# Docker help for qrm2 You have multiple ways to use docker to run an instance of qrm2. - [Docker help for qrm2](#docker-help-for-qrm2) - [Using docker-compose and the prebuilt-image (recommended)](#using-docker-compose-and-the-prebuilt-image-recommended) - [Using docker-compose and building the image](#using-docker-compose-and-building-the-image) - [Using pure docker](#using-pure-docker) - [[Optional] Building the image](#optional-building-the-image) - [Creating the container](#creating-the-container) ## Using docker-compose and the prebuilt-image (recommended) This is the easiest method for running the bot without any modifications. **Do not clone the repository when using this method!** 1. Create a new directory and `cd` into it. 2. Create the `docker-compose.yml` file: ```yaml version: '3' services: qrm2: image: "classabbyamp/qrm2:latest" # OR # image: "docker.pkg.github.com/miaowware/qrm2/qrm2:latest" restart: on-failure volumes: - "./data:/app/data:rw" environment: - PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 ``` > Note that there are two possible sources for the image: docker's and github's registry. Github's registry requires [a few extra steps](https://docs.github.com/en/packages/using-github-packages-with-your-projects-ecosystem/configuring-docker-for-use-with-github-packages) during the initial setup. 3. Create a subdirectory named `data`. 4. Copy the templates for `options.py` and `keys.py` to `data/`, and edit them. 5. Run `docker-compose`: ```none $ docker-compose pull $ docker-compose up -d ``` > Run without "-d" to test the bot. (run in foreground) ## Using docker-compose and building the image This is the easiest method to run the bot with modifications. 1. `cd` into the repository. 2. Create the `docker-compose.yml` file: ```yaml version: '3' services: qrm2: build: . image: "qrm2:local-latest" restart: on-failure volumes: - "./data:/app/data:rw" environment: - PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 ``` 3. Create a subdirectory named `data`. 4. Copy the templates for `options.py` and `keys.py` to `data/`, and edit them. 5. Run `docker-compose`: ```none $ docker-compose build --pull $ docker-compose up -d ``` > Run without "-d" to test the bot. (run in foreground) ## Using pure docker This methods is not very nice to use. *I just wanna run the darn thing, not do gymnastics!* ### [Optional] Building the image 1. `cd` into the repository. 2. Run docker build: ```none $ docker build -t qrm2:local-latest . ``` ### Creating the container 1. Be in a directory with a `data/` subdirectory, which should contain valid `options.py` and `keys.py` files (copy and edit the templates). 2. Run the container: ```none $ docker run -d --rm --mount type=bind,src=$(pwd)/data,dst=/app/data --name qrm2 [image] ``` Where `[image]` is either of: - `discord-qrm2:local-latest` if you are building your own. - `classabbyamp/discord-qrm2:latest` if you want to use the prebuilt image.