/ID if guild: result = discord.utils.get(guild.text_channels, name=argument) else: raise commands.BadArgument(f"""Channel named "{argument}" not found in this guild.""") else: channel_id = int(match.group(1)) result = bot.get_channel(channel_id) if not isinstance(result, (discord.TextChannel, discord.abc.PrivateChannel)): raise commands.BadArgument(f"""Channel "{argument}" not found.""") return result # --- Helper functions --- def embed_factory(ctx: commands.Context) -> discord.Embed: """Creates an embed with neutral colour and standard footer.""" embed = discord.Embed(timestamp=datetime.now(timezone.utc), colour=colours.neutral) if ctx.author: embed.set_footer(text=str(ctx.author), icon_url=str(ctx.author.display_avatar)) return embed def error_embed_factory(ctx: commands.Context, exception: Exception, debug_mode: bool) -> discord.Embed: """Creates an Error embed.""" if debug_mode: fmtd_ex = traceback.format_exception(exception.__class__, exception, exception.__traceback__) else: fmtd_ex = traceback.format_exception_only(exception.__class__, exception) embed = embed_factory(ctx) embed.title = "⚠️ Error" embed.description = "```\n" + "\n".join(fmtd_ex) + "```" embed.colour = colours.bad return embed async def add_react(msg: discord.Message, react: Union[Emoji, PartialEmoji, str]): try: await msg.add_reaction(react) except discord.Forbidden: idpath = (f"{msg.guild.id}/" if msg.guild else "") + str(msg.channel.id) print(f"[!!] Missing permissions to add reaction in '{idpath}'!") # --- Checks --- async def check_if_owner(ctx: commands.Context): if ctx.author.id in opt.owners_uids: return True raise commands.NotOwner