""" Grid extension for qrm --- Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Abigail Gold, 0x5c This file is part of qrm2 and is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2. """ import gridtools import discord.ext.commands as commands import common as cmn class GridCog(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot): self.bot = bot @commands.command(name="grid", category=cmn.Cats.MAPS) async def _grid_sq_lookup(self, ctx: commands.Context, lat: float, lon: float): ("""Calculates the grid square for latitude and longitude coordinates.""" """\n\nCoordinates should be in decimal format, with negative being latitude South and longitude West.""" """\n\nTo calculate the latitude and longitude from a grid locator, use `latlong`""") latlong = gridtools.LatLong(lat, lon) grid = gridtools.Grid(latlong) embed = cmn.embed_factory(ctx) embed.title = f"Maidenhead Grid Locator for {latlong.lat:.5f}, {latlong.long:.5f}" embed.description = f"**{grid}**" embed.colour = cmn.colours.good await ctx.send(embed=embed) @commands.command(name="latlong", aliases=["latlon", "loc", "ungrid"], category=cmn.Cats.MAPS) async def _location_lookup(self, ctx: commands.Context, grid: str): ("""Calculates the latitude and longitude for the center of a grid locator.""" """\n\nTo calculate the grid locator from a latitude and longitude, use `grid`""" """\n\n*Warning: `ungrid` will be removed soon. Use one of the other names for this command.*""") grid_obj = gridtools.Grid(grid) embed = cmn.embed_factory(ctx) embed.title = f"Latitude and Longitude for {grid_obj}" embed.colour = cmn.colours.good embed.description = f"**{grid_obj.lat:.5f}, {grid_obj.long:.5f}**" if ctx.invoked_with == "ungrid": embed.add_field(name="Warning", value=(f"*`{ctx.prefix}ungrid` will be removed soon, use `{ctx.prefix}help " "latlong` to see other names for this command.*")) await ctx.send(embed=embed) @commands.command(name="griddistance", aliases=["griddist", "distance", "dist"], category=cmn.Cats.MAPS) async def _dist_lookup(self, ctx: commands.Context, grid1: str, grid2: str): """Calculates the great circle distance and azimuthal bearing between two grid locators.""" g1 = gridtools.Grid(grid1) g2 = gridtools.Grid(grid2) dist, bearing = gridtools.grid_distance(g1, g2) dist_mi = 0.6214 * dist embed = cmn.embed_factory(ctx) embed.title = f"Great Circle Distance and Bearing from {g1} to {g2}" embed.description = f"**Distance:** {dist:.1f} km ({dist_mi:.1f} mi)\n**Bearing:** {bearing:.1f}°" embed.colour = cmn.colours.good await ctx.send(embed=embed) def setup(bot: commands.Bot): bot.add_cog(GridCog(bot))