""" Conversion extension for qrm --- Copyright (C) 2020-2021 classabbyamp, 0x5c SPDX-License-Identifier: LiLiQ-Rplus-1.1 """ import math from enum import Enum from typing import Optional from dataclasses import dataclass import discord.ext.commands as commands import common as cmn from data import options as opt # not sure why but UnitConverter and Unit need to be defined before DbConvCog and convert() class UnitConverter(commands.Converter): async def convert(self, ctx: commands.Context, argument: str): is_db = None mult = None unit = None utype = None try: s = argument.lower() if len(s) > 2 and s[:2] == "db": is_db = True if s[2:] in units: u = units[s[2:]] mult = u["mult"] unit = u["log"] utype = u["type"] elif s in units: is_db = False u = units[s] mult = u["mult"] unit = u["scalar"] utype = u["type"] else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid unit: {argument}") return Unit(argument, unit, utype, is_db, mult) except ValueError as e: raise commands.BadArgument(message=str(e)) class UnitType(Enum): voltage = 1 power = 2 antenna = 3 @dataclass class Unit: raw: str unit: str type: UnitType is_db: bool mult: int class DbConvCog(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot): self.bot = bot @commands.command(name="dbconv", aliases=["dbc"], category=cmn.Cats.CALC) async def _db_conv(self, ctx: commands.Context, value: Optional[float] = None, unit_from: Optional[UnitConverter] = None, unit_to: Optional[UnitConverter] = None): """ Convert between decibels and scalar values for voltage, power, and antenna gain. **Valid Units** *Voltage:* V, mV, µV, uV, dBV, dBmV, dBµV, dBuV *Power:* fW, mW, W, kW, dBf, dBm, dBW, dBk *Antenna Gain:* dBi, dBd, dBq """ embed = cmn.embed_factory(ctx) if value is not None and unit_from is not None and unit_to is not None: converted = convert(value, unit_from, unit_to) embed.title = f"{value:.3g} {unit_from.unit} = {converted:.3g} {unit_to.unit}" embed.colour = cmn.colours.good else: embed.title = "Decibel Quick Reference" embed.description = ( "Decibels are a great way to easily represent large quantities that are common in electronics. " "There are a few main types that are used often in radio: voltage, power, and antenna gain. " "Here are some commonly-used reference levels for each type:" ) v_db_info = ("**dBV** = relative to 1 V\n" "**dBmV** = relative to 1 mV (1e-3 V)\n" "**dBµV** = relative to 1 µV (1e-6 V)") embed.add_field(name="Voltage Decibels", value=v_db_info, inline=False) p_db_info = ("**dBW** = relative to 1 W\n" "**dBk** = relative to 1 kW (1e3 W)\n" "**dBm** = relative to 1 mW (1e-3 W)\n" "**dBf** = relative to 1 fW (1e-15 W)") embed.add_field(name="Power Decibels", value=p_db_info, inline=False) a_db_info = ("**dBi** = relative to a theoretical __i__sotropic radiator in free space " "(equal radiation in all directions)\n" "**dBd** = relative to a dipole in free space (0 dBd = 2.15 dBi)\n" "**dBq** = relative to a quarter-wave antenna in free space (0 dBq = -0.85 dBi)") embed.add_field(name="Antenna Gain Decibels", value=a_db_info, inline=False) embed.add_field(name="Use the bot to do the conversions", value=f"`{opt.display_prefix}dbconv [value] [unit_from] [unit_to]`", inline=False) await ctx.send(embed=embed) def setup(bot: commands.Bot): bot.add_cog(DbConvCog(bot)) def convert(initial: float, unit1: Unit, unit2: Unit): if unit1.type == unit2.type: # dB to dB if unit1.is_db and unit2.is_db: if unit1.mult == unit2.mult: return initial elif unit1.type == UnitType.voltage: return _calc_volt_db(_calc_volt(initial, unit1.mult), unit2.mult) elif unit1.type == UnitType.power: return _calc_power_db(_calc_power(initial, unit1.mult), unit2.mult) elif unit1.type == UnitType.antenna: return initial + (unit1.mult - unit2.mult) # V/W to V/W elif not unit1.is_db and not unit2.is_db: if unit1.mult == unit2.mult: return initial return initial * unit1.mult / unit2.mult # dB to V/W elif unit1.is_db and not unit2.is_db: if unit1.type == UnitType.voltage: return _calc_volt(initial, unit1.mult) / unit2.mult elif unit1.type == UnitType.power: return _calc_power(initial, unit1.mult) / unit2.mult # V/W to dB elif not unit1.is_db and unit2.is_db: if unit1.type == UnitType.voltage: return _calc_volt_db(initial * unit1.mult, unit2.mult) elif unit1.type == UnitType.power: return _calc_power_db(initial * unit1.mult, unit2.mult) raise ValueError(f"Can't convert between {unit1} and {unit2}") units = { # voltage "uv": {"mult": 1e-6, "scalar": "µV", "log": "dBµV", "type": UnitType.voltage}, "µv": {"mult": 1e-6, "scalar": "µV", "log": "dBµV", "type": UnitType.voltage}, "mv": {"mult": 1e-3, "scalar": "mV", "log": "dBmV", "type": UnitType.voltage}, "v": {"mult": 1, "scalar": "V", "log": "dBV", "type": UnitType.voltage}, # power "fw": {"mult": 1e-15, "scalar": "fW", "log": "dBf", "type": UnitType.power}, "f": {"mult": 1e-15, "scalar": "fW", "log": "dBf", "type": UnitType.power}, "mw": {"mult": 1e-3, "scalar": "mW", "log": "dBm", "type": UnitType.power}, "m": {"mult": 1e-3, "scalar": "mW", "log": "dBm", "type": UnitType.power}, "w": {"mult": 1, "scalar": "W", "log": "dBW", "type": UnitType.power}, "kw": {"mult": 1e3, "scalar": "kW", "log": "dBk", "type": UnitType.power}, "k": {"mult": 1e3, "scalar": "kW", "log": "dBk", "type": UnitType.power}, # antenna "q": {"mult": -0.85, "scalar": None, "log": "dBq", "type": UnitType.antenna}, "i": {"mult": 0, "scalar": None, "log": "dBi", "type": UnitType.antenna}, "d": {"mult": 2.15, "scalar": None, "log": "dBd", "type": UnitType.antenna}, } def _calc_power_db(p: float, ref: float): return 10 * math.log10(p / ref) def _calc_power(db: float, ref: float): return 10 ** (db / 10) * ref def _calc_volt_db(v: float, ref: float): return 20 * math.log10(v / ref) def _calc_volt(db: float, ref: float): return 10 ** (db / 20) * ref # testing code if __name__ == "__main__": while True: try: ip = input("> ").split() initial = float(ip[0]) unit1 = Unit(ip[1]) unit2 = Unit(ip[2]) conv = convert(initial, unit1, unit2) print(f"{initial:.2f} {unit1} = {conv:.2f} {unit2}") except ValueError as e: print(e)